我的kd树遍历代码哪里错了? 我优化了C++的光线跟踪程序。我在树上追踪单一光线。到目前为止,我使用的是Havran的递归算法“B”,对于OOP来说,它似乎是过时的、夸张的。我的新代码尽可能短,希望编译器更容易优化,维护也更容易: struct StackElement{ KDTreeNode<PT>* node; float tmax; array<float, 3> origin; }; //initializing explicit stack stack<StackElement> mystack; //initialize local variables KDTreeNode<PT>* node = tree.root; array<float, 3> origin {ray.origin[0], ray.origin[1], ray.origin[2]}; const array<float, 3> direction {ray.direction[0], ray.direction[1], ray.direction[2]}; const array<float, 3> invDirection {1.0f / ray.direction[0], 1.0f / ray.direction[1], 1.0f / ray.direction[2]}; float tmax = numeric_limits<float>::max(); float tClosestIntersection = numeric_limits<float>::max(); bool notFullyTraversed = true; while(notFullyTraversed) { if (node->isLeaf()) { //test all primitives inside the leaf for (auto p : node->primitives()) { p->intersect(ray, tClosestIntersection, intersection, tmax); } //test if leaf + empty stack => return if (nodeStack.empty()) { notFullyTraversed = false; } else { //pop all stack origin = mystack.top().origin; tmax = mystack.top().tmax; node = mystack.top().node; mystack.pop(); } } else { //get axis of node and its split plane const int axis = node->axis(); const float plane = node->splitposition(); //test if ray is not parallel to plane if ((fabs(direction[axis]) > EPSILON)) { const float t = (plane - origin[axis]) * invDirection[axis]; //case of the ray intersecting the plane, then test both childs if (0.0f < t && t < tmax) { //traverse near first, then far. Set tmax = t for near tmax = t; //push only far child onto stack mystack.push({ (origin[axis] > plane ) ? node->leftChild() : node->rightChild() , tmax - t, {origin[0] + direction[0] * t, origin[1] + direction[1] * t, origin[2] + direction[2] * t} }); } } //in every case: traverse near child first node = (origin[axis] > plane) ? node->rightChild() : node->leftChild(); } } return intersection.found;

我的kd树遍历代码哪里错了? 我优化了C++的光线跟踪程序。我在树上追踪单一光线。到目前为止,我使用的是Havran的递归算法“B”,对于OOP来说,它似乎是过时的、夸张的。我的新代码尽可能短,希望编译器更容易优化,维护也更容易: struct StackElement{ KDTreeNode<PT>* node; float tmax; array<float, 3> origin; }; //initializing explicit stack stack<StackElement> mystack; //initialize local variables KDTreeNode<PT>* node = tree.root; array<float, 3> origin {ray.origin[0], ray.origin[1], ray.origin[2]}; const array<float, 3> direction {ray.direction[0], ray.direction[1], ray.direction[2]}; const array<float, 3> invDirection {1.0f / ray.direction[0], 1.0f / ray.direction[1], 1.0f / ray.direction[2]}; float tmax = numeric_limits<float>::max(); float tClosestIntersection = numeric_limits<float>::max(); bool notFullyTraversed = true; while(notFullyTraversed) { if (node->isLeaf()) { //test all primitives inside the leaf for (auto p : node->primitives()) { p->intersect(ray, tClosestIntersection, intersection, tmax); } //test if leaf + empty stack => return if (nodeStack.empty()) { notFullyTraversed = false; } else { //pop all stack origin = mystack.top().origin; tmax = mystack.top().tmax; node = mystack.top().node; mystack.pop(); } } else { //get axis of node and its split plane const int axis = node->axis(); const float plane = node->splitposition(); //test if ray is not parallel to plane if ((fabs(direction[axis]) > EPSILON)) { const float t = (plane - origin[axis]) * invDirection[axis]; //case of the ray intersecting the plane, then test both childs if (0.0f < t && t < tmax) { //traverse near first, then far. Set tmax = t for near tmax = t; //push only far child onto stack mystack.push({ (origin[axis] > plane ) ? node->leftChild() : node->rightChild() , tmax - t, {origin[0] + direction[0] * t, origin[1] + direction[1] * t, origin[2] + direction[2] * t} }); } } //in every case: traverse near child first node = (origin[axis] > plane) ? node->rightChild() : node->leftChild(); } } return intersection.found;,c++,c++11,raytracing,tree-traversal,kdtree,C++,C++11,Raytracing,Tree Traversal,Kdtree,它没有足够频繁地穿过远处的孩子。我在哪里会错过相关案例?一个问题是小的原始错误代码: //traverse near first, then far. Set tmax = t for near tmax = t; //push only far child onto stack mystack.push({ ... , tmax - t, ... }); 它总是将0.0f推到堆栈上作为远节点的出口距离,这意味着交叉点不接受正t 交换两行



      //traverse near first, then far. Set tmax = t for near
      tmax = t;
      //push only far child onto stack
      mystack.push({ ... , tmax - t,  ...    });


