C++ 多线程客户机/服务器原型中的分段错误

C++ 多线程客户机/服务器原型中的分段错误,c++,multithreading,sockets,pthreads,C++,Multithreading,Sockets,Pthreads,我正在开发一个算法原型,该算法在一组节点上工作,其中每个节点都与所有其他节点保持连接并发送消息 为了发送消息,节点首先发送固定大小的消息头,然后发送数据 经过大量工作,我得出结论,问题在于代码的多线程编程部分。因此,我将此代码创建为PoC 该原型设计为在编译过程中定义一台服务器和多个客户机 服务器负责在单独的线程上侦听一些客户端。由于这只是一个原型,我们将删除数据 每个客户机通过两个步骤将数据发送到服务器:头,然后使用send_消息发送主体 顺便说一下,该算法应该在从每个客户端到服务器的特定带宽









client.cpp: server.cpp: 信息h: 职能h: 网络.h: 生成文件: 当在环回上运行代码时,一切正常,但是当在不同的服务器上测试它时,实际上,不同的数据中心有时工作正常,而其他的则没有问题






typedef struct {
    // Message ID
    unsigned mID;
    // IP of sender
    struct in_addr sender;
    // Message size
    size_t datasize;
} header_type;

在某些架构上,无符号和大小\u t可能为32位,在其他架构上,它们可能为64位或16位

此外,struct in_addr是特定于实现的,因此消息头在不同的操作系统上看起来可能不同,服务器运行在哪个操作系统上?哪个版本




我会考虑一个消息大小的联盟,或者将消息大小长度限制为32位UTIT32×T,这样我就可以使用POSIX。 旁注




我希望您的服务器不会接受比其CPU核更多的客户端。。。由于上下文切换过多,运行所有这些线程会降低速度。。。为什么不使用现有的库呢?@Mohamad jaafar有什么办法吗?它看起来不像可能的那么小,因此一些读者可能很难理解这个问题并为你的问题创造一个好的答案。你写道:“有时它没有任何问题,而其他的则没有。”我仍然不知道问题是什么。你的程序崩溃了吗?你收到错误信息了吗?是否没有收到任何数据?是否接收到错误数据?另一种想法是,消息头类型与体系结构无关。在某些架构上,无符号和大小\u t可能为32位,在其他架构上,它们可能为64位或16位。。。此外,struct in_addr是特定于实现的,服务器运行在哪个操作系统上。。。除非你确信所有的节点都运行在同一操作系统和体系结构中,所以考虑使用字节流和比特特定类型,即UIT64 64和UIT88T cliclidADDR(16)…以及数字数据的网络顺序字节。谢谢@orbitcowboy,我现在就检查它。真正的问题是序列化。此外,您还添加了一点。
#include "network.h"


int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

    std::cout << "HEADER: " << HEADER << std::endl;
    get_server_arguments(argc, argv);

    // Create several threads to listen for incoming connections
    // and read data from several clients simultaneously
    start_listening_threads ();

    return 0;


void usage (char *argv){

    std::cout << "usage: " << argv << " [-p port]" << std::endl;

#ifndef __MESSAGE__
#define __MESSAGE__

#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include "func.h"


// The header structure
typedef struct {

    // Message ID
    unsigned mID;

    // IP of sender
    struct in_addr sender;

    // Message sie
    size_t datasize;



#define HEADER sizeof(header_type)


 * Message Class
class message
        // Message header
        header_type * header;

        // Message text
        byte * text;


        // Message Accessors, mutators and related functions
        byte * get_text();
        header_type * get_header();
        void set_datasize(size_t);
        size_t get_datasize();
        struct in_addr get_sender();
        void set_ID(unsigned);
        unsigned get_ID();
        void print();

        message(int,struct in_addr,size_t);
        message(header_type *, size_t);

        message & operator = (const message&);
        message(const message&);


extern std::queue <message * > sending_messages_queue;

 * Constructor used for initializing complete messages

message::message(int ID,struct in_addr IP,size_t d_s){

    header = (header_type *) malloc (HEADER);

    header -> mID = ID;
    header -> datasize = d_s;
    header -> sender.s_addr = IP.s_addr;

    if (d_s > 0){
        text = (byte *) malloc (d_s);
        memset (text, '.', d_s);
    else text = NULL;

 * Copy constructor (Initialize)

message::message(const message& other){

    header = (header_type *) malloc (HEADER);

    std::memcpy (header, other.header, HEADER);

    if (header -> datasize > 0){
        text = (byte *) malloc (header -> datasize);
        std::memcpy (text, other.text, header -> datasize);
    } else
        text = NULL;

 * destructor
 * Message destructor

message::~message() {
    if (text != NULL){
        text = NULL;

 * Assignment operator (Update)

message & message::operator = (const message& other) {

    header = (header_type *) malloc (HEADER);

    std::memcpy (header, other.header, HEADER);

    if (header -> datasize >0){
        text = (byte *) malloc (header -> datasize);
        std::memcpy (text, other.text, header -> datasize);
    } else
        text = NULL;

    return *this;


