Ios 轨迹贴图视图旋转

Ios 轨迹贴图视图旋转,ios,rotation,mapkit,Ios,Rotation,Mapkit,我有一个MapKitView,它有一个指向某个方向的注释。我的问题是,当用户使用两个手指旋转地图时,或者如果地图旋转以跟踪用户的标题,则需要旋转我的符号(因为它们与屏幕对齐,所以不需要旋转) 我知道我可以通过与地图摄影机标题相反的方向旋转符号。 我知道在这种情况下,可以通知我用户标题的更改以旋转注释 我的问题是,由于用户以交互方式旋转地图,我找不到跟踪地图旋转的方法 我可以跟踪贴图区域的开始和结束更改,但不能跟踪两者之间的更改。 我试着用KVO的相机的轴承,但我没有得到任何东西。 我试图查找系统


我知道我可以通过与地图摄影机标题相反的方向旋转符号。 我知道在这种情况下,可以通知我用户标题的更改以旋转注释


我可以跟踪贴图区域的开始和结束更改,但不能跟踪两者之间的更改。 我试着用KVO的相机的轴承,但我没有得到任何东西。 我试图查找系统发送的通知,但还是没有















下面列出了控制器的完整代码,当然也必须实现MKMapViewDelegate协议。 我试图在评论中非常详细

// compassView is the container View,
// arrowImageView is the arrow which will be rotated
@IBOutlet weak var compassView: UIView!
var arrowImageView = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "Compass")!)

override func viewDidLoad() {

// ******************************************************************************************
//                                                                                          *
// Helper: Detect when the MapView changes                                                  *

private func mapViewRegionDidChangeFromUserInteraction() -> Bool {
    let view = mapView!.subviews[0]
    // Look through gesture recognizers to determine whether this region
    // change is from user interaction
    if let gestureRecognizers = view.gestureRecognizers {
        for recognizer in gestureRecognizers {
            if( recognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerState.Began ||
                recognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerState.Ended ) {
                return true
    return false
//                                                                                          *
// ******************************************************************************************

// ******************************************************************************************
//                                                                                          *
// Helper: Needed to be allowed to recognize gestures simultaneously to the MapView ones.   *

func gestureRecognizer(_: UIGestureRecognizer,
    shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer:UIGestureRecognizer) -> Bool {
        return true
//                                                                                          *
// ******************************************************************************************

// ******************************************************************************************
//                                                                                          *
// Helper: Use CADisplayLink to fire a selector at screen refreshes to sync with each       *
// frame of MapKit's animation

private var displayLink : CADisplayLink!

func setUpDisplayLink() {
    displayLink = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: "refreshCompassHeading:")
    displayLink.addToRunLoop(NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop(), forMode: NSRunLoopCommonModes)
//                                                                                          *
// ******************************************************************************************

// ******************************************************************************************
//                                                                                          *
// Detect if the user starts to interact with the map...                                    *

private var mapChangedFromUserInteraction = false

func mapView(mapView: MKMapView, regionWillChangeAnimated animated: Bool) {
    mapChangedFromUserInteraction = mapViewRegionDidChangeFromUserInteraction()
    if (mapChangedFromUserInteraction) {
        // Map interaction. Set up a CADisplayLink.
//                                                                                          *
// ******************************************************************************************
//                                                                                          *
// ... and when he stops.                                                                   *

func mapView(mapView: MKMapView, regionDidChangeAnimated animated: Bool) {
    if mapChangedFromUserInteraction {
        // Final transform.
        // If all calculations would be correct, then this shouldn't be needed do nothing.
        // However, if something went wrong, with this final transformation the compass
        // always points to the right direction after the interaction is finished.
        // Making it a 500 ms animation provides elasticity und prevents hard transitions.
        UIView.animateWithDuration(0.5, animations: {
            self.arrowImageView.transform =
                CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(CGFloat(M_PI * / 180.0)
        // You may want this here to work on a better rotate out equation. :)
        let stoptime = NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate()
        print("Needed time to rotate out:", stoptime - startRotateOut, "with velocity",
            remainingVelocityAfterUserInteractionEnded, ".")
        print("Velocity decrease per sec:", (Double(remainingVelocityAfterUserInteractionEnded)
            / (stoptime - startRotateOut)))
        // Clean up for the next rotation.
        remainingVelocityAfterUserInteractionEnded = 0
        initialMapGestureModeIsRotation = nil
        if let _ = displayLink {
//                                                                                          *
// ******************************************************************************************

