C# .我认为当覆盖的字段是对象引用时,这是不允许的,但如果它不起作用,那就糟了。美好的(是的,邪恶,邪恶!)调试器不太喜欢这种方法。在尝试评估时,它很难理解发生了什么。 struct Color { public byte R, G, B, A; }

C# .我认为当覆盖的字段是对象引用时,这是不允许的,但如果它不起作用,那就糟了。美好的(是的,邪恶,邪恶!)调试器不太喜欢这种方法。在尝试评估时,它很难理解发生了什么。 struct Color { public byte R, G, B, A; } ,c#,arrays,casting,C#,Arrays,Casting,.我认为当覆盖的字段是对象引用时,这是不允许的,但如果它不起作用,那就糟了。美好的(是的,邪恶,邪恶!)调试器不太喜欢这种方法。在尝试评估时,它很难理解发生了什么。 struct Color { public byte R, G, B, A; } Color[] bitmap1 = ...; uint[] bitmap2 = MagicCast(bitmap1); unit[] bitmap2 = bitmap1.Select((c)=>c.ToUint32()).ToArra

struct Color
    public byte R, G, B, A;

Color[] bitmap1 = ...;
uint[] bitmap2 = MagicCast(bitmap1);
unit[] bitmap2 = bitmap1.Select((c)=>c.ToUint32()).ToArray();
public static uint ToUint32(this Color color) { ... }
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

struct Color
  public byte R;

  public byte G;

  public byte B;

  public byte A;

  public uint value;
var allRedBytes = bitmap1.Select(c => c.R);
var allUInts = bitmap1.Select(c => c.value);
struct Color
   byte R;
   byte G;
   byte B;
   byte A;

   uint Value;
var converted = colorArray.Select( c => c.Value );
struct Color
   //...As before...

   public static implicit operator uint(Color input)
      return input.Value;

   public static explicit operator uint(Color input)
      return input.Value;
Color a = new Color();
uint b = a;        //Completely valid, with the implicit cast.
uint c = (uint)a;  //Also valid, but the implicit cast makes it unnecessary.
public static class ColorExtension
    public static uint[] GetUInts(this Color[] colors)
        if(colors == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("colors");
        Evil e = new Evil { Colors = colors};
        return e.UInts;

    struct Evil
        public Color[] Colors;
        public uint[] UInts;
Color[] colors =  ...

uint[] uints = colors.GetUInts();
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] // Or explicit, but i bellieve Sequential is enough.
struct Color
      public byte R;

      public byte G;

      public byte B;

      public byte A;
unsafe void Main()
    Color[] c = new Color[2]
        new Color { R = 255, G = 0, B = 0, A = 0 },
        new Color { R = 0, G = 255, B = 0, A = 0 }

    fixed (byte* p = &c[0].R)
        uint* i = (uint*)p;
        *i = 0x11223344;
        *(i + 1) = 0x55667788;

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
struct Color
    public byte R, G, B, A;
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    struct Color
        public uint value;

        public byte R;
        public byte G;
        public byte B;
        public byte A;

        static public implicit operator uint(Color c)
            return c.value;

    class Program
        static unsafe void Main(string[] args)
            Color[] colors = new Color[] { new Color { R = 255 }, new Color { B = 255 } };
            fixed (Color* thisPtr = &colors[0])
                ((uint*)thisPtr)[0] = 2;
                ((uint*)thisPtr)[1] = 4;