Image 将BMP图像转换为GRF格式C#/VB.NET(用于ZPL打印机)

Image 将BMP图像转换为GRF格式C#/VB.NET(用于ZPL打印机),image,bmp,zebra-printers,zpl,neodynamic,Image,Bmp,Zebra Printers,Zpl,Neodynamic,我使用以下代码将BMP图像转换为GRF格式 Public Shared Function CreateGrf(filename As String, imagename As String) As String Dim bmp As Bitmap = Nothing Dim imgData As BitmapData = Nothing Dim pixels As Byte() Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, width As In


Public Shared Function CreateGrf(filename As String, imagename As String) As String
    Dim bmp As Bitmap = Nothing
    Dim imgData As BitmapData = Nothing
    Dim pixels As Byte()
    Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, width As Integer
    Dim sb As StringBuilder
    Dim ptr As IntPtr

        bmp = New Bitmap(filename)
        imgData = bmp.LockBits(New System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, bmp.PixelFormat)
        width = (bmp.Width + 7) \ 8
        pixels = New Byte(width - 1) {}
        sb = New StringBuilder(width * bmp.Height * 2)
        ptr = imgData.Scan0

        For y = 0 To bmp.Height - 1
            Marshal.Copy(ptr, pixels, 0, width)
            For x = 0 To width - 1
                sb.AppendFormat("{0:X2}", CByte(Not pixels(x)))
            ptr = ptr.ToInt64() + imgData.Stride
        If bmp IsNot Nothing Then
            If imgData IsNot Nothing Then
            End If
        End If
    End Try
    Return [String].Format("~DG{0},{1},{2},", imagename, width * y, width) + sb.ToString()
End Function
Public Function ConvertBmp2Grf(fileName As String, imageName As String) As Boolean
    Dim TI As String
    Dim i As Short
    Dim WID As Object
    Dim high As Object
    Dim TEM As Short, BMPL As Short, EFG As Short, n2 As String, LON As String
    Dim header_name As String, a As String, j As Short, COUN As Short, BASE1 As Short

    Dim L As String, TOT As String
    Dim N As Object
    Dim TOT1 As Integer
    Dim LL As Byte

    FileOpen(1, fileName, OpenMode.Binary, , , 1)  ' OPEN BMP FILE TO READ
    FileGet(1, LL, 1)
    TI = Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))
    FileGet(1, LL, 2)
    TI += Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))

    If TI <> "BM" Then
        Return False
    End If

    i = 17
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256

    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    WID = N
    i = 21
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    high = N
    FileGet(1, LL, 27)
    N = LL
    FileGet(1, LL, 29)

    If N <> 1 Or LL <> 1 Then
        'BMP has too many colors, only support monochrome images
        Return False
    End If

    TEM = Int(WID / 8)
    If (WID Mod 8) <> 0 Then
        TEM += 1
    End If
    BMPL = TEM

    If (BMPL Mod 4) <> 0 Then
        BMPL += (4 - (BMPL Mod 4))
        EFG = 1
    End If

    n2 = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.LastIndexOf("\", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1) + imageName + ".GRF"

    FileOpen(2, n2, OpenMode.Output) 'OPEN GRF TO OUTPUT
    TOT1 = TEM * high : TOT = Mid(Str(TOT1), 2)
    If Len(TOT) < 5 Then
        TOT = Strings.Left("00000", 5 - Len(TOT)) + TOT
    End If

    LON = Mid(Str(TEM), 2)

    If Len(LON) < 3 Then
        LON = Strings.Left("000", 3 - Len(LON)) + LON
    End If

    header_name = imageName
    PrintLine(2, "~DG" & header_name & "," & TOT & "," & LON & ",")

    For i = high To 1 Step -1
        a = ""
        For j = 1 To TEM
            COUN = 62 + (i - 1) * BMPL + j
            FileGet(1, LL, COUN)
            L = LL

            If j = TEM And (EFG = 1 Or (WID Mod 8) <> 0) Then
                BASE1 = 2 ^ ((TEM * 8 - WID) Mod 8)
                L = Int(L / BASE1) * BASE1 + BASE1 - 1
            End If
            L = Not L
            a += Right(Hex(L), 2)
        Next j
        PrintLine(2, a)
    Next i

    Return True

End Function

Public Function ConvertBmp2Grf(fileName As String, imageName As String) As Boolean
    Dim TI As String
    Dim i As Short
    Dim WID As Object
    Dim high As Object
    Dim TEM As Short, BMPL As Short, EFG As Short, n2 As String, LON As String
    Dim header_name As String, a As String, j As Short, COUN As Short, BASE1 As Short

    Dim L As String, TOT As String
    Dim N As Object
    Dim TOT1 As Integer
    Dim LL As Byte

    FileOpen(1, fileName, OpenMode.Binary, , , 1)  ' OPEN BMP FILE TO READ
    FileGet(1, LL, 1)
    TI = Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))
    FileGet(1, LL, 2)
    TI += Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))

    If TI <> "BM" Then
        Return False
    End If

    i = 17
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256

    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    WID = N
    i = 21
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    high = N
    FileGet(1, LL, 27)
    N = LL
    FileGet(1, LL, 29)

    If N <> 1 Or LL <> 1 Then
        'BMP has too many colors, only support monochrome images
        Return False
    End If

    TEM = Int(WID / 8)
    If (WID Mod 8) <> 0 Then
        TEM += 1
    End If
    BMPL = TEM

    If (BMPL Mod 4) <> 0 Then
        BMPL += (4 - (BMPL Mod 4))
        EFG = 1
    End If

    n2 = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.LastIndexOf("\", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1) + imageName + ".GRF"

    FileOpen(2, n2, OpenMode.Output) 'OPEN GRF TO OUTPUT
    TOT1 = TEM * high : TOT = Mid(Str(TOT1), 2)
    If Len(TOT) < 5 Then
        TOT = Strings.Left("00000", 5 - Len(TOT)) + TOT
    End If

    LON = Mid(Str(TEM), 2)

    If Len(LON) < 3 Then
        LON = Strings.Left("000", 3 - Len(LON)) + LON
    End If

    header_name = imageName
    PrintLine(2, "~DG" & header_name & "," & TOT & "," & LON & ",")

    For i = high To 1 Step -1
        a = ""
        For j = 1 To TEM
            COUN = 62 + (i - 1) * BMPL + j
            FileGet(1, LL, COUN)
            L = LL

            If j = TEM And (EFG = 1 Or (WID Mod 8) <> 0) Then
                BASE1 = 2 ^ ((TEM * 8 - WID) Mod 8)
                L = Int(L / BASE1) * BASE1 + BASE1 - 1
            End If
            L = Not L
            a += Right(Hex(L), 2)
        Next j
        PrintLine(2, a)
    Next i

    Return True

End Function

Public Function ConvertBmp2Grf(fileName As String, imageName As String) As Boolean
    Dim TI As String
    Dim i As Short
    Dim WID As Object
    Dim high As Object
    Dim TEM As Short, BMPL As Short, EFG As Short, n2 As String, LON As String
    Dim header_name As String, a As String, j As Short, COUN As Short, BASE1 As Short

    Dim L As String, TOT As String
    Dim N As Object
    Dim TOT1 As Integer
    Dim LL As Byte

    FileOpen(1, fileName, OpenMode.Binary, , , 1)  ' OPEN BMP FILE TO READ
    FileGet(1, LL, 1)
    TI = Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))
    FileGet(1, LL, 2)
    TI += Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))

    If TI <> "BM" Then
        Return False
    End If

    i = 17
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256

    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    WID = N
    i = 21
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    high = N
    FileGet(1, LL, 27)
    N = LL
    FileGet(1, LL, 29)

    If N <> 1 Or LL <> 1 Then
        'BMP has too many colors, only support monochrome images
        Return False
    End If

    TEM = Int(WID / 8)
    If (WID Mod 8) <> 0 Then
        TEM += 1
    End If
    BMPL = TEM

    If (BMPL Mod 4) <> 0 Then
        BMPL += (4 - (BMPL Mod 4))
        EFG = 1
    End If

    n2 = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.LastIndexOf("\", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1) + imageName + ".GRF"

    FileOpen(2, n2, OpenMode.Output) 'OPEN GRF TO OUTPUT
    TOT1 = TEM * high : TOT = Mid(Str(TOT1), 2)
    If Len(TOT) < 5 Then
        TOT = Strings.Left("00000", 5 - Len(TOT)) + TOT
    End If

    LON = Mid(Str(TEM), 2)

    If Len(LON) < 3 Then
        LON = Strings.Left("000", 3 - Len(LON)) + LON
    End If

    header_name = imageName
    PrintLine(2, "~DG" & header_name & "," & TOT & "," & LON & ",")

    For i = high To 1 Step -1
        a = ""
        For j = 1 To TEM
            COUN = 62 + (i - 1) * BMPL + j
            FileGet(1, LL, COUN)
            L = LL

            If j = TEM And (EFG = 1 Or (WID Mod 8) <> 0) Then
                BASE1 = 2 ^ ((TEM * 8 - WID) Mod 8)
                L = Int(L / BASE1) * BASE1 + BASE1 - 1
            End If
            L = Not L
            a += Right(Hex(L), 2)
        Next j
        PrintLine(2, a)
    Next i

    Return True

End Function

Public Function ConvertBmp2Grf(fileName As String, imageName As String) As Boolean
    Dim TI As String
    Dim i As Short
    Dim WID As Object
    Dim high As Object
    Dim TEM As Short, BMPL As Short, EFG As Short, n2 As String, LON As String
    Dim header_name As String, a As String, j As Short, COUN As Short, BASE1 As Short

    Dim L As String, TOT As String
    Dim N As Object
    Dim TOT1 As Integer
    Dim LL As Byte

    FileOpen(1, fileName, OpenMode.Binary, , , 1)  ' OPEN BMP FILE TO READ
    FileGet(1, LL, 1)
    TI = Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))
    FileGet(1, LL, 2)
    TI += Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))

    If TI <> "BM" Then
        Return False
    End If

    i = 17
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256

    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    WID = N
    i = 21
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    high = N
    FileGet(1, LL, 27)
    N = LL
    FileGet(1, LL, 29)

    If N <> 1 Or LL <> 1 Then
        'BMP has too many colors, only support monochrome images
        Return False
    End If

    TEM = Int(WID / 8)
    If (WID Mod 8) <> 0 Then
        TEM += 1
    End If
    BMPL = TEM

    If (BMPL Mod 4) <> 0 Then
        BMPL += (4 - (BMPL Mod 4))
        EFG = 1
    End If

    n2 = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.LastIndexOf("\", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1) + imageName + ".GRF"

    FileOpen(2, n2, OpenMode.Output) 'OPEN GRF TO OUTPUT
    TOT1 = TEM * high : TOT = Mid(Str(TOT1), 2)
    If Len(TOT) < 5 Then
        TOT = Strings.Left("00000", 5 - Len(TOT)) + TOT
    End If

    LON = Mid(Str(TEM), 2)

    If Len(LON) < 3 Then
        LON = Strings.Left("000", 3 - Len(LON)) + LON
    End If

    header_name = imageName
    PrintLine(2, "~DG" & header_name & "," & TOT & "," & LON & ",")

    For i = high To 1 Step -1
        a = ""
        For j = 1 To TEM
            COUN = 62 + (i - 1) * BMPL + j
            FileGet(1, LL, COUN)
            L = LL

            If j = TEM And (EFG = 1 Or (WID Mod 8) <> 0) Then
                BASE1 = 2 ^ ((TEM * 8 - WID) Mod 8)
                L = Int(L / BASE1) * BASE1 + BASE1 - 1
            End If
            L = Not L
            a += Right(Hex(L), 2)
        Next j
        PrintLine(2, a)
    Next i

    Return True

End Function

Public Function ConvertBmp2Grf(fileName As String, imageName As String) As Boolean
    Dim TI As String
    Dim i As Short
    Dim WID As Object
    Dim high As Object
    Dim TEM As Short, BMPL As Short, EFG As Short, n2 As String, LON As String
    Dim header_name As String, a As String, j As Short, COUN As Short, BASE1 As Short

    Dim L As String, TOT As String
    Dim N As Object
    Dim TOT1 As Integer
    Dim LL As Byte

    FileOpen(1, fileName, OpenMode.Binary, , , 1)  ' OPEN BMP FILE TO READ
    FileGet(1, LL, 1)
    TI = Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))
    FileGet(1, LL, 2)
    TI += Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))

    If TI <> "BM" Then
        Return False
    End If

    i = 17
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256

    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    WID = N
    i = 21
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    high = N
    FileGet(1, LL, 27)
    N = LL
    FileGet(1, LL, 29)

    If N <> 1 Or LL <> 1 Then
        'BMP has too many colors, only support monochrome images
        Return False
    End If

    TEM = Int(WID / 8)
    If (WID Mod 8) <> 0 Then
        TEM += 1
    End If
    BMPL = TEM

    If (BMPL Mod 4) <> 0 Then
        BMPL += (4 - (BMPL Mod 4))
        EFG = 1
    End If

    n2 = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.LastIndexOf("\", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1) + imageName + ".GRF"

    FileOpen(2, n2, OpenMode.Output) 'OPEN GRF TO OUTPUT
    TOT1 = TEM * high : TOT = Mid(Str(TOT1), 2)
    If Len(TOT) < 5 Then
        TOT = Strings.Left("00000", 5 - Len(TOT)) + TOT
    End If

    LON = Mid(Str(TEM), 2)

    If Len(LON) < 3 Then
        LON = Strings.Left("000", 3 - Len(LON)) + LON
    End If

    header_name = imageName
    PrintLine(2, "~DG" & header_name & "," & TOT & "," & LON & ",")

    For i = high To 1 Step -1
        a = ""
        For j = 1 To TEM
            COUN = 62 + (i - 1) * BMPL + j
            FileGet(1, LL, COUN)
            L = LL

            If j = TEM And (EFG = 1 Or (WID Mod 8) <> 0) Then
                BASE1 = 2 ^ ((TEM * 8 - WID) Mod 8)
                L = Int(L / BASE1) * BASE1 + BASE1 - 1
            End If
            L = Not L
            a += Right(Hex(L), 2)
        Next j
        PrintLine(2, a)
    Next i

    Return True

End Function


Public Function ConvertBmp2Grf(fileName As String, imageName As String) As Boolean
    Dim TI As String
    Dim i As Short
    Dim WID As Object
    Dim high As Object
    Dim TEM As Short, BMPL As Short, EFG As Short, n2 As String, LON As String
    Dim header_name As String, a As String, j As Short, COUN As Short, BASE1 As Short

    Dim L As String, TOT As String
    Dim N As Object
    Dim TOT1 As Integer
    Dim LL As Byte

    FileOpen(1, fileName, OpenMode.Binary, , , 1)  ' OPEN BMP FILE TO READ
    FileGet(1, LL, 1)
    TI = Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))
    FileGet(1, LL, 2)
    TI += Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))

    If TI <> "BM" Then
        Return False
    End If

    i = 17
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256

    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    WID = N
    i = 21
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    high = N
    FileGet(1, LL, 27)
    N = LL
    FileGet(1, LL, 29)

    If N <> 1 Or LL <> 1 Then
        'BMP has too many colors, only support monochrome images
        Return False
    End If

    TEM = Int(WID / 8)
    If (WID Mod 8) <> 0 Then
        TEM += 1
    End If
    BMPL = TEM

    If (BMPL Mod 4) <> 0 Then
        BMPL += (4 - (BMPL Mod 4))
        EFG = 1
    End If

    n2 = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.LastIndexOf("\", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1) + imageName + ".GRF"

    FileOpen(2, n2, OpenMode.Output) 'OPEN GRF TO OUTPUT
    TOT1 = TEM * high : TOT = Mid(Str(TOT1), 2)
    If Len(TOT) < 5 Then
        TOT = Strings.Left("00000", 5 - Len(TOT)) + TOT
    End If

    LON = Mid(Str(TEM), 2)

    If Len(LON) < 3 Then
        LON = Strings.Left("000", 3 - Len(LON)) + LON
    End If

    header_name = imageName
    PrintLine(2, "~DG" & header_name & "," & TOT & "," & LON & ",")

    For i = high To 1 Step -1
        a = ""
        For j = 1 To TEM
            COUN = 62 + (i - 1) * BMPL + j
            FileGet(1, LL, COUN)
            L = LL

            If j = TEM And (EFG = 1 Or (WID Mod 8) <> 0) Then
                BASE1 = 2 ^ ((TEM * 8 - WID) Mod 8)
                L = Int(L / BASE1) * BASE1 + BASE1 - 1
            End If
            L = Not L
            a += Right(Hex(L), 2)
        Next j
        PrintLine(2, a)
    Next i

    Return True

End Function

Public Function ConvertBmp2Grf(fileName As String, imageName As String) As Boolean
    Dim TI As String
    Dim i As Short
    Dim WID As Object
    Dim high As Object
    Dim TEM As Short, BMPL As Short, EFG As Short, n2 As String, LON As String
    Dim header_name As String, a As String, j As Short, COUN As Short, BASE1 As Short

    Dim L As String, TOT As String
    Dim N As Object
    Dim TOT1 As Integer
    Dim LL As Byte

    FileOpen(1, fileName, OpenMode.Binary, , , 1)  ' OPEN BMP FILE TO READ
    FileGet(1, LL, 1)
    TI = Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))
    FileGet(1, LL, 2)
    TI += Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))

    If TI <> "BM" Then
        Return False
    End If

    i = 17
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256

    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    WID = N
    i = 21
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    high = N
    FileGet(1, LL, 27)
    N = LL
    FileGet(1, LL, 29)

    If N <> 1 Or LL <> 1 Then
        'BMP has too many colors, only support monochrome images
        Return False
    End If