// ******************************************************************************************
//                                                                                          *
// This is our main function. The display link calls it once every display frame.           *

// The moment the user let go of the map.
var startRotateOut = NSTimeInterval(0)

// After that, if there is still momentum left, the velocity is > 0.
// The velocity of the rotation gesture in radians per second.
private var remainingVelocityAfterUserInteractionEnded = CGFloat(0)

// We need some values from the last frame
private var prevHeading = CLLocationDirection()
private var prevRotationInRadian = CGFloat(0)
private var prevTime = NSTimeInterval(0)

// The momentum gets slower ower time
private var currentlyRemainingVelocity = CGFloat(0)

func refreshCompassHeading(sender: AnyObject) {
    // If the gesture mode is not determinated or user is adjusting pitch
    // we do obviously nothing here. :)
    if initialMapGestureModeIsRotation == nil || !initialMapGestureModeIsRotation! {

    let rotationInRadian : CGFloat
    if remainingVelocityAfterUserInteractionEnded == 0 {
        // This is the normal case, when the map is beeing rotated.
        rotationInRadian = rotationGestureRecognizer.rotation
    } else {
        // velocity is > 0 or < 0.
        // This is the case when the user ended the gesture and there is
        // still some momentum left.
        let currentTime = NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate()
        let deltaTime = currentTime - prevTime
        // Calculate new remaining velocity here.
        // This is only very empiric and leaves room for improvement.
        // For instance I noticed that in the middle of the translation
        // the needle rotates a bid faster than the map.
        let SLOW_DOWN_FACTOR : CGFloat = 1.87
        let elapsedTime = currentTime - startRotateOut

        // Mathematicians, the next line is for you to play.
        currentlyRemainingVelocity -=
            currentlyRemainingVelocity * CGFloat(elapsedTime)/SLOW_DOWN_FACTOR
        let rotationInRadianSinceLastFrame =
        currentlyRemainingVelocity * CGFloat(deltaTime)
        rotationInRadian = prevRotationInRadian + rotationInRadianSinceLastFrame
        // Remember for the next frame.
        prevRotationInRadian = rotationInRadian
        prevTime = currentTime
    // Convert radian to degree and get our long-desired new heading.
    let rotationInDegrees = Double(rotationInRadian * (180 / CGFloat(M_PI)))
    let newHeading = -mapView!.camera.heading + rotationInDegrees
    // No real difference? No expensive transform then.
    let difference = abs(newHeading - prevHeading)
    if difference < 0.001 {

    // Finally rotate the compass.
    arrowImageView.transform =
        CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(CGFloat(M_PI * newHeading) / 180.0)

    // Remember for the next frame.
    prevHeading = newHeading
//                                                                                          *
// ******************************************************************************************

// As soon as this optional is set the initial mode is determined.
// If it's true than the map is in rotation mode,
// if false, the map is in 3D position adjust mode.

private var initialMapGestureModeIsRotation : Bool?

