C++ 二叉树搜索未返回预期值

C++ 二叉树搜索未返回预期值,c++,binary-tree,binary-search-tree,binary-search,C++,Binary Tree,Binary Search Tree,Binary Search,如果我有一个结构: struct node{ int key_value; node * p_left; node * p_right; }; 和添加功能: node* add(node * p_tree, int key) { //--The base case of the recursive function will be placed in here //--since binary trees are recursive in nature and linked


struct node{
  int key_value;
  node * p_left;
  node * p_right;

node* add(node * p_tree, int key) {
  //--The base case of the recursive function will be placed in here
  //--since binary trees are recursive in nature and linked data structures
  //--are as a whole in terms of space and memory, the recursive function will
  //--suffice for most cases involving binary trees.
  //--In this case, if the given parameter is null, we create the tree
  //--by allocating the necessary memory space
  if (p_tree == NULL) {
    node * pnew_tree = new node;
    pnew_tree->p_left = NULL;
    pnew_tree->p_right = NULL;
    pnew_tree->key_value = key;
    cout << "Added node: " << pnew_tree->key_value << endl;
    return pnew_tree;
  }// end of base case

  //--Depending of the value of the node, we determine if we will add to the left side or the right side of the subtree
  if (key < p_tree->key_value){
    // if it is less than the value, we add to the left
    p_tree->p_left = add(p_tree->p_left, key);
    p_tree->p_right = add(p_tree->p_right, key);
  return p_tree;
} // end of function
node* search(node *p_tree, int key) {
  if (p_tree != NULL) { 
    if(key == p_tree->key_value){
      cout << "Node found" << endl;
      return p_tree;
    if(key < p_tree->key_value){
      return search(p_tree->p_left, key);
      return search(p_tree->p_right, key);
      return NULL;

}//--End of recursive search function

node* add(node * p_tree, int key) {
  //--The base case of the recursive function will be placed in here
  //--since binary trees are recursive in nature and linked data structures
  //--are as a whole in terms of space and memory, the recursive function will
  //--suffice for most cases involving binary trees.
  //--In this case, if the given parameter is null, we create the tree
  //--by allocating the necessary memory space
  if (p_tree == NULL) {
    node * pnew_tree = new node;
    pnew_tree->p_left = NULL;
    pnew_tree->p_right = NULL;
    pnew_tree->key_value = key;
    cout << "Added node: " << pnew_tree->key_value << endl;
    return pnew_tree;
  }// end of base case

  //--Depending of the value of the node, we determine if we will add to the left side or the right side of the subtree
  if (key < p_tree->key_value){
    // if it is less than the value, we add to the left
    p_tree->p_left = add(p_tree->p_left, key);
    p_tree->p_right = add(p_tree->p_right, key);
  return p_tree;
} // end of function
node* search(node *p_tree, int key) {
  if (p_tree != NULL) { 
    if(key == p_tree->key_value){
      cout << "Node found" << endl;
      return p_tree;
    if(key < p_tree->key_value){
      return search(p_tree->p_left, key);
      return search(p_tree->p_right, key);
      return NULL;

}//--End of recursive search function

 cout << "Testing to see if it is there" << endl;
 if (search(myBinaryTree,1) == NULL {
   cout << "Node not found" << endl;
是否未找到输出节点而不是找到节点? 据我所知,add函数不返回NULL,为什么会这样? 我曾尝试研究过类似的问题,但无法充分理解其中的代码以提出自己的解决方案,我也不太熟悉使用IDEcodeblocks进行调试,因此不知道该去哪里。 我只需要一个逻辑修复,因为我自己似乎找不到一个



node* myBinaryTree = NULL;

node* myBinaryTree = NULL;
myBinaryTree = add(myBinaryTree,1);
cout << "Testing to see if it is there" << endl;
if (search(myBinaryTree,1) == NULL) {
    cout << "Node not found" << endl;

在这里发布之前,您的第一步是在调试器中运行它。为什么您的add函数返回指针?我希望add或insert函数将节点添加到列表中;不需要返回值。需要更多的代码来澄清树是如何实现的。@KevinDTimm如果不是因为我对调试一无所知,那就太好了,如果我知道如何实现,我会很高兴实现上述解决方案,也不会在这里询问,但我目前没有时间,需要想出一个快速的解决方案。@ AlxyAdL04:考虑程序是学习调试器的第一步。如果需要快速解决方案,请使用std::map;或者一个外部库,因为它们已经被调试过了,可以节省宝贵的开发时间来学习调试器。要解决这个问题,您应该发布myBinaryTree声明,包括所有分配。如果myBinaryTree的成员没有正确初始化,我不会感到惊讶@AlxyAdL04:你使用C++,而不是C,所以我强烈建议在构造函数中初始化结构的成员。我强烈建议您学习如何使用调试器!对于这样的代码,您可以在不到20秒的时间内正常解决此类问题。明白了!我非常感谢帮助我解决这个问题的努力。我的假设是,我可以调用该函数,并且不必将其作为赋值传递,因为它正在使用指针,因此认为这本身就足以在节点上工作。很容易修复,现在效果很好,谢谢。