* another constructor

message::message(header_type *h, size_t s){

    header = (header_type *) malloc (HEADER);

    std::memcpy (header, h, HEADER);

    if (s > 0){
        text = (byte *) malloc (s);
        std::memset (text, '.', s);
    } else
        text = NULL;


* get_header
* Header accessor

header_type * message::get_header(){
    return header;


* get_text
* Text accessor

byte * message::get_text(){
    return text;


* get_sender
* Sender IP accessor

struct in_addr message::get_sender(){
    return header -> sender;


* get_datasize
* datasize accessor

size_t message::get_datasize(){
    return header -> datasize;


* set_ID
* ID mutator
void message::set_ID(unsigned ID) {
    header -> mID = ID;


* get_ID
* ID Accessor
unsigned message::get_ID() {
    return header -> mID;


* set_datasize
* datasize mutator
void message::set_datasize(size_t d) {
    header -> datasize = d;


* print
void message::print() {
    std::cout << header -> mID << "," << inet_ntoa (header -> sender)  << "," << header -> datasize;

    std::cout << std::endl;

// Some support functions

using namespace std;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <math.h>


typedef uint8_t byte;
const unsigned long kilo = 1024;
const unsigned long mega = 1024 * kilo;
const unsigned long giga = 1024 * mega;
const unsigned MESSAGE_SIZE = 10 * kilo;


int port = 4444;
int throughput = 100;
int newsockfd [CLIENTS];


void usage (char *argv);


 * subtract_time
 * Subtracts time to handle negative values

struct timeval subtract_time (struct timeval * left_operand, struct timeval * right_operand){

    struct timeval res;

    if (left_operand -> tv_sec >= right_operand -> tv_sec){
        if (left_operand -> tv_usec >= right_operand -> tv_usec){

            res.tv_sec = left_operand -> tv_sec - right_operand -> tv_sec;
            res.tv_usec = left_operand -> tv_usec - right_operand -> tv_usec;
            res.tv_sec = left_operand -> tv_sec - right_operand -> tv_sec - 1;
            res.tv_usec = 1000000 + left_operand -> tv_usec - right_operand -> tv_usec;

    return res;


void get_server_arguments (int argc, char *argv[]){

    int i = 1;
    while (i < argc){

        if (strcmp (argv [i], "-p") ==0){

            port = atoi (argv [i + 1]);
            i+= 2;
        else usage (argv [0]);


void get_client_arguments (int argc, char *argv[]){

    int i = 2;

    while (i < argc){

        if (strcmp (argv [i], "-p") ==0){

            port = atoi (argv [i + 1]);
            i+= 2;

        else if (strcmp (argv [i], "-t") ==0){

            throughput = atoi (argv [i + 1]);
            i+= 2;
        else usage (argv [0]);


void print_bandwidth(unsigned long long sz){

    double size;

    if (sz > giga){

        // Round result and show two decimal values
        size = round (sz / (giga /1000));
        std::cout << size /1000 << " Gb/s"<< std::endl;
    else if (sz > mega){

        // Round result and show two decimal values
        size = round (sz / (mega /100));
        std::cout << size /100 << " Mb/s"<< std::endl;
    else if (sz > kilo){

        // Round result and show one decimal value
        size = round (sz /( kilo /10));
        std::cout << size /10 << " Kb/s"<< std::endl;
        std::cout << sz << " b/s"<< std::endl;

// Network related functions

#include "message.h"
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>


void read_message (int);
int accept_connection (int);
void * listening (void *);


unsigned burst_size;
bool NAGLE = false;
struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
struct timeval recent_elapsed_time_val {0,0};
struct timeval start_tv;
int initial_listening_socket;
unsigned connections = 0;


void listen_for_connections (){

    // Server: Listens for connections from clients
    struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;

    initial_listening_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
    if (initial_listening_socket < 0)
        std::cerr << "ERROR opening socket";
    bzero((char *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr));
    serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    serv_addr.sin_port = htons(port);
    serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;

    if (bind(initial_listening_socket, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr,sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0)
        std::cerr << "ERROR on binding"<<std::endl;



int accept_connection (){

    // Server: Accepts connections from client
    int newsockfd;
    socklen_t clilen;
    struct sockaddr_in cli_addr;

    clilen = sizeof(cli_addr);

    std::cout << "waiting for new connection .." << std::endl; 
    newsockfd = accept(initial_listening_socket, (struct sockaddr *) &cli_addr, &clilen);

    std::cout << "received new connection .." << std::endl;

    connections ++;

    if (connections == CLIENTS)

    return newsockfd;


int connect_to_server(struct hostent *server){

    // Client: Connects to server
    int sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
    if (sockfd < 0)
        std::cerr << "ERROR opening socket";

    if (server == NULL){
        std::cerr << stderr << "ERROR, no such host"<< std::endl;

    int flag;
    if (NAGLE) flag = 0;
    else flag = 1;