// ******************************************************************************************
//                                                                                          *
// UIRotationGestureRecognizer                                                              *

@IBAction func handleRotation(sender: UIRotationGestureRecognizer) {
    if (initialMapGestureModeIsRotation == nil) {
        initialMapGestureModeIsRotation = true
    } else if !initialMapGestureModeIsRotation! {
        // User is not in rotation mode.
    if sender.state == .Ended {
        if sender.velocity != 0 {

            // Velocity left after ending rotation gesture. Decelerate from remaining
            // momentum. This block is only called once.
            remainingVelocityAfterUserInteractionEnded = sender.velocity
            currentlyRemainingVelocity = remainingVelocityAfterUserInteractionEnded
            startRotateOut = NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate()
            prevTime = startRotateOut
            prevRotationInRadian = rotationGestureRecognizer.rotation
//                                                                                          *
// ******************************************************************************************
//                                                                                          *
// Yes, there is also a SwypeGestureRecognizer, but the length for being recognized as      *
// is far too long. Recognizing a 2 finger swype up or down with a PanGestureRecognizer
// yields better results.

@IBAction func handleSwipe(sender: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
    // After a certain altitude is reached, there is no pitch possible.
    // In this case the 3D perspective change does not work and the rotation is initialized.
    // Play with this one.
    let MAX_PITCH_ALTITUDE : Double = 100000
    // Play with this one for best results detecting a swype. The 3D perspective change is
    // recognized quite quickly, thats the reason a swype recognizer here is of no use.
    let SWYPE_SENSITIVITY : CGFloat = 0.5 // play with this one
    if let _ = initialMapGestureModeIsRotation {
        // Gesture mode is already determined.
        // Swypes don't care us anymore.
    if mapView?.camera.altitude > MAX_PITCH_ALTITUDE {
        // Altitude is too high to adjust pitch.
    let panned = sender.translationInView(mapView)
    if fabs(panned.y) > SWYPE_SENSITIVITY {
        // Initial swype up or down.
        // Map gesture is most likely a 3D perspective correction.
        initialMapGestureModeIsRotation = false
//                                                                                          *
// ******************************************************************************************
//                                                                                          *

@IBAction func pinchGestureRecognizer(sender: UIPinchGestureRecognizer) {
    // pinch is zoom. this always enables rotation mode.
    if (initialMapGestureModeIsRotation == nil) {
        initialMapGestureModeIsRotation = true
        // Initial pinch detected. This is normally a zoom
        // which goes in hand with a rotation.
//                                                                                          *
// ******************************************************************************************
@IBVAR compassView:UIView!
var arrowImageView=UIImageView(图像:UIImage(名为:“指南针”)!)
重写func viewDidLoad(){
// ******************************************************************************************
//                                                                                          *
private func mapViewRegionDidChangeFromUserInteraction()->Bool{
//                                                                                          *
// ******************************************************************************************
// ******************************************************************************************
//                                                                                          *
func gestureRecognizer(uquo:UIGestureRecognizer,
//                                                                                          *
// ******************************************************************************************
// ******************************************************************************************
//                                                                                          *
func setUpDisplayLink(){
//                                                                                          *
// ******************************************************************************************
// ******************************************************************************************
//                                                                                          *
@IBAction func handleRotation(sender: UIRotationGestureRecognizer) {

@IBAction func handleSwipe(sender: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {

@IBAction func pinchGestureRecognizer(sender: UIPinchGestureRecognizer) {
// compassView is the container View,
// arrowImageView is the arrow which will be rotated
@IBOutlet weak var compassView: UIView!
var arrowImageView = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "Compass")!)

override func viewDidLoad() {

// ******************************************************************************************
//                                                                                          *
// Helper: Detect when the MapView changes                                                  *

private func mapViewRegionDidChangeFromUserInteraction() -> Bool {
    let view = mapView!.subviews[0]
    // Look through gesture recognizers to determine whether this region
    // change is from user interaction
    if let gestureRecognizers = view.gestureRecognizers {
        for recognizer in gestureRecognizers {
            if( recognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerState.Began ||
                recognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerState.Ended ) {
                return true
    return false
//                                                                                          *
// ******************************************************************************************

