
我的java程序只提示用户,不读取数据。如何让我的代码实际读取数据并执行计算?,java,Java,我的程序应该询问用户是否想要订购比萨饼,用户应该输入 是或否(全部小写) 输入“否”将退出程序,但输入“是”将使计算机再次提示用户输入此信息- 姓氏(一个字,无需验证) 比萨饼类型的选择(选项包括素食、奶酪、辣香肠和supreme) 比萨饼大小的选择(选项有小、中、大) 输入所有这些信息后,程序应打印以下信息 客户姓氏(无论输入什么) 比萨饼的成本 大型比萨饼的总数 中型比萨饼的总数 小比萨饼的总数 订单的平均成本 当我编译我的程序时没有错误,当我运行它时,我得到了完美的提示……然而,在你输入答
















    /*This program will keep prompting the user to enter their pizza order, perform 
  the requested calculation, and then output the requested result.
  Written by Hannah Lane*/

import java.util.Scanner;
public class PizzaOrders
  public static void main(String[] args)
    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
    int smallpizzas = 0, mediumpizzas = 0, largepizzas = 0, numberoforders = 0;
    double totalordercost = 0.0, pizzacost = 0.0, averagecost = 0.0;
    String custlastname = "", pizzasize = "", pizzatype ="", response = "";

    /*The loop will prompt the user to see if the customer would like to order a pizza. 
      If yes, it will prompt the user for their last name, choice of pizza type, and 
      their choice of pizza size. The two possible responses are yes and no. The dummy 
      value for the loop is no. */

      System.out.print("Do you want to order one pizza?" +
             "Type yes or no (all lower case), then press the ENTER key.");
             response = input.next();
             while (!(response.equals("no")))
                /*Validate the user's response. If it is valid, prompt for the required 
                  values, perform the calculation, and output the result. If invalid, 
                  output an error message. */

                if (response.equals("yes"))
                  System.out.println("Please type in your last name (it can only be one word) and then press the ENTER key.");
                  custlastname = input.next();
                  System.out.println("Please type in your choice of pizza in all lower case letters. What you type into the keyboard must be" +
                                     " pepperoni, veggie, cheese, or supreme.");
                  pizzatype = input.next();
                  System.out.println("Please type in your choice of pizza size in all lower case letters. What you type into the keyboard must" +
                                     " be small, medium, or large.");

                  pizzasize = input.next();

                  /* Validate the entries for the calculation. The sizes must be small, medium, or large. The types of
                     pizza must be pepperoni, veggie, cheese, or supreme. For division, we must make sure the denominator
                     is not zero. If invalid, output an error message. */

                  if (pizzatype.equals("pepperoni") || pizzatype.equals("veggie") || pizzatype.equals("cheese") ||
                      pizzatype.equals("supreme") && pizzasize.equals("small") || pizzasize.equals("medium") ||
                      pizzasize.equals("large") && numberoforders !=0.0) 
                       if (pizzatype.equals ("pepperoni"))
                           if (pizzasize.equals ("small"))
                             smallpizzas = smallpizzas + 1;
                             pizzacost = 8.50;
                             totalordercost = totalordercost + 8.50;
                             numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
                           else if (pizzasize.equals ("medium"))
                             mediumpizzas = mediumpizzas + 1;
                             pizzacost = 9.50;
                             totalordercost = totalordercost + 9.50;
                             numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
                            else if(pizzasize.equals ("large"))
                             largepizzas = largepizzas + 1;
                             pizzacost = 10.50;
                             totalordercost = totalordercost + 10.50;
                             numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
                        else if (pizzatype.equals ("veggie"))
                          if (pizzasize.equals ("small"))
                            smallpizzas = smallpizzas + 1;
                            pizzacost = 10.00;
                            totalordercost = totalordercost + 10.00;
                            numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
                           else if (pizzasize.equals ("medium"))
                             mediumpizzas = mediumpizzas + 1;
                             pizzacost = 12.25;
                             totalordercost = totalordercost + 12.25;
                             numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
                            else if (pizzasize.equals ("large"))
                             largepizzas = largepizzas + 1;
                             pizzacost = 14.50;
                             totalordercost = totalordercost + 14.50;
                             numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;   
                        else if (pizzatype.equals ("cheese"))
                          if (pizzasize.equals ("small"))
                            smallpizzas = smallpizzas + 1;
                            pizzacost = 7.00;
                            totalordercost = totalordercost + 7.00;
                            numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
                            else if (pizzasize.equals ("medium"))
                             mediumpizzas = mediumpizzas + 1;
                             pizzacost = 8.00;
                             totalordercost = totalordercost + 8.00;
                             numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
                            else if (pizzasize.equals ("large"))
                             largepizzas = largepizzas + 1;
                             pizzacost = 9.00;
                             totalordercost = totalordercost + 9.00;
                             numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
                        else if (pizzatype.equals ("supreme"))
                          if (pizzasize.equals ("small"))
                            smallpizzas = smallpizzas + 1;
                            pizzacost = 11.00;
                            totalordercost = totalordercost + 11.00;
                            numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
                           else if (pizzasize.equals ("medium"))
                             mediumpizzas = mediumpizzas + 1;
                             pizzacost = 14.00;
                             totalordercost = totalordercost + 14.00;
                             numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
                            else if (pizzasize.equals ("large"))
                             largepizzas = largepizzas + 1;
                             pizzacost = 16.00;
                             totalordercost = totalordercost + 16.00;
                             numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
                          averagecost = totalordercost/(double)numberoforders;
                          System.out.println(custlastname + pizzacost + smallpizzas + mediumpizzas + largepizzas + averