
C++将Stutt属性设置为自己的地址,c++,struct,C++,Struct,我对C/C++有些陌生,所以假设我有一个简单的结构: struct item { int* address; std::string name; } int*是保存内存地址的正确数据类型吗? 我能不能用一下: item i; i.address = &i.; int j = 4; // create an int variable int *pToJ = &j; // create a pointer that contains the address o


struct item {
   int* address;
   std::string name;
int*是保存内存地址的正确数据类型吗? 我能不能用一下:

item i; i.address = &i.;
int j = 4;        // create an int variable
int *pToJ = &j;   // create a pointer that contains the address of the int j.



当然,在C语言中,类型将改为struct item*,因为它将保存指向struct item对象的指针。通常,如果您只需要一个内存地址,则将其存储在void*中,因为该类型没有指向某个对象的指针的含义


当然,在C中,类型将改为struct item*,因为它将保存指向struct item对象的指针


struct item {
   std::string * address;
   std::string name;

 item i;
 i.address = &(i.name);


struct item {
   item * address;
   std::string name;

item i;
i.address = &i;

struct item {
   std::string * address;
   std::string name;

 item i;
 i.address = &(i.name);


struct item {
   item * address;
   std::string name;

item i;
i.address = &i;

item i; i.address = &i.;
int j = 4;        // create an int variable
int *pToJ = &j;   // create a pointer that contains the address of the int j.

struct __tagStruct {  // start a struct definition declaring a name of __tagStruct
  int  i;
  int  j;

struct __tagStruct myStruct;
struct __tagStruct *pMyStruct = &myStruct;

// or C++ allows you to use the struct name as a type name like a class
__tagStruct  myStruct2;
__tagStruct *pMyStruct2 = myStruct2;

struct __tagStruct {      // starts the struct definition declaring a name of __tagStruct
   __tagStruct  *pMe;   // define a pointer variable to this struct type C++ style
   int    i;
   int    j;

struct __tagStruct  myStruct;    // define the struct variable C style
myStruct.pMe = &myStruct;

// or C++ allows you to use the struct name like a class for a type
__tagStruct  myStruct;
myStruct.pMe = &myStruct;        // assign to the pMe member the address of the struct
struct __tagStruct1;

struct __tagStruct2 {
  __tagStruct1 *pIt;    // pointer to the previously declared struct
  int  j;

__tagStruct1  myStruct1;
__tagStruct2  myStruct2;
myStruct2.pIt = &myStruct1;

struct __tagStruct {      // starts the struct definition declaring a name of __tagStruct
   __tagStruct  *pMe;   // define a pointer variable to this struct type C++ style
   int    i;
   int    j;

struct __tagStruct  myStruct;    // define the struct variable C style
myStruct.pMe = &myStruct;

// or C++ allows you to use the struct name like a class for a type
__tagStruct  myStruct;
myStruct.pMe = &myStruct;        // assign to the pMe member the address of the struct
struct __tagStruct1;

struct __tagStruct2 {
  __tagStruct1 *pIt;    // pointer to the previously declared struct
  int  j;

__tagStruct1  myStruct1;
__tagStruct2  myStruct2;
myStruct2.pIt = &myStruct1;

item i; i.address = &i.;
int j = 4;        // create an int variable
int *pToJ = &j;   // create a pointer that contains the address of the int j.

struct __tagStruct {  // start a struct definition declaring a name of __tagStruct
  int  i;
  int  j;

struct __tagStruct myStruct;
struct __tagStruct *pMyStruct = &myStruct;

// or C++ allows you to use the struct name as a type name like a class
__tagStruct  myStruct2;
__tagStruct *pMyStruct2 = myStruct2;

struct __tagStruct {      // starts the struct definition declaring a name of __tagStruct
   __tagStruct  *pMe;   // define a pointer variable to this struct type C++ style
   int    i;
   int    j;

struct __tagStruct  myStruct;    // define the struct variable C style
myStruct.pMe = &myStruct;

// or C++ allows you to use the struct name like a class for a type
__tagStruct  myStruct;
myStruct.pMe = &myStruct;        // assign to the pMe member the address of the struct
struct __tagStruct1;

struct __tagStruct2 {
  __tagStruct1 *pIt;    // pointer to the previously declared struct
  int  j;

__tagStruct1  myStruct1;
__tagStruct2  myStruct2;
myStruct2.pIt = &myStruct1;

struct __tagStruct {      // starts the struct definition declaring a name of __tagStruct
   __tagStruct  *pMe;   // define a pointer variable to this struct type C++ style
   int    i;
   int    j;

struct __tagStruct  myStruct;    // define the struct variable C style
myStruct.pMe = &myStruct;

// or C++ allows you to use the struct name like a class for a type
__tagStruct  myStruct;
myStruct.pMe = &myStruct;        // assign to the pMe member the address of the struct
struct __tagStruct1;

struct __tagStruct2 {
  __tagStruct1 *pIt;    // pointer to the previously declared struct
  int  j;

__tagStruct1  myStruct1;
__tagStruct2  myStruct2;
myStruct2.pIt = &myStruct1;