// ******************************************************************************************
//                                                                                          *
// Helper: Needed to be allowed to recognize gestures simultaneously to the MapView ones.   *

func gestureRecognizer(_: UIGestureRecognizer,
    shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer:UIGestureRecognizer) -> Bool {
        return true
//                                                                                          *
// ******************************************************************************************

// ******************************************************************************************
//                                                                                          *
// Helper: Use CADisplayLink to fire a selector at screen refreshes to sync with each       *
// frame of MapKit's animation

private var displayLink : CADisplayLink!

func setUpDisplayLink() {
    displayLink = CADisplayLink(target: self, selector: "refreshCompassHeading:")
    displayLink.addToRunLoop(NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop(), forMode: NSRunLoopCommonModes)
//                                                                                          *
// ******************************************************************************************

// ******************************************************************************************
//                                                                                          *
// Detect if the user starts to interact with the map...                                    *

private var mapChangedFromUserInteraction = false

func mapView(mapView: MKMapView, regionWillChangeAnimated animated: Bool) {
    mapChangedFromUserInteraction = mapViewRegionDidChangeFromUserInteraction()
    if (mapChangedFromUserInteraction) {
        // Map interaction. Set up a CADisplayLink.
//                                                                                          *
// ******************************************************************************************
//                                                                                          *
// ... and when he stops.                                                                   *

func mapView(mapView: MKMapView, regionDidChangeAnimated animated: Bool) {
    if mapChangedFromUserInteraction {
        // Final transform.
        // If all calculations would be correct, then this shouldn't be needed do nothing.
        // However, if something went wrong, with this final transformation the compass
        // always points to the right direction after the interaction is finished.
        // Making it a 500 ms animation provides elasticity und prevents hard transitions.
        UIView.animateWithDuration(0.5, animations: {
            self.arrowImageView.transform =
                CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(CGFloat(M_PI * / 180.0)
        // You may want this here to work on a better rotate out equation. :)
        let stoptime = NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate()
        print("Needed time to rotate out:", stoptime - startRotateOut, "with velocity",
            remainingVelocityAfterUserInteractionEnded, ".")
        print("Velocity decrease per sec:", (Double(remainingVelocityAfterUserInteractionEnded)
            / (stoptime - startRotateOut)))
        // Clean up for the next rotation.
        remainingVelocityAfterUserInteractionEnded = 0
        initialMapGestureModeIsRotation = nil
        if let _ = displayLink {
//                                                                                          *
// ******************************************************************************************

// ******************************************************************************************
//                                                                                          *
// This is our main function. The display link calls it once every display frame.           *

// The moment the user let go of the map.
var startRotateOut = NSTimeInterval(0)

// After that, if there is still momentum left, the velocity is > 0.
// The velocity of the rotation gesture in radians per second.
private var remainingVelocityAfterUserInteractionEnded = CGFloat(0)

// We need some values from the last frame
private var prevHeading = CLLocationDirection()
private var prevRotationInRadian = CGFloat(0)
private var prevTime = NSTimeInterval(0)

// The momentum gets slower ower time
private var currentlyRemainingVelocity = CGFloat(0)

func refreshCompassHeading(sender: AnyObject) {
    // If the gesture mode is not determinated or user is adjusting pitch
    // we do obviously nothing here. :)
    if initialMapGestureModeIsRotation == nil || !initialMapGestureModeIsRotation! {

    let rotationInRadian : CGFloat
    if remainingVelocityAfterUserInteractionEnded == 0 {
        // This is the normal case, when the map is beeing rotated.
        rotationInRadian = rotationGestureRecognizer.rotation
    } else {
        // velocity is > 0 or < 0.
        // This is the case when the user ended the gesture and there is
        // still some momentum left.
        let currentTime = NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate()
        let deltaTime = currentTime - prevTime
        // Calculate new remaining velocity here.
        // This is only very empiric and leaves room for improvement.
        // For instance I noticed that in the middle of the translation
        // the needle rotates a bid faster than the map.
        let SLOW_DOWN_FACTOR : CGFloat = 1.87
        let elapsedTime = currentTime - startRotateOut

