Can';t从C#应用程序调用Clojure clr静态方法

Can';t从C#应用程序调用Clojure clr静态方法,c#,.net,clojure,clojureclr,C#,.net,Clojure,Clojureclr,我遇到异常非静态字段、方法或…需要对象引用 以下是我试图做的: ;; Here's the program.clj file from a VsClojure project. ;; First thing you need to do is add the :methods property ;; which takes a of methods that are to be generated when ;; the class is created. Here, I'm generati



;; Here's the program.clj file from a VsClojure project.
;; First thing you need to do is add the :methods property
;; which takes a of methods that are to be generated when
;; the class is created.  Here, I'm generating a static method
;; named hi which has no parameters and returns a String.
;; When program.hi() is called from the C# code the
;; the clojure function -hi will be called.  By default any
;; method in the :methods vector will be mapped to a function
;; with the same name prefixed by a -.  
(ns program
   :methods [ #^{:static true} [hi [] String]]))

(defn -hi []
  "Hi from ClojureCLR!")

(defn -main [& args]
  (println "Hello world")
  (println (-hi)))

;; The C# code is nothing special
;; You MUST add both the program.exe and program.clj.dll
;; files as references in hte C# project.  In addition
;; to these assemblies you'll need to add the following
;; assemblies which can be found in the ClojureCLR's directory:
;; clj.gen_class.clj.dll,, clojure.core.clj.dll
;; clojure.core_deftype.clj.dll, clojure.core_printl.clj.dll,
;; clojure.core_proxy.clj.dll, clojure.genclass.clj.dll, clojure.gvec.clj.dll

;; using System;

;; namespace csharp
;; {
;;    class Program
;;    {
;;        static void Main(string[] args)
;;        {
;;    // You can see here you'd never know this was
;;    // really a clojure function I'm calling
;;          Console.WriteLine("p.hi => {0}", program.hi());
;;        }
;;    }


我正在使用内置的Visual Studio扩展vsClojure
。1.1.0; GitHub自述文件之后的最新版本1.1.0。也许我需要更新它,但我有一些小的本地问题,这使我不能构建最后一个clojre clr(我将在明年解决它们)

所以问题是我如何从C#调用clojure clr库?我的麻烦在哪里




  • 在program.clj所在的目录中运行clojure.compile程序
  • 将步骤1的输出中的program.exe和program.clj.dll添加到C#项目中
  • 构建C#项目
  • 这应该行得通。我已经用vs clojure和我在上面展示的方式构建了这两个版本。我正在使用clojureclr 1.3


    我对这两个都有提及。据我记忆所及,第一个示例中的start program.exe上是app崩溃,而one.exe上是appcrash。Clojure.compile.exe输出:D:\nCdy\Clojure clr intro\3-calling-Clojure-from-c-sharp\clj\one>Clojure.compile.exe一个编译一个到。--797毫秒。但是当尝试从C#运行时,无法运行一个.exe(因为appcrash)和绝对相同的“非静态字段必需”。我将尝试发现更多信息。您能告诉我运行时出现的错误吗?你能运行clojure.main.exe而不出错吗?我可以从visual studio运行它,但当我直接运行program.exe时,我在kernelbase.dll上得到appcrash:System.TypeInitializationException未处理。消息:类型初始值设定项“program”引发异常。我还在问题中添加了加载日志。在visual studio之外,如果从命令提示符运行clojure.main.exe会发生什么?它能正常启动吗?如果是这样的话,它说你正在运行的clojure版本是什么?在C#项目中,你有哪些参考资料?将它们与我在最新博客文章中列出的进行比较。
    'program.exe' (Managed (v2.0.50727)): Loaded 'C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_32\mscorlib\\mscorlib.dll', Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled.
    'program.exe' (Managed (v2.0.50727)): Loaded 'D:\nCdy\P\Clojure1\Clojure1\bin\Debug\program.exe', Symbols loaded.
    'program.exe' (Managed (v2.0.50727)): Loaded 'D:\nCdy\P\Clojure1\Clojure1\bin\Debug\Clojure.dll', Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled.
    'program.exe' (Managed (v2.0.50727)): Loaded 'C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System\\System.dll', Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled.
    'program.exe' (Managed (v2.0.50727)): Loaded 'C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Core\\System.Core.dll', Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled.
    'program.exe' (Managed (v2.0.50727)): Loaded 'D:\nCdy\P\Clojure1\Clojure1\bin\Debug\Microsoft.Scripting.ExtensionAttribute.dll', Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled.
    'program.exe' (Managed (v2.0.50727)): Loaded 'C:\Windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\mscorlib.resources\\mscorlib.resources.dll', Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled.