
MATLAB和C#(Accord.NET)中的PLS回归系数,c#,matlab,regression,,pls,C#,Matlab,Regression,,Pls,我试图在C#中执行偏最小二乘回归分析。在MATLAB中执行的pls技术使用SIMPLS算法,该算法提供了beta(回归系数矩阵) 我不明白为什么两种情况下矩阵都不同,我将输入传递到C版本的方式是否有错误 此外,两者的输入是相同的,并且参考了此处包含的文件 最小工作示例: MATLAB:遵循HervéAbdi的小示例(HervéAbdi,偏最小二乘回归)。参考资料: 雅阁网: double[][] inputs = new double[][] { // Wi


  • 我不明白为什么两种情况下矩阵都不同,我将输入传递到C版本的方式是否有错误

  • 此外,两者的输入是相同的,并且参考了此处包含的文件




double[][] inputs = new double[][]
        //      Wine | Price | Sugar | Alcohol | Acidity
        new double[] {   7,     7,      13,        7 },
        new double[] {   4,     3,      14,        7 },
        new double[] {  10,     5,      12,        5 },
        new double[] {  16,     7,      11,        3 },
        new double[] {  13,     3,      10,        3 },

double[][] outputs = new double[][]
        //             Wine | Hedonic | Goes with meat | Goes with dessert
        new double[] {           14,          7,                 8 },
        new double[] {           10,          7,                 6 },
        new double[] {            8,          5,                 5 },
        new double[] {            2,          4,                 7 },
        new double[] {            6,          2,                 4 },

var pls = new PartialLeastSquaresAnalysis()
            Method = AnalysisMethod.Center,
            Algorithm = PartialLeastSquaresAlgorithm.NIPALS

var regression = pls.Learn(inputs, outputs);

double[][] coeffs = regression.Weights;
-1.69811320754717 -0.0566037735849056   0.0707547169811322
1.27358490566038   0.29245283018868     0.571933962264151
-4                 1                    0.5
1.17924528301887   0.122641509433962    0.159198113207547


  • 正如您所提到的,MATLAB使用的是SIMPLS。然而,Accord.NET被告知使用NIPALS

  • MATLAB版本被称为plsregress(输入、输出,1),这意味着回归计算只考虑PLS中的一个潜在成分,但Accord.NET没有指示您这样做

  • Accord.NET返回一个多变量回归对象,该对象包含权重矩阵和截距向量,而MATLAB将截距作为权重矩阵的第一列返回

  • 一旦考虑到所有这些因素,就可以生成与MATLAB版本完全相同的结果:

    double[][] inputs = new double[][]
        //      Wine | Price | Sugar | Alcohol | Acidity
        new double[] {   7,     7,      13,        7 },
        new double[] {   4,     3,      14,        7 },
        new double[] {  10,     5,      12,        5 },
        new double[] {  16,     7,      11,        3 },
        new double[] {  13,     3,      10,        3 },
    double[][] outputs = new double[][]
        //             Wine | Hedonic | Goes with meat | Goes with dessert
        new double[] {           14,          7,                 8 },
        new double[] {           10,          7,                 6 },
        new double[] {            8,          5,                 5 },
        new double[] {            2,          4,                 7 },
        new double[] {            6,          2,                 4 },
    // Create the Partial Least Squares Analysis
    var pls = new PartialLeastSquaresAnalysis()
        Method = AnalysisMethod.Center,
        Algorithm = PartialLeastSquaresAlgorithm.SIMPLS, // First change: use SIMPLS
    // Learn the analysis
    pls.Learn(inputs, outputs);
    // Second change: Use just 1 latent factor/component
    var regression = pls.CreateRegression(factors: 1);
    // Third change: present results as in MATLAB
    double[][] w = regression.Weights.Transpose();
    double[] b = regression.Intercepts;
    // Add the intercepts as the first column of the matrix of
    // weights and transpose it as in the way MATLAB presents it
    double[][] coeffs = (w.InsertColumn(b, index: 0)).Transpose();
    // Show results in MATLAB format
    string str = coeffs.ToOctave();

    [ 10.4844779770616    6.18986077674717    6.28413863347486    ;
      -0.634878923091644 -0.304054829845448  -0.0726082626993539  ;
       0.0219492754418065 0.0105118991463605  0.00251024045589416 ;
       0.192261724966225  0.0920775662006966  0.0219881135215502  ; 
       0.289484835410222  0.13863944631343    0.033107085796122   ]
    [ 10.4844779770616    6.18986077674717    6.28413863347486    ;
      -0.634878923091644 -0.304054829845448  -0.0726082626993539  ;
       0.0219492754418065 0.0105118991463605  0.00251024045589416 ;
       0.192261724966225  0.0920775662006966  0.0219881135215502  ; 
       0.289484835410222  0.13863944631343    0.033107085796122   ]