        // Mathematicians, the next line is for you to play.
        currentlyRemainingVelocity -=
            currentlyRemainingVelocity * CGFloat(elapsedTime)/SLOW_DOWN_FACTOR
        let rotationInRadianSinceLastFrame =
        currentlyRemainingVelocity * CGFloat(deltaTime)
        rotationInRadian = prevRotationInRadian + rotationInRadianSinceLastFrame
        // Remember for the next frame.
        prevRotationInRadian = rotationInRadian
        prevTime = currentTime
    // Convert radian to degree and get our long-desired new heading.
    let rotationInDegrees = Double(rotationInRadian * (180 / CGFloat(M_PI)))
    let newHeading = -mapView!.camera.heading + rotationInDegrees
    // No real difference? No expensive transform then.
    let difference = abs(newHeading - prevHeading)
    if difference < 0.001 {

    // Finally rotate the compass.
    arrowImageView.transform =
        CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(CGFloat(M_PI * newHeading) / 180.0)

    // Remember for the next frame.
    prevHeading = newHeading
//                                                                                          *
// ******************************************************************************************

// As soon as this optional is set the initial mode is determined.
// If it's true than the map is in rotation mode,
// if false, the map is in 3D position adjust mode.

private var initialMapGestureModeIsRotation : Bool?

// ******************************************************************************************
//                                                                                          *
// UIRotationGestureRecognizer                                                              *

@IBAction func handleRotation(sender: UIRotationGestureRecognizer) {
    if (initialMapGestureModeIsRotation == nil) {
        initialMapGestureModeIsRotation = true
    } else if !initialMapGestureModeIsRotation! {
        // User is not in rotation mode.
    if sender.state == .Ended {
        if sender.velocity != 0 {

            // Velocity left after ending rotation gesture. Decelerate from remaining
            // momentum. This block is only called once.
            remainingVelocityAfterUserInteractionEnded = sender.velocity
            currentlyRemainingVelocity = remainingVelocityAfterUserInteractionEnded
            startRotateOut = NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate()
            prevTime = startRotateOut
            prevRotationInRadian = rotationGestureRecognizer.rotation
//                                                                                          *
// ******************************************************************************************
//                                                                                          *
// Yes, there is also a SwypeGestureRecognizer, but the length for being recognized as      *
// is far too long. Recognizing a 2 finger swype up or down with a PanGestureRecognizer
// yields better results.

@IBAction func handleSwipe(sender: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
    // After a certain altitude is reached, there is no pitch possible.
    // In this case the 3D perspective change does not work and the rotation is initialized.
    // Play with this one.
    let MAX_PITCH_ALTITUDE : Double = 100000
    // Play with this one for best results detecting a swype. The 3D perspective change is
    // recognized quite quickly, thats the reason a swype recognizer here is of no use.
    let SWYPE_SENSITIVITY : CGFloat = 0.5 // play with this one
    if let _ = initialMapGestureModeIsRotation {
        // Gesture mode is already determined.
        // Swypes don't care us anymore.
    if mapView?.camera.altitude > MAX_PITCH_ALTITUDE {
        // Altitude is too high to adjust pitch.
    let panned = sender.translationInView(mapView)
    if fabs(panned.y) > SWYPE_SENSITIVITY {
        // Initial swype up or down.
        // Map gesture is most likely a 3D perspective correction.
        initialMapGestureModeIsRotation = false
//                                                                                          *
// ******************************************************************************************
//                                                                                          *

@IBAction func pinchGestureRecognizer(sender: UIPinchGestureRecognizer) {
    // pinch is zoom. this always enables rotation mode.
    if (initialMapGestureModeIsRotation == nil) {
        initialMapGestureModeIsRotation = true
        // Initial pinch detected. This is normally a zoom
        // which goes in hand with a rotation.
//                                                                                          *
// ******************************************************************************************
class MyMap : MKMapView {

class MyMap : MKMapView {

  var mapContainerView : UIView?

