Grails 远程功能不工作

Grails 远程功能不工作,grails,groovy,hql,gorm,Grails,Groovy,Hql,Gorm,下面是我的Pgtyp.groovy(域类): 这就是我的控制器的外观: package marchmock2 import grails.converters.* import groovy.sql.Sql class PgtypController { def ajaxGetMv = { def pgtyp = Pgtyp.get( render pgtyp as JSON } def index() { } }



package marchmock2
import grails.converters.*
import groovy.sql.Sql 

class PgtypController {

   def ajaxGetMv = {
      def pgtyp = Pgtyp.get(
      render pgtyp as JSON

   def index() { 

      <g:javascript src="jquery-1.10.2.min.js"/>
      <g:javascript src="prototype.js"/>
         <g:select from="['AFFILIATES', 'SEO', 'SEM','DISPLAYADS']" name="mv" onchange="${remoteFunction(
        params:'\'id=\' + escape(this.value)',
        onSuccess: 'printpgtyp(data)')}"></g:select>
         function printpgtyp(data) {


2014-07-04 16:37:23,149 [http-bio-8080-exec-10] ERROR [/marchmock2].[gsp]  - Servlet.service() for servlet   [gsp] in context with path [/marchmock2] threw exception
Message: It looks like you are missing some calls to the r:layoutResources tag. After rendering your page the       following have not been rendered: [defer]
Line | Method
->> 1145 | runWorker in java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
|    615 | run       in java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker
^    744 | run . . . in java.lang.Thread


TypeMismatchException occurred when processing request: [POST] /marchmock2/pgtyp/ajaxGetMv - parameters:
id: SEO
Provided id of the wrong type for class marchmock2.Pgtyp. Expected: class java.lang.Long, got class     java.lang.String. Stacktrace follows:
Message: Provided id of the wrong type for class marchmock2.Pgtyp. Expected: class java.lang.Long, got class      java.lang.String 

2014-07-04 16:37:23,149 [http-bio-8080-exec-10] ERROR [/marchmock2].[gsp]  - Servlet.service() for servlet   [gsp] in context with path [/marchmock2] threw exception
Message: It looks like you are missing some calls to the r:layoutResources tag. After rendering your page the       following have not been rendered: [defer]
Line | Method
->> 1145 | runWorker in java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
|    615 | run       in java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker
^    744 | run . . . in java.lang.Thread
TypeMismatchException occurred when processing request: [POST] /marchmock2/pgtyp/ajaxGetMv - parameters:
id: SEO
Provided id of the wrong type for class marchmock2.Pgtyp. Expected: class java.lang.Long, got class     java.lang.String. Stacktrace follows:
Message: Provided id of the wrong type for class marchmock2.Pgtyp. Expected: class java.lang.Long, got class      java.lang.String