C# 使用linq查询简化流程

C# 使用linq查询简化流程,c#,asp.net-mvc,performance,linq,C#,Asp.net Mvc,Performance,Linq,这是我的桌子: 婴儿营养 Id PupilId NutritionId 1 10 100 2 10 101 我的另一张桌子营养: Id Nutritioncategory BatchId NutritionRate NutritionId Operation 1 A 1 9000 100 1 2



Id     PupilId   NutritionId
1       10          100  
2       10          101

Id  Nutritioncategory  BatchId   NutritionRate   NutritionId   Operation
1       A                1         9000             100          1
2       B                1         5000             100          0
3       C                1         5000             100          1
4       D                2         6000             101          2           
5       E                2         7000             101          2         
6       F                2         8000             101          0          
decimal Rate= 0;

Id  Nutritioncategory  BatchId   NutritionRate   NutritionId   Operation
1       A                1         9000             100          1
2       B                1         5000             100          0
3       C                1         5000             100          1
4       D                2         6000             101          2           
5       E                2         7000             101          2         
6       F                2         8000             101          0          
decimal Rate= 0;

 Rate= Rate + NutritionRate(i.e 5000 because for batch id 1 with condition 0 only 1 record is there).
Here i want to sum up both the value i.e(10000 and 5000) but during addition if sum of both is greater than 10000 then just take 10000 else take sum like this:
if(9000 + 5000 > 10000)
  Rate= 10000
    Rate=Rate + (Addition of both if less than 10000).

 Rate= Rate + NutritionRate(i.e 5000 because for batch id 1 with condition 0 only 1 record is there).
Here i want to sum up both the value i.e(10000 and 5000) but during addition if sum of both is greater than 10000 then just take 10000 else take sum like this:
if(9000 + 5000 > 10000)
  Rate= 10000
    Rate=Rate + (Addition of both if less than 10000).

 Rate= Rate + NutritionRate(i.e 8000 because for batch id 1 with condition 0 only 1 record is there).
Here I will select Maximum value from Nutrition Rate field if there are 2 records:
Rate=Rate - (Maximum value from 6000 and 7000 so will take 7000).

 Rate= Rate + NutritionRate(i.e 8000 because for batch id 1 with condition 0 only 1 record is there).
Here I will select Maximum value from Nutrition Rate field if there are 2 records:
Rate=Rate - (Maximum value from 6000 and 7000 so will take 7000).

 public partial class PupilNutrition
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public int PupilId { get; set; }
        public int NutritionId { get; set; }

 public partial class Nutrition
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Nutritioncategory { get; set; }
        public decimal NutritionRate  { get; set; }
        public Nullable<int> NutritionId { get; set; }

var data2=data.where(t=>t.Operation==1);
This is left because here i need to sum up 2 value if two records are there as shown in my above cases and if sum is greater than 10000 than select 10000 else select sum.

var data3=data.where(t=>t.Operation==2);
Rate= Rate - data3.Max(p => p.NutritionRate);


更新 此查询看起来应该可以为您完成任务。注意,我还没有测试过它,所以可能有一两个语法错误,但这个想法似乎是正确的

var rate = db.Nutrition
        .GroupBy(n => new { n.BatchId, n.Operation })
        .Select(g => g.Sum(n => n.NutritionRate) > 10000 ? 10000 : g.Sum(n => n.NutritionRate))

rate = db.Nutrition
            .Where(n => n.BatchId == 1 && n.Operation == 0)
            .Sum(n => n.NutritionRate); //Case 1

rate += Math.Min(
            10000,  //Either return 10,000, or the calculation if it's less than 10,000
            .Where(n => n.BatchId == 1 && 
                        n.Operation == 1) //filter based on batch and operation
            .Sum(n => n.NutritionRate) //take the sum of the nutrition rates for that filter
        ); //Case 2

rate += db.Nutrition
            .Where(n => n.BatchId == 2 && n.Operation == 0)
            .Sum(n => n.NutritionRate); //Case 3

rate += Math.Min(
            10000,  //Either return 10,000, or the calculation if it's less than 10,000
            .Where(n => n.BatchId == 2 && 
                        n.Operation == 2) //filter based on batch and operation
            .Sum(n => n.NutritionRate) //take the sum of the nutrition rates for that filter
        ); //Case 4


