C# 通过SSL连接到站点文件夹

C# 通过SSL连接到站点文件夹,c#,ssl,webdav,C#,Ssl,Webdav,好吧,这件事我很难理解,但让我解释一下发生了什么。我有一个使用https的sharepoint站点。我写了一个c程序从那个网站的文件夹下载文件。我到那个文件夹的路径是 string pathA = @"\\mysite.com@SSL\DavWWWRoot\sites\abc\Lists\Images\Screen Slides\"; 所以问题是,当您启动计算机时,代码将抛出错误:FolderNotFound。我的解决方法是让C程序打开文件夹,这需要两个步骤,我不知道如何编码。我将把这个URL


string pathA = @"\\mysite.com@SSL\DavWWWRoot\sites\abc\Lists\Images\Screen Slides\";



string pathA = @"\\mysite.com@SSL\DavWWWRoot\sites\abc\Lists\Images\Screen Slides\";
string pathB = imagepath;

System.IO.DirectoryInfo dir1 = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(pathA);
System.IO.DirectoryInfo dir2 = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(pathB);

// Take a snapshot of the file system.
IEnumerable<System.IO.FileInfo> list1 = dir1.GetFiles("*.*", System.IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
IEnumerable<System.IO.FileInfo> list2 = dir2.GetFiles("*.*", System.IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);

//A custom file comparer defined below
FileCompare myFileCompare = new FileCompare();

// Find the set difference between the two folders. 
// Check if there is new images in network drive and if not download to C. 
var queryList1Only = (from file in list1
      select file).Except(list2, myFileCompare);

Console.WriteLine("The following files are in list1 but not list2:");
foreach (var v in queryList1Only)
    File.Copy(v.FullName, Path.Combine(pathB, v.Name));
    Console.WriteLine("Download done");

// Find the set difference between the two folders. 
// Check if there is old images in C drive and if so delete them. 
var queryList2Only = (from file in list2
      select file).Except(list1, myFileCompare);

Console.WriteLine("The following files are in C:/ but not \\share:");
foreach (var v in queryList2Only)
    Console.WriteLine("Delete done");

// Keep the console window open in debug mode.
Console.WriteLine("File Sync Done");

请共享您正在使用的实际使用pathA变量的代码。I:您到底在做什么来下载这些文件?问题不是下载,而是连接到文件夹。如果我使用@\\mysite.com\sites\abc\Lists\Images\Screen Slides\,我将编辑帖子以添加刚刚发现的代码;我也有同样的问题