Java JUnit测试套件:在测试开始运行之前首先创建数据集的方法

Java JUnit测试套件:在测试开始运行之前首先创建数据集的方法,java,maven,junit,Java,Maven,Junit,我想在任何测试开始运行之前为我的整个测试套件设置数据。我知道maven一个接一个地运行测试,而不是一个套件,所以我不能使用@SuiteClasses。另外,我不想通过DbUnitMaven插件创建数据集,数据集必须在REST上创建。有没有一种方法可以让我运行特定的类作为maven集成前测试和集成后测试的一部分来进行设置和清理 比如说 public class TestInit { public void setUp() { //Data setup }



public class TestInit
    public void setUp()
       //Data setup

    public void tearDown()
       //Data clean up






public class SimpleWayToUseDataSetTest {
    public DataSetRule rule = new DataSetRule(); // <-- this is used to access to the testVectors from inside the tests

    public static class MyDataSet extends SimpleTestVectors {
        protected Object[][] generateTestVectors() {
            return new Object[][] {
                    {true,  "alpha", new CustomProductionClass()}, // <-- this is a testVector
                    {true,  "bravo", new CustomProductionClass()},
                    {false, "alpha", new CustomProductionClass()},
                    {false, "bravo", new CustomProductionClass() }

    @DataSet(testData = MyDataSet.class) // <-- annotate the test with the dataset
    public void testFirst() throws InvalidDataSetException { // <-- any access to testData may result in Exception
        boolean myTextFixture = rule.getBoolean(0); // <-- this is how you access an element of the testVector. Indexing starts with 0
        String myAssertMessage = rule.getString(1); // <-- there are a couple of typed parameter getters
        CustomProductionClass myCustomObject = (CustomProductionClass) rule.getParameter(2); // <-- for other classes you need to cast
        Assert.assertTrue(myAssertMessage, true);
public DataSetRule rule=new DataSetRule();//是一种基于规则的解决方案。它可能很有用


public class SimpleWayToUseDataSetTest {
    public DataSetRule rule = new DataSetRule(); // <-- this is used to access to the testVectors from inside the tests

    public static class MyDataSet extends SimpleTestVectors {
        protected Object[][] generateTestVectors() {
            return new Object[][] {
                    {true,  "alpha", new CustomProductionClass()}, // <-- this is a testVector
                    {true,  "bravo", new CustomProductionClass()},
                    {false, "alpha", new CustomProductionClass()},
                    {false, "bravo", new CustomProductionClass() }

    @DataSet(testData = MyDataSet.class) // <-- annotate the test with the dataset
    public void testFirst() throws InvalidDataSetException { // <-- any access to testData may result in Exception
        boolean myTextFixture = rule.getBoolean(0); // <-- this is how you access an element of the testVector. Indexing starts with 0
        String myAssertMessage = rule.getString(1); // <-- there are a couple of typed parameter getters
        CustomProductionClass myCustomObject = (CustomProductionClass) rule.getParameter(2); // <-- for other classes you need to cast
        Assert.assertTrue(myAssertMessage, true);