int sumMax = 10000;
var group = from n in nutrition
    group n by new { n.Operation, n.BatchId } into g
    select new { BatchId = g.Key.BatchId, 
        Operation = g.Key.Operation, 
        RateSum = g.ToList().Sum(nn => nn.NutritionRate), 
        RateSumMax = g.ToList().Sum(nn => nn.NutritionRate) > sumMax ? sumMax : g.ToList().Sum(nn => nn.NutritionRate), 
        RateMax = g.ToList().Max(nn => nn.NutritionRate) };
var result = from g in group
    select new {
        BatchId = g.BatchId,
        Operation = g.Operation,
        Rate = g.Operation == 1 ? g.RateSumMax :
               g.Operation == 2 ? g.RateMax :
               g.RateSum //default is operation 0
var totalRate = result.Sum(g=>g.Rate);




    public decimal CalculateRate(int pupilId, int batchId)
        return db.Nutrition
            .Where(x => x.BatchId == batchId && db.PupilNutrition.Any(y => y.PupilId == pupilId && y.NutritionId == x.NutritionId))
            .GroupBy(x => x.Operation)

    public decimal CalculateRateForOperationGroup(IGrouping<int, Nutrition> group)
        switch (group.Key)
            case 0:
                // Rate = Sum(x)
                return group.Sum(x => x.NutritionRate);
            case 1:
                // Rate = Min(10000, Sum(x))
                return Math.Min(10000, group.Sum(x => x.NutritionRate));
            case 2:
                // Rate = -Max(x)
                return -group.Max(x => x.NutritionRate);
                throw new ArgumentException("operation");


        //// Join the collection to get the BatchId
        var query = nutritionColl.Join(pupilNutrition, n => n.NutritionId, p => p.NutritionId, (n, p) => new { BatchId = p.Id, Nutrition = n });

        //// Group by BatchId, Operation
        var query1 = query.GroupBy(i => new { i.BatchId, i.Nutrition.Operation });

        //// Execute Used cases by BatchId, Operation
        var query2 = query1.Select(grp =>
                    decimal rate = decimal.MinValue;
                    if (grp.Count() == 1)
                        rate = grp.First().Nutrition.NutritionRate;
                    else if (grp.First().BatchId == 1)
                        var sum = grp.Sum(i => i.Nutrition.NutritionRate);
                        rate = sum > 10000 ? 10000 : sum;
                        rate = grp.Max(i => i.Nutrition.NutritionRate);

                    return new { BatchId = grp.First().BatchId, Operation = grp.First().Nutrition.Operation, Rate = rate };

        //// try out put
        foreach (var item in query2)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}  {1} {2} ", item.Operation, item.BatchId, item.Rate);


请澄清-您想要4个不同的结果,还是一个结果,即案例1+案例2+案例3+案例4?@Rob:最终结果如下:案例1(费率)+案例2(费率)+案例3(费率)。只有3个条件是0,1,2。可以像Niels V那样在一个linq查询中完成,因为我想最小化计算步骤,所以您没有将我的条件(0,1,2)考虑到您的查询中的考虑因素,例如0何时会出现,1何时会出现,2何时会出现(最大值)我在答案中添加了条件,但我不确定我是否理解您的处理要求(这就是为什么我首先忽略这些要求)。您在上一次查询中检查的条件需要在第一次查询中检查。在执行求和或选择最大值之前,您需要检查运算值是0、1还是2。例如:RateSum=g。条件==1?g、 ToList().Sum(nn=>nn.NutritionRate).OP表示需要减去最大值,而不是相加。您应该使用
rate=-grp.Max(i=>i.Nutrition.NutritionRate)@Kaspars Ozols我建议您仔细阅读该声明。“在这里,如果有两条记录,我将从营养率字段中选择最大值:比率=比率-(6000和7000之间的最大值,因此将取7000)”他从哪里挑选7000?我再次阅读了这条语句,它非常有意义。有两条记录通过batchId=2和option=2进行匹配。一个是6000,另一个是7000。选择最大值并从总速率中减去。你期望在-ve中有多少利率。其次,我认为它是连字符