    TEM = Int(WID / 8)
    If (WID Mod 8) <> 0 Then
        TEM += 1
    End If
    BMPL = TEM

    If (BMPL Mod 4) <> 0 Then
        BMPL += (4 - (BMPL Mod 4))
        EFG = 1
    End If

    n2 = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.LastIndexOf("\", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1) + imageName + ".GRF"

    FileOpen(2, n2, OpenMode.Output) 'OPEN GRF TO OUTPUT
    TOT1 = TEM * high : TOT = Mid(Str(TOT1), 2)
    If Len(TOT) < 5 Then
        TOT = Strings.Left("00000", 5 - Len(TOT)) + TOT
    End If

    LON = Mid(Str(TEM), 2)

    If Len(LON) < 3 Then
        LON = Strings.Left("000", 3 - Len(LON)) + LON
    End If

    header_name = imageName
    PrintLine(2, "~DG" & header_name & "," & TOT & "," & LON & ",")

    For i = high To 1 Step -1
        a = ""
        For j = 1 To TEM
            COUN = 62 + (i - 1) * BMPL + j
            FileGet(1, LL, COUN)
            L = LL

            If j = TEM And (EFG = 1 Or (WID Mod 8) <> 0) Then
                BASE1 = 2 ^ ((TEM * 8 - WID) Mod 8)
                L = Int(L / BASE1) * BASE1 + BASE1 - 1
            End If
            L = Not L
            a += Right(Hex(L), 2)
        Next j
        PrintLine(2, a)
    Next i

    Return True

End Function

Public Function ConvertBmp2Grf(fileName As String, imageName As String) As Boolean
    Dim TI As String
    Dim i As Short
    Dim WID As Object
    Dim high As Object
    Dim TEM As Short, BMPL As Short, EFG As Short, n2 As String, LON As String
    Dim header_name As String, a As String, j As Short, COUN As Short, BASE1 As Short

    Dim L As String, TOT As String
    Dim N As Object
    Dim TOT1 As Integer
    Dim LL As Byte

    FileOpen(1, fileName, OpenMode.Binary, , , 1)  ' OPEN BMP FILE TO READ
    FileGet(1, LL, 1)
    TI = Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))
    FileGet(1, LL, 2)
    TI += Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))

    If TI <> "BM" Then
        Return False
    End If

    i = 17
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256

    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    WID = N
    i = 21
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    high = N
    FileGet(1, LL, 27)
    N = LL
    FileGet(1, LL, 29)

    If N <> 1 Or LL <> 1 Then
        'BMP has too many colors, only support monochrome images
        Return False
    End If

    TEM = Int(WID / 8)
    If (WID Mod 8) <> 0 Then
        TEM += 1
    End If
    BMPL = TEM

    If (BMPL Mod 4) <> 0 Then
        BMPL += (4 - (BMPL Mod 4))
        EFG = 1
    End If

    n2 = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.LastIndexOf("\", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1) + imageName + ".GRF"

    FileOpen(2, n2, OpenMode.Output) 'OPEN GRF TO OUTPUT
    TOT1 = TEM * high : TOT = Mid(Str(TOT1), 2)
    If Len(TOT) < 5 Then
        TOT = Strings.Left("00000", 5 - Len(TOT)) + TOT
    End If

    LON = Mid(Str(TEM), 2)

    If Len(LON) < 3 Then
        LON = Strings.Left("000", 3 - Len(LON)) + LON
    End If

    header_name = imageName
    PrintLine(2, "~DG" & header_name & "," & TOT & "," & LON & ",")

    For i = high To 1 Step -1
        a = ""
        For j = 1 To TEM
            COUN = 62 + (i - 1) * BMPL + j
            FileGet(1, LL, COUN)
            L = LL

            If j = TEM And (EFG = 1 Or (WID Mod 8) <> 0) Then
                BASE1 = 2 ^ ((TEM * 8 - WID) Mod 8)
                L = Int(L / BASE1) * BASE1 + BASE1 - 1
            End If
            L = Not L
            a += Right(Hex(L), 2)
        Next j
        PrintLine(2, a)
    Next i

    Return True

End Function

Public Function ConvertBmp2Grf(fileName As String, imageName As String) As Boolean
    Dim TI As String
    Dim i As Short
    Dim WID As Object
    Dim high As Object
    Dim TEM As Short, BMPL As Short, EFG As Short, n2 As String, LON As String
    Dim header_name As String, a As String, j As Short, COUN As Short, BASE1 As Short

    Dim L As String, TOT As String
    Dim N As Object
    Dim TOT1 As Integer
    Dim LL As Byte

    FileOpen(1, fileName, OpenMode.Binary, , , 1)  ' OPEN BMP FILE TO READ
    FileGet(1, LL, 1)
    TI = Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))
    FileGet(1, LL, 2)
    TI += Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))

    If TI <> "BM" Then
        Return False
    End If

    i = 17
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256

    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    WID = N
    i = 21
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    high = N
    FileGet(1, LL, 27)
    N = LL
    FileGet(1, LL, 29)

    If N <> 1 Or LL <> 1 Then
        'BMP has too many colors, only support monochrome images
        Return False
    End If

    TEM = Int(WID / 8)
    If (WID Mod 8) <> 0 Then
        TEM += 1
    End If
    BMPL = TEM

    If (BMPL Mod 4) <> 0 Then
        BMPL += (4 - (BMPL Mod 4))
        EFG = 1
    End If

    n2 = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.LastIndexOf("\", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1) + imageName + ".GRF"

    FileOpen(2, n2, OpenMode.Output) 'OPEN GRF TO OUTPUT
    TOT1 = TEM * high : TOT = Mid(Str(TOT1), 2)
    If Len(TOT) < 5 Then
        TOT = Strings.Left("00000", 5 - Len(TOT)) + TOT
    End If

    LON = Mid(Str(TEM), 2)

    If Len(LON) < 3 Then
        LON = Strings.Left("000", 3 - Len(LON)) + LON
    End If

    header_name = imageName
    PrintLine(2, "~DG" & header_name & "," & TOT & "," & LON & ",")

    For i = high To 1 Step -1
        a = ""
        For j = 1 To TEM
            COUN = 62 + (i - 1) * BMPL + j
            FileGet(1, LL, COUN)
            L = LL

            If j = TEM And (EFG = 1 Or (WID Mod 8) <> 0) Then
                BASE1 = 2 ^ ((TEM * 8 - WID) Mod 8)
                L = Int(L / BASE1) * BASE1 + BASE1 - 1
            End If
            L = Not L
            a += Right(Hex(L), 2)
        Next j
        PrintLine(2, a)
    Next i

    Return True

End Function
将TI变暗为字符串 我觉得我很矮 作为对象的Dim WID 像物体一样暗高 尺寸TEM为短,BMPL为短,EFG为短,n2为串,LON为串 Dim头_名称为字符串,a为字符串,j为短,CONN为短,BASE1为短 尺寸L为字符串,TOT为字符串 将N作为对象 Dim TOT1为整数 将LL作为字节 FileOpen(1,文件名,OpenMode.Binary,1)'打开BMP文件以读取 FileGet(1,LL,1) TI=转换为字符串(Chr(LL)) FileGet(1,LL,2) TI+=转换为字符串(Chr(LL)) 如果TI“BM”那么 FileClose() 返回错误 如果结束 i=17 FileGet(1,LL,i+1) N=LL*256 FileGet(1,LL,i) N=(N+LL)*256 FileGet(1,LL,i+3) N=(N+LL)*256 FileGet(1,LL,i+2) N+=LL WID=N i=21 FileGet(1,LL,i+1) N=LL*256 FileGet(1,LL,i) N=(N+LL)*256 FileGet(1,LL,i+3) N=(N+LL)*256 FileGet(1,LL,i+2) N+=LL 高=N FileGet(1,LL,27) N=LL FileGet(1,LL,29) 如果N 1或LL 1,则 'BMP颜色太多,仅支持单色图像 文件关闭(1) 返回错误 如果结束 TEM=Int(WID/8) 如果(WID Mod 8)为0,则 TEM+=1 如果结束 BMPL=TEM 如果(BMPL模块4)为0,则 BMPL+=(4-(BMPL模块4)) EFG=1 如果结束 n2=fileName.Substring(0,fileName.LastIndexOf(“\”,StringComparison.Ordinal)+1)+imageName+“.GRF” FileOpen(2,n2,OpenMode.Output)'打开GRF以输出 TOT1=TEM*高:TOT=Mid(Str(TOT1),2) 如果Len(TOT)<5,则 TOT=字符串。左(“00000”,5-长度(TOT))+TOT 如果结束 LON=Mid(Str(TEM),2) 如果Len(LON)<3,则 LON=弦。左(“000”,3-弦(LON))+LON 如果结束 标题名称=图像名称 打印行(2,“~DG”&标题名称&“,”&TOT&“,”&LON&“,”) 对于i=高至1步骤-1 a=“” 对于j=1至TEM COUN=62+(i-1)*BMPL+j FileGet(1,LL,COUN) L=LL 如果j=TEM且(EFG=1或(WID Mod 8)0),则 BASE1=2^((TEM*8-WID)模块8) L=Int(L/BASE1)*BASE1+BASE1-1 如果结束 L=不是L a+=右侧(十六进制(L),2) 下一个j 打印行(2,a) 接下来我 FileClose() 返回真值 端函数

