Excel 按钮将特定数据从一个工作簿复制到另一个工作簿

Excel 按钮将特定数据从一个工作簿复制到另一个工作簿,excel,vba,Excel,Vba,Workbook1是我所有数据所在的位置。 Workbook2是我要复制数据的地方。 我想要一个按钮来执行以下操作: -打开工作簿2 -从工作簿1复制数据单元格(列出): C3、S3、P3、J22、L22、J21、L21、C14、C15、C16、C17、C18、C19、C20、C21 -在工作簿2中查找下一个空行 -将数据水平粘贴到工作簿2中。所以C3(来自workbook1)数据将粘贴到B4(来自workbook2),S3将粘贴到C4,以此类推。 这可能不太可能,但有没有办法让列


-从工作簿1复制数据单元格(列出): C3、S3、P3、J22、L22、J21、L21、C14、C15、C16、C17、C18、C19、C20、C21




Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

Dim wsMain As Worksheet
Dim wbData As Workbook
Dim wsData As Worksheet
Dim rngToCopy As Range
Dim C As Long
Dim ar As Range
Dim cl As Range

Dim LastRow As Long
Dim rngDestination As Range

Set wsMain = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

' to open the workbook
Set wbData = Workbooks.Open("A:\folder\workbook2.xlsm", True)
Set wsData = wbData.Sheets("Completed")
Set rngToCopy = wsMain.Range("C3,S3,P3,J22,L22,J21,L21,C14,C15,C16,C17,C18,C19,C20,C21")

' to get the last row in the Completed worksheet
LastRow = wsData.Cells(wsData.Rows.Count, "B4").End(x1Up).Row

C = 1

For Each cl In rngToCopy
    wsData.Range("B" & C).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
    C = C + 1

Next cl
End Sub


Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

Dim wsMain As Worksheet
Dim wbData As Workbook
Dim wsData As Worksheet
Dim rngToCopy As Range
Dim C As Long
Dim ar As Range
Dim cl As Range

Dim LastRow As Long
Dim rngDestination As Range

Set wsMain = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

' to open the workbook
Set wbData = Workbooks.Open("A:\folder\workbook2.xlsm", True)
Set wsData = wbData.Sheets("Completed")

' to get the last row in the Completed worksheet
LastRow = wsData.Cells(wsData.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row

' to paste the values
wsData.Range("B" & LastRow).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues

'to get the Date and time when it was pasted
wsData.Range("A" & Lastrow) = Now()

End Sub


Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

Dim wsMain As Worksheet
Dim wbData As Workbook
Dim wsData As Worksheet
Dim rngToCopy As Range
Dim C As Long
Dim ar As Range
Dim cl As Range

Dim LastRow As Long
Dim rngDestination As Range

Set wsMain = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

' to open the workbook
Set wbData = Workbooks.Open("A:\folder\workbook2.xlsm", True)
Set wsData = wbData.Sheets("Completed")
Set rngToCopy = wsMain.Range("C3,S3,P3,J22,L22,J21,L21,C14,C15,C16,C17,C18,C19,C20,C21")

' to get the last row in the Completed worksheet
LastRow = wsData.Cells(wsData.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row 'get the last row number in Column B.

C = 1 'nth columns to go to right when codes iterate

For Each cl In rngToCopy
    wsData.Cells(LastRow + 1, 1 + C).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues ' Start from the last empty row (lastrow number + 1) and then start from column A (A = 1) then jump 1 step to the right in each iteration/loop.
    C = C + 1 'Increase the column number by 1
    wsData.Range("A" & LastRow + 1) = Now() ' Set date in column A for the row that was pasted
Next cl
End Sub
