C++ 将引用参数传递给汇编函数

C++ 将引用参数传递给汇编函数,c++,assembly,x86,C++,Assembly,X86,我有一个包含3个引用参数的函数,其中包含一些汇编代码。 我想得到变量R,G,B中函数的结果,如下所示 void Get_RGB_color(const DWORD &color, uint8_t &R, uint8_t & G, uint8_t & B) { _asm { push EAX; xor EAX, EAX; mov EAX,color; mov R, AL;

我有一个包含3个引用参数的函数,其中包含一些汇编代码。 我想得到变量R,G,B中函数的结果,如下所示

     void Get_RGB_color(const DWORD &color, uint8_t &R, uint8_t & G, uint8_t & B)     {

    _asm {
        push EAX;
        xor EAX, EAX;
        mov EAX,color;
        mov R, AL;
        mov G, AH;
        shr EAX, 16;
        mov B, AL;
        pop EAX;

DWORD  color=RGB(76,0,0);
uint8_t R,   G, B;
Get_RGB_color(color , R ,G ,B );

1-在EAX中获取错误值 mov-EAX,颜色


mov-R,AL; mov G,啊,; mov-B,AL


(EAX、EDX和ECX是Win32 ABI中的调用方保存寄存器;其他是调用方保存寄存器。)




mov EAX, DWORD PTR [color]   ; get the address of color
mov EAX, DWORD PTR [EAX]     ; dereference it, storing the result in EAX


mov EDX, DWORD PTR [R]    ; get the address of R
mov BYTE PTR [EDX], AL    ; dereference it so we can store AL in there


mov EDX, DWORD PTR [G]    ; get the address of G
mov BYTE PTR [EDX], AH    ; dereference it so we can store AH in there


mov EDX, DWORD PTR [B]    ; get the address of B
mov BYTE PTR [EDX], AL    ; dereference it so we can store AL in there


void Get_RGB_color(const DWORD &color, uint8_t &R, uint8_t & G, uint8_t & B) 
        mov  EAX, DWORD PTR [color]
        mov  EAX, DWORD PTR [EAX]

        mov  EDX, DWORD PTR [R]
        mov  BYTE PTR [EDX], AL

        mov  EDX, DWORD PTR [G]
        mov  BYTE PTR [EDX], AH

        shr  EAX, 16
        mov  EDX, DWORD PTR [B]
        mov  BYTE PTR [EDX], AL

void Get_RGB_color(const DWORD &color, uint8_t &R, uint8_t & G, uint8_t & B) 
        mov  EAX, DWORD PTR [color]   ; get the address of color
        mov  EAX, DWORD PTR [EAX]     ; get the value in EAX

        mov  EDX, DWORD PTR [R]       ; get the address of R
        mov  CL,  BYTE PTR [EAX]      ; get the value of the lowest byte (8 bits) of color
        mov  BYTE PTR [EDX], CL       ; dereference R and store that byte in it

        mov  EDX, DWORD PTR [G]       ; get the address of G
        mov  CL, BYTE PTR [EAX + 1]   ; get the value of the second-to-lowest byte in color
        mov  BYTE PTR [EDX], CL       ; dereference G and store that byte in it

        mov  EDX, DWORD PTR [B]       ; get the address of B
        mov  CL, BYTE PTR [EAX + 2]   ; get the value of the third-to-lowest byte in color
        mov  BYTE PTR [EDX], CL       ; dereference B and store that byte in it

void Get_RGB_color(const DWORD &color, uint8_t &R, uint8_t & G, uint8_t & B) 
            mov    EAX, DWORD PTR [color]
            mov    EAX, DWORD PTR [EAX]

            mov    EDX, DWORD PTR [R]
            movzx  ECX, BYTE PTR [EAX]
            mov    BYTE PTR [EDX], CL

            mov    EDX, DWORD PTR [G]
            movzx  ECX, BYTE PTR [EAX + 1]
            mov    BYTE PTR [EDX], CL

            mov    EDX, DWORD PTR [B]
            movzx  ECX, BYTE PTR [EAX + 2]
            mov    BYTE PTR [EDX], CL

void Get_RGB_color(const DWORD &color, uint8_t &R, uint8_t & G, uint8_t & B) 
    R = (color & 0xFF);
    G = ((color >>  8) & 0xFF);
    B = ((color >> 16) & 0xFF);


int foo;/**/

mov EDX, DWORD PTR [B]    ; get the address of B
mov BYTE PTR [EDX], AL    ; dereference it so we can store AL in there
pop EAX;
void Get_RGB_color(const DWORD &color, uint8_t &R, uint8_t & G, uint8_t & B) 
        mov  EAX, DWORD PTR [color]
        mov  EAX, DWORD PTR [EAX]

        mov  EDX, DWORD PTR [R]
        mov  BYTE PTR [EDX], AL

        mov  EDX, DWORD PTR [G]
        mov  BYTE PTR [EDX], AH

        shr  EAX, 16
        mov  EDX, DWORD PTR [B]
        mov  BYTE PTR [EDX], AL
void Get_RGB_color(const DWORD &color, uint8_t &R, uint8_t & G, uint8_t & B) 
        mov  EAX, DWORD PTR [color]   ; get the address of color
        mov  EAX, DWORD PTR [EAX]     ; get the value in EAX

        mov  EDX, DWORD PTR [R]       ; get the address of R
        mov  CL,  BYTE PTR [EAX]      ; get the value of the lowest byte (8 bits) of color
        mov  BYTE PTR [EDX], CL       ; dereference R and store that byte in it

        mov  EDX, DWORD PTR [G]       ; get the address of G
        mov  CL, BYTE PTR [EAX + 1]   ; get the value of the second-to-lowest byte in color
        mov  BYTE PTR [EDX], CL       ; dereference G and store that byte in it

        mov  EDX, DWORD PTR [B]       ; get the address of B
        mov  CL, BYTE PTR [EAX + 2]   ; get the value of the third-to-lowest byte in color
        mov  BYTE PTR [EDX], CL       ; dereference B and store that byte in it
void Get_RGB_color(const DWORD &color, uint8_t &R, uint8_t & G, uint8_t & B) 
            mov    EAX, DWORD PTR [color]
            mov    EAX, DWORD PTR [EAX]

            mov    EDX, DWORD PTR [R]
            movzx  ECX, BYTE PTR [EAX]
            mov    BYTE PTR [EDX], CL

            mov    EDX, DWORD PTR [G]
            movzx  ECX, BYTE PTR [EAX + 1]
            mov    BYTE PTR [EDX], CL

            mov    EDX, DWORD PTR [B]
            movzx  ECX, BYTE PTR [EAX + 2]
            mov    BYTE PTR [EDX], CL
void Get_RGB_color(const DWORD &color, uint8_t &R, uint8_t & G, uint8_t & B) 
    R = (color & 0xFF);
    G = ((color >>  8) & 0xFF);
    B = ((color >> 16) & 0xFF);
int foo;/**/