Hive 如何在配置单元中编写以下mysql查询?

Hive 如何在配置单元中编写以下mysql查询?,hive,Hive,MySQL查询: select * from user_balance_table a where report_date < 20130901 and a.user_id not in (select user_id from user_balance_table a where report_date <20130801); 如何在配置单元中编写相同的查询 select a.* from (select * from user_balance_table where


select * from user_balance_table  a where report_date < 20130901 and a.user_id not in (select user_id from user_balance_table  a where report_date <20130801);

select a.*
  (select * from user_balance_table
  where report_date < 20130901
  ) a           
  left outer join
  (select user_id 
  from user_balance_table  
  where report_date <20130801
  group by user_id
  ) b
on a.user_id=b.user_id and b.user_id is null;