Floating point 在GPU上检测FPU舍入模式

Floating point 在GPU上检测FPU舍入模式,floating-point,floating-point-precision,fpu,Floating Point,Floating Point Precision,Fpu,我在钻研多精度算术,有一类很好的快速算法,如Jonathan Richard Shewchuk所述,“自适应精度浮点算法和快速鲁棒几何谓词”,1997,离散与计算几何,第305–363页。然而,这些算法依赖于FPU使用从圆到偶数的分段 在CPU上,这将很容易,只需检查或设置FPU状态字即可确定。然而,对于GPU编程,目前还没有这样的指令 这就是为什么我想知道是否有一种可靠的方法可以检测(而不是设置)未知FPU上的舍入模式,也许可以通过计算几个测试并查看结果浮点数的位模式 编辑: 总而言之,公认的

我在钻研多精度算术,有一类很好的快速算法,如Jonathan Richard Shewchuk所述,“自适应精度浮点算法和快速鲁棒几何谓词”,1997,离散与计算几何,第305–363页。然而,这些算法依赖于FPU使用从圆到偶数的分段





#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <float.h> // _controlfp()
#include <stdint.h>

int is_round_to_nearest()
    union {
        double f;
        uint64_t n;
    } special;

    special.n = 0 | (((uint64_t)(-0x100 + 1023) & 0x7ff) << 52) | 0; // no sign, 1.0 mantissa is expressed as zeroes, the 1 is implicit
    //const double special.f = atof("0x1.0p-100");

    if( 1.0 + special.f !=  1.0)
        return 0;
    if( 1.0 - special.f !=  1.0)
        return 0;
    if(-1.0 + special.f != -1.0)
        return 0;
    if(-1.0 - special.f != -1.0)
        return 0;
    return 1;

void main()
    printf("default : %d\n", is_round_to_nearest());
    _controlfp(_RC_CHOP, _MCW_RC);
    printf("_RC_CHOP : %d\n", is_round_to_nearest());
    _controlfp(_RC_UP, _MCW_RC);
    printf("_RC_UP : %d\n", is_round_to_nearest());
    _controlfp(_RC_DOWN, _MCW_RC);
    printf("_RC_DOWN : %d\n", is_round_to_nearest());
    _controlfp(_RC_NEAR, _MCW_RC);
    printf("_RC_NEAR : %d\n", is_round_to_nearest());


int is_round_to_nearest()
    union {
        double f;
        uint64_t n;
    } special;

    special.n = 0 | (((uint64_t)(-0x100 + 1023) & 0x7ff) << 52) | 0; // no sign, 1.0 mantissa is expressed as zeroes, the 1 is implicit
    //const double special.f = atof("0x1.0p-100");

    volatile double v;
    v = 1.0; v += special.f;
    if(v !=  1.0)
        return 0;
    v = 1.0; v -= special.f;
    if(v !=  1.0)
        return 0;
    v = -1.0; v += special.f;
    if(v != -1.0)
        return 0;
    v = -1.0; v -= special.f;
    if(v != -1.0)
        return 0;
    return 1;
uint64\u t n;

special.n=0 |(((uint64_t)(-0x100+1023)和0x7ff)此C代码告诉您,您要么是整数到最接近的偶数,要么确实使用了一种奇怪的浮点结构:

int is_round_to_nearest(void)
  if ( 1.0 + 0x1.0p-100 !=  1.0) return 0;
  if ( 1.0 - 0x1.0p-100 !=  1.0) return 0;
  if (-1.0 + 0x1.0p-100 != -1.0) return 0;
  if (-1.0 - 0x1.0p-100 != -1.0) return 0;
  return 1;


我最终开发了一个稍加修改的例程,该例程测试领带的处理方式,而不是使用哪种舍入模式,因为它是舍入到最近的(由Pascal Cuoq的代码正确检测),断开连接仍然可以是远离零的连接,但通常不会,至少在x86机器上不会


int b_TieBreak_ToEven()
    //                                      <- 16B double ->
    //                                         <- fraction->
    const double special = f_ParseXDouble("0x0.00000000000008p+0"); // one, at the position one past the LSB
    const double oddone =  f_ParseXDouble("0x1.0000000000001p+0"); // one, ending with a single one at LSB
    const double evenone = f_ParseXDouble("0x1.0000000000002p+0"); // one, ending with a single one to the left of LSB

    volatile double v;
    v = 1.0; v += special;
    if(v != 1.0)
        return 0;
    v = oddone; v += special;
    if(v != evenone) // odd + half rounds to even
        return 0;
    v = evenone; v += special;
    if(v != evenone) // even + half rounds to the same even
        return 0;
    v = -1.0; v -= special;
    if(v != -1.0)
        return 0;
    v = -oddone; v -= special;
    if(v != -evenone) // -odd - half rounds to -even
        return 0;
    v = -evenone; v -= special;
    if(v != -evenone) // -even - half rounds to the same -even
        return 0;

    return 1;

all unit tests passed
default : mode : to nearest, ties to even (ties to even: 1)
在NVIDIA GPU(480、680和780英寸)上:

roundities toway
,那么它不会仍然通过这个测试吗?@MarkDickinson这样的舍入模式在这个答案的第一句话中会被称为“奇怪”。我期待四种IEEE 754舍入模式(最接近偶数、向上、向下、向零),并添加了第三个和第四个良好度量测试。我不知道应该期望什么样的外来舍入模式,应该测试什么样的舍入模式。您有它们的列表吗?嗯,
是IEEE 754舍入模式之一(IEEE 754-2008中规定了五种).但据我所知,它不受任何流行体系结构的支持……更仔细地阅读标准,
all unit tests passed
default : mode : to nearest, ties to even (ties to even: 1)
_RC_CHOP : mode : towards zero (ties to even: 0)
_RC_UP : mode : towards positive infinity (ties to even: 0)
_RC_DOWN : mode : towards negative infinity (ties to even: 0)
_RC_NEAR : mode : to nearest, ties to even (ties to even: 1)
all unit tests passed
default : mode : to nearest, ties to even (ties to even: 1)
OpenCL platform 'NVIDIA CUDA' by NVIDIA Corporation, version OpenCL 1.1 CUDA 6.0.1, FULL_PROFILE
device: NVIDIA Corporation 'GeForce GTX 680' (driver version: 331.65)
        OpenCL version: OpenCL 1.1 CUDA
        OpenCL "C" version: OpenCL C 1.1

GPU mode: round to nearest, ties to even