Google app engine 是谷歌应用程序引擎';ndb安全使用吗?

Google app engine 是谷歌应用程序引擎';ndb安全使用吗?,google-app-engine,Google App Engine,它是否相当稳定,或者如果我使用它,是否会因为将来可能会更改而不得不重写代码?它是稳定的,并且完全受支持 来自 - NDB for Python - The NDB API has graduated from experimental and is now a fully supported feature. This next-generation datastore API improves data modeling and querying and has been built




- NDB for Python - The NDB API has graduated from experimental and is now a fully
  supported feature. This next-generation datastore API improves data modeling 
  and querying and has been built from the ground up to support an asynchronous
  computing model.