    if (setsockopt (sockfd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char *) &flag, sizeof(int)) ==-1){
        perror ("ERROR on setting TCP_NODELAY!");
        std::terminate ();

    bzero((char *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr));
    serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    bcopy((char *)server->h_addr,(char *)&serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr,server->h_length);
    serv_addr.sin_port = htons(port);

    if (connect(sockfd,(struct sockaddr *)&serv_addr,sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0)
        std::cerr <<"ERROR connecting"<< std::endl;

    return sockfd;


void start_listening_threads (){

    // Server: Creates listening threads
    pthread_t listening_thread [CLIENTS];

    listen_for_connections ();

    for(unsigned i=0;i< CLIENTS;i++){

        unsigned * arg = (unsigned *) malloc(sizeof(*arg));

        if ( arg == NULL ) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate memory for thread arg.\n");

        *arg = i;

        pthread_create(&listening_thread[i], NULL,(void* (*)(void*))&listening, arg);

    for(unsigned i=0;i< CLIENTS;i++){

        pthread_join (listening_thread[i], NULL);


void * listening (void *a){

    // Server: Start listening after establishing a connection with the client
    int i = *((int *) a);

    newsockfd [i] = accept_connection ();

    while (1){

        read_message (newsockfd [i]);

    return NULL;


void measure_throughput(unsigned counter){

    // Client: Tracks throughput and keeps on the wanted threshold
    struct timeval current_time;

    // Get the current time in order to track the throughput
    gettimeofday (&current_time, NULL);
    struct timeval elapsed_time_val = subtract_time (&current_time, &start_tv);

    double elapsed = elapsed_time_val.tv_sec+ (elapsed_time_val.tv_usec/1000000.0);

    unsigned long long sent_bytes = counter * (MESSAGE_SIZE + HEADER);
    if (elapsed > 0){

        // Calculate the expected time to send sent_bytes
        double theoretical_time = (sent_bytes) / ((throughput * mega) / 8.0);

        // Compare the expected time with the real elapsed time
        if (theoretical_time > elapsed){
            __useconds_t additional_time = (theoretical_time - elapsed) * 1000000;
            usleep (additional_time);

    if (elapsed_time_val.tv_sec > recent_elapsed_time_val.tv_sec){
        unsigned sending_throughput = (unsigned)((sent_bytes * 8) / (mega * elapsed * 1.0));
        std::cout << "throughput: " << sending_throughput << std::endl;
        recent_elapsed_time_val = elapsed_time_val;


void send_message (message * m, int sockfd){

    // Client: Send on message header then data.
    if (write (sockfd, m -> get_header(), HEADER) == -1){

        perror ("Error exporting Header to socket");
        close (sockfd);
        exit (1);

    if (write (sockfd, m -> get_text (), MESSAGE_SIZE) == -1){

        perror ("Error exporting Header to socket");
        close (sockfd);
        exit (1);


void read_message (int sockfd){

    // Server: Listens for one message header then text.
    int receivedPackage = 0;
    int pos = 0;
    int expected_bytes = HEADER;
    header_type header;

    while (expected_bytes >0){

        if ((receivedPackage = read(sockfd, &header + pos, expected_bytes)) < 0){
            perror ("ERROR importing message header from socket!");
        pos += receivedPackage;
        expected_bytes -= receivedPackage;

    if (header.datasize != MESSAGE_SIZE){
        message * m = new message (&header, (size_t)0);
        m-> print ();

    pos = 0;
    receivedPackage = 0;
    expected_bytes = MESSAGE_SIZE;
    byte text [MESSAGE_SIZE];

    while (expected_bytes >0){

        if ((receivedPackage = read(sockfd, text + pos, expected_bytes)) < 0){
            perror ("ERROR importing message header from socket!");
        pos += receivedPackage;
        expected_bytes -= receivedPackage;


void multi_unicaster (int sockfd){

    unsigned counter=0;

    gettimeofday (&start_tv, NULL);

    while (1){

        counter ++;

        struct in_addr IP;

        inet_aton ("",&IP);

        message * m = new message (counter, IP, MESSAGE_SIZE);

        if (m -> get_datasize () != MESSAGE_SIZE)
            m-> print ();

        send_message (m,sockfd);

        delete m;


all: server client

FLAGS=-Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -pthread $(ARGS) -std=c++11 -g -rdynamic -lpthread

output/%.o: %.cpp
    g++ $(CXXFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<

client: output/client.o
    g++ $(FLAGS) -o $@ $^

server: output/server.o
    g++ $(FLAGS) -o $@ $^

    rm -rf output/* *~ server client
typedef struct {
    // Message ID
    unsigned mID;
    // IP of sender
    struct in_addr sender;
    // Message size
    size_t datasize;
} header_type;
typedef struct {
    // Network byte ordered Message ID
    uint32_t nb_mID;
    // IP of sender as either a IPv4 string or a IPv6 string 39
    uint8_t sender[39];
    // IPv4 vs. IPv6 data identifier
    uint8_t sender_type;
    // Network byte ordered Message size
    uint32_t nb_datasize;
} header_type;