C++ WaitForSingleObject在使用VC9编译器时挂起在VC12中

C++ WaitForSingleObject在使用VC9编译器时挂起在VC12中,c++,multithreading,pipeline,C++,Multithreading,Pipeline,以下代码在VC9编译器中工作,而同一代码在VC12中不工作。你需要改变结构吗 问题来自WaitForSingleObject pi.hProcess,无限;线 在这一行之后,代码没有执行 bool MyClass::check() { CSA_TRY { HANDLE hPipeOutputRead = NULL; HANDLE hPipeOutputWrite = NULL; PROCESS_INFORMAT


问题来自WaitForSingleObject pi.hProcess,无限;线 在这一行之后,代码没有执行

bool MyClass::check()

        HANDLE hPipeOutputRead      = NULL; 
        HANDLE hPipeOutputWrite = NULL; 
        PROCESS_INFORMATION pi      = {0}; 
        STARTUPINFO si              = {0}; 
        SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa      = {0}; 

        // Create a pipe for the child's STDOUT. 
        sa.nLength = sizeof( SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES ); 
        sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE; 
        sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; 

        // Create pipe for standard output redirection. 
        CreatePipe( &hPipeOutputRead,           // read handle 
            &hPipeOutputWrite,          // write handle 
            &sa,                        // security attributes 
            0                           // number of bytes reserved for pipe - 0 default 
            );  // Create pipe for standard input redirection. 

        // Make child process use hPipeOutputWrite as standard out, 
        // and make sure it does not show on screen. 
        si.cb           = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); 
        //si.cb         = sizeof(si);
        si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; 
        si.hStdOutput  = hPipeOutputWrite; 
        si.hStdError   = hPipeOutputWrite; 

        TCHAR commandLine[ MAX_PATH ] = _T("cmd.exe ver"); 

        //spawn a new child process...
        CreateProcess(      NULL, 
            NULL, NULL, 
            TRUE, 0, 
            NULL, NULL, 
            &si, &pi

        // Now that handles have been inherited, close it to be safe. 
        // You don't want to read or write to them accidentally. 
        CloseHandle( hPipeOutputWrite ); 

        // Now capture the application output by reading hPipeOutputRead.

        DWORD dwNumberOfBytesRead = 0; 
        CHAR szBuffer[ 65535 ]; 
        CString conOut; 
        BOOL bTest = TRUE; 

        bTest   =   ReadFile( hPipeOutputRead,              // handle of the read end of our pipe 
            &szBuffer,              // address of buffer that receives data 
            256,                    // number of bytes to read 
            &dwNumberOfBytesRead,   // address of number of bytes read 
            NULL                    // non-overlapped. 

        szBuffer[dwNumberOfBytesRead] = 0;  // null terminate 
        conOut = szBuffer;

        WaitForSingleObject ( pi.hProcess, INFINITE );

        // Close all remaining handles 
        CloseHandle ( pi.hProcess ); 
        CloseHandle ( hPipeOutputRead );

        return true;

您正在启动进程cmd.exe ver。如果在资源管理器WindowsR中手动运行此操作,则可以看到cmd.exe ver打印出Windows版本,然后保持打开状态。程序将等待cmd.exe版本退出




它等待进程关闭。因为您通过了无限,它将继续等待,直到进程关闭。这是预期的行为。您没有检查代码中的任何地方的返回值,因此您实际上无法了解问题发生的位置;它甚至不知道你用的是哪种编译器。这表明问题在其他地方,例如,在可能触发您正在等待的事件的代码中。请提供可编译的。请比较一下。我试过使用cmd.exe/c ver和格式化字符串,例如:swprintf_s commandLine1,L%s/c%s,cmd,input;但它仍然不起作用。conOut=szBuffer;未获取版本的值。