Public Function ConvertBmp2Grf(fileName As String, imageName As String) As Boolean
    Dim TI As String
    Dim i As Short
    Dim WID As Object
    Dim high As Object
    Dim TEM As Short, BMPL As Short, EFG As Short, n2 As String, LON As String
    Dim header_name As String, a As String, j As Short, COUN As Short, BASE1 As Short

    Dim L As String, TOT As String
    Dim N As Object
    Dim TOT1 As Integer
    Dim LL As Byte

    FileOpen(1, fileName, OpenMode.Binary, , , 1)  ' OPEN BMP FILE TO READ
    FileGet(1, LL, 1)
    TI = Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))
    FileGet(1, LL, 2)
    TI += Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))

    If TI <> "BM" Then
        Return False
    End If

    i = 17
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256

    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    WID = N
    i = 21
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    high = N
    FileGet(1, LL, 27)
    N = LL
    FileGet(1, LL, 29)

    If N <> 1 Or LL <> 1 Then
        'BMP has too many colors, only support monochrome images
        Return False
    End If

    TEM = Int(WID / 8)
    If (WID Mod 8) <> 0 Then
        TEM += 1
    End If
    BMPL = TEM

    If (BMPL Mod 4) <> 0 Then
        BMPL += (4 - (BMPL Mod 4))
        EFG = 1
    End If

    n2 = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.LastIndexOf("\", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1) + imageName + ".GRF"

    FileOpen(2, n2, OpenMode.Output) 'OPEN GRF TO OUTPUT
    TOT1 = TEM * high : TOT = Mid(Str(TOT1), 2)
    If Len(TOT) < 5 Then
        TOT = Strings.Left("00000", 5 - Len(TOT)) + TOT
    End If

    LON = Mid(Str(TEM), 2)

    If Len(LON) < 3 Then
        LON = Strings.Left("000", 3 - Len(LON)) + LON
    End If

    header_name = imageName
    PrintLine(2, "~DG" & header_name & "," & TOT & "," & LON & ",")

    For i = high To 1 Step -1
        a = ""
        For j = 1 To TEM
            COUN = 62 + (i - 1) * BMPL + j
            FileGet(1, LL, COUN)
            L = LL

            If j = TEM And (EFG = 1 Or (WID Mod 8) <> 0) Then
                BASE1 = 2 ^ ((TEM * 8 - WID) Mod 8)
                L = Int(L / BASE1) * BASE1 + BASE1 - 1
            End If
            L = Not L
            a += Right(Hex(L), 2)
        Next j
        PrintLine(2, a)
    Next i

    Return True

End Function
2) 检测位图在Mod之后的剩余值

Public Function ConvertBmp2Grf(fileName As String, imageName As String) As Boolean
    Dim TI As String
    Dim i As Short
    Dim WID As Object
    Dim high As Object
    Dim TEM As Short, BMPL As Short, EFG As Short, n2 As String, LON As String
    Dim header_name As String, a As String, j As Short, COUN As Short, BASE1 As Short

    Dim L As String, TOT As String
    Dim N As Object
    Dim TOT1 As Integer
    Dim LL As Byte

    FileOpen(1, fileName, OpenMode.Binary, , , 1)  ' OPEN BMP FILE TO READ
    FileGet(1, LL, 1)
    TI = Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))
    FileGet(1, LL, 2)
    TI += Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))

    If TI <> "BM" Then
        Return False
    End If

    i = 17
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256

    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    WID = N
    i = 21
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    high = N
    FileGet(1, LL, 27)
    N = LL
    FileGet(1, LL, 29)

    If N <> 1 Or LL <> 1 Then
        'BMP has too many colors, only support monochrome images
        Return False
    End If

    TEM = Int(WID / 8)
    If (WID Mod 8) <> 0 Then
        TEM += 1
    End If
    BMPL = TEM

    If (BMPL Mod 4) <> 0 Then
        BMPL += (4 - (BMPL Mod 4))
        EFG = 1
    End If

    n2 = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.LastIndexOf("\", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1) + imageName + ".GRF"

    FileOpen(2, n2, OpenMode.Output) 'OPEN GRF TO OUTPUT
    TOT1 = TEM * high : TOT = Mid(Str(TOT1), 2)
    If Len(TOT) < 5 Then
        TOT = Strings.Left("00000", 5 - Len(TOT)) + TOT
    End If

