C# NSSubstitute检查收到的呼叫不起作用

C# NSSubstitute检查收到的呼叫不起作用,c#,nunit,nsubstitute,C#,Nunit,Nsubstitute,嘿,伙计们,我是新加入NSubstitute框架的。我试图测试我的一些类,但是当我使用NSubstitute检查收到的调用时,它会说没有收到匹配的调用 我正在尝试测试Tick方法是否接收LogEvent和HandleEvent。。。来自事件类 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using ATM_Sy



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ATM_System.Event;
using ATM_System.EventDetection;
using ATM_System.Region;
using ATM_System.Track;

namespace ATM_System
public class ATM
    private List<ITrack> _tracks;//this list contains both Tracks and airpotrs
    private IRegion _region;
    private List<IEventDetection> _eventdetects;
    private List<IEvent> _events;

    public ATM(List<ITrack> airports, int region_size, List<IEventDetection> elist)
    //Sets airports, regionsize, and eventdetectors
        _tracks = airports;
        _region = new Region.Region(region_size,region_size); 
        _events = new List<IEvent>();
        _eventdetects = elist;


    public void Tick() //The tick function which is called each 250 ms

        // update track positions
        foreach (var track1 in _tracks)

        //check for events
        foreach (var detector in _eventdetects)
            _events.AddRange(detector.DetectEvent(_tracks)); //this is simple: add the event list that the "detectevent" will 
                                                             //will return to the _events list

        //handle events and output
        foreach (var event1 in _events)



    public void Addairport(Airport AP)


    public void IncomingTrack(ITrack track) //is called from main function when a new track is entering the region
        //add incoming track

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ATM_System.Event;
using ATM_System.EventDetection;
using ATM_System.Track;
using NSubstitute;
using NUnit.Framework;

namespace ATM_System.Tests.Unit
class ATMUnitTests
    private ATM _uut;
    private ITrack _track;
    private IEvent _event;
    private IEventDetection _eventDetection;

    private int _rsize;
    private List<ITrack> _tracks;
    private List<IEventDetection> _eDetections;

    public void Setup()
        _track = Substitute.For<ITrack>();
        _event = Substitute.For<IEvent>();
        _eventDetection = Substitute.For<IEventDetection>();

        _tracks = new List<ITrack>();
        _eDetections = new List<IEventDetection>();

        _uut = new ATM(_tracks, _rsize, _eDetections);


    public void Tick_UpdateTrack_TrackUpdated()

    public void Tick_LogEvent_EventLogged()




在您当前的设计中,一种可能的方法是让您的_eventdetectionmock在其DetectEvent方法中返回IEvent mock。您保留对此模拟的引用,并验证是否对其调用了HandleEvent和LogEvent。