  init() {
      self.mapContainerView = self.findViewOfType("MKScrollContainerView", inView: self)

  func findViewOfType(type: String, inView view: UIView) -> UIView? {
      // function scans subviews recursively and returns reference to the found one of a type
      if view.subviews.count > 0 {
          for v in view.subviews {
              if v.dynamicType.description() == type {
                  return v
              if let inSubviews = self.findViewOfType(type, inView: v) {
                  return inSubviews
          return nil
      } else {
          return nil

 cosA  sinA  0
-sinA  cosA  0
  0     0    1
class MyMap : MKMapView {


func getRotation() -> Double? {
    // function gets current map rotation based on the transform values of MKScrollContainerView
    if self.mapContainerView != nil {
        var rotation = fabs(180 * asin(Double(self.mapContainerView!.transform.b)) / M_PI)
        if self.mapContainerView!.transform.b <= 0 {
            if self.mapContainerView!.transform.a >= 0 {
                // do nothing
            } else {
                rotation = 180 - rotation
        } else {
            if self.mapContainerView!.transform.a <= 0 {
                rotation = rotation + 180
            } else {
                rotation = 360 - rotation
        return rotation
    } else {
        return nil


@objc protocol MyMapListener {

    optional func onRotationChanged(rotation rotation: Double)
    // message is sent when map rotation is changed


class MyMap : MKMapView {

    var changesTimer : NSTimer? // timer to track map changes; nil when changes are not tracked
    var listener : MyMapListener?
    var rotation : Double = 0 // value to track rotation changes


    func trackChanges() {
        // function detects map changes and processes it
        if let rotation = self.getRotation() {
            if rotation != self.rotation {
                self.rotation = rotation
                self.listener?.onRotationChanged(rotation: rotation)

    func startTrackingChanges() {
        // function starts tracking map changes
        if self.changesTimer == nil {
            self.changesTimer = NSTimer(timeInterval: 0.1, target: self, selector: #selector(MyMap.trackChanges), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
            NSRunLoop.currentRunLoop().addTimer(self.changesTimer!, forMode: NSRunLoopCommonModes)

    func stopTrackingChanges() {
        // function stops tracking map changes
        if self.changesTimer != nil {
            self.changesTimer = nil

protocol MyMapViewRotationDelegate:class {
    func myMapView(mapView: MyMapView, didRotateAtAngle angle:CGFloat)

class MyMapView: MKMapView {
    private var mapContainerView:UIView?
    weak var rotationDelegate:MyMapViewRotationDelegate?
private func findViewOfType(type: String, inView view: UIView) -> UIView? {
        // function scans subviews recursively and returns reference to the found one of a type
        if view.subviews.count > 0 {
            for v in view.subviews {
                if v.classForCoder == NSClassFromString("MKScrollContainerView") {
                    return v

                if let inSubviews = self.findViewOfType(type: type, inView: v) {
                    return inSubviews
            return nil
        } else {
            return nil

override func awakeFromNib() {

        if let scrollContainerView = findViewOfType(type: "MKScrollContainerView", inView: self) {
            mapContainerView = scrollContainerView
            mapContainerView!.layer.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: #keyPath(transform), options: [.new, .old], context: nil)
override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {        
        guard keyPath == #keyPath(transform) else {
            super.observeValue(forKeyPath: keyPath, of: object, change: change, context: context)
            guard let layer = object as? CALayer else {

            if let rotationRadians = layer.value(forKeyPath: "transform.rotation.z") as? CGFloat {
                var angle = rotationRadians / .pi * 180 //convert to degrees
                if  angle < 0 {
                    angle = 360 + angle

                if let rotationDelegate = rotationDelegate {
                    rotationDelegate.myMapView(mapView: self, didRotateAtAngle: angle)
deinit {
        mapContainerView?.layer.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: #keyPath(transform))