    LON = Mid(Str(TEM), 2)

    If Len(LON) < 3 Then
        LON = Strings.Left("000", 3 - Len(LON)) + LON
    End If

    header_name = imageName
    PrintLine(2, "~DG" & header_name & "," & TOT & "," & LON & ",")

    For i = high To 1 Step -1
        a = ""
        For j = 1 To TEM
            COUN = 62 + (i - 1) * BMPL + j
            FileGet(1, LL, COUN)
            L = LL

            If j = TEM And (EFG = 1 Or (WID Mod 8) <> 0) Then
                BASE1 = 2 ^ ((TEM * 8 - WID) Mod 8)
                L = Int(L / BASE1) * BASE1 + BASE1 - 1
            End If
            L = Not L
            a += Right(Hex(L), 2)
        Next j
        PrintLine(2, a)
    Next i

    Return True

End Function
        if(bmp.Width % 8 > 0)
            var remaining = bmp.Width % 8;
            var newbmp = ResizeImage(bmp, bmp.Width + remaining, bmp.Height);
            bmp = newbmp;


Public Function ConvertBmp2Grf(fileName As String, imageName As String) As Boolean
    Dim TI As String
    Dim i As Short
    Dim WID As Object
    Dim high As Object
    Dim TEM As Short, BMPL As Short, EFG As Short, n2 As String, LON As String
    Dim header_name As String, a As String, j As Short, COUN As Short, BASE1 As Short

    Dim L As String, TOT As String
    Dim N As Object
    Dim TOT1 As Integer
    Dim LL As Byte

    FileOpen(1, fileName, OpenMode.Binary, , , 1)  ' OPEN BMP FILE TO READ
    FileGet(1, LL, 1)
    TI = Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))
    FileGet(1, LL, 2)
    TI += Convert.ToString(Chr(LL))

    If TI <> "BM" Then
        Return False
    End If

    i = 17
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256

    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    WID = N
    i = 21
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 1)
    N = LL * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 3)
    N = (N + LL) * 256
    FileGet(1, LL, i + 2)
    N += LL
    high = N
    FileGet(1, LL, 27)
    N = LL
    FileGet(1, LL, 29)

    If N <> 1 Or LL <> 1 Then
        'BMP has too many colors, only support monochrome images
        Return False
    End If

    TEM = Int(WID / 8)
    If (WID Mod 8) <> 0 Then
        TEM += 1
    End If
    BMPL = TEM

    If (BMPL Mod 4) <> 0 Then
        BMPL += (4 - (BMPL Mod 4))
        EFG = 1
    End If

    n2 = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.LastIndexOf("\", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1) + imageName + ".GRF"

    FileOpen(2, n2, OpenMode.Output) 'OPEN GRF TO OUTPUT
    TOT1 = TEM * high : TOT = Mid(Str(TOT1), 2)
    If Len(TOT) < 5 Then
        TOT = Strings.Left("00000", 5 - Len(TOT)) + TOT
    End If

    LON = Mid(Str(TEM), 2)

    If Len(LON) < 3 Then
        LON = Strings.Left("000", 3 - Len(LON)) + LON
    End If

    header_name = imageName
    PrintLine(2, "~DG" & header_name & "," & TOT & "," & LON & ",")

    For i = high To 1 Step -1
        a = ""
        For j = 1 To TEM
            COUN = 62 + (i - 1) * BMPL + j
            FileGet(1, LL, COUN)
            L = LL

            If j = TEM And (EFG = 1 Or (WID Mod 8) <> 0) Then
                BASE1 = 2 ^ ((TEM * 8 - WID) Mod 8)
                L = Int(L / BASE1) * BASE1 + BASE1 - 1
            End If
            L = Not L
            a += Right(Hex(L), 2)
        Next j
        PrintLine(2, a)
    Next i

    Return True

End Function
 public static Bitmap ResizeImage(Image image, int width, int height)
    var destRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
    var oldRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);
    var destImage = new Bitmap(width, height);

    destImage.SetResolution(image.HorizontalResolution, image.VerticalResolution);

    using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(destImage))
        graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, destRect);
        graphics.CompositingMode = CompositingMode.SourceCopy;
        graphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
        graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
        graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
        graphics.PixelOffsetMode = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;

        using (var wrapMode = new ImageAttributes())
            graphics.DrawImage(image, oldRect, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height, 
GraphicsUnit.Pixel, wrapMode);

    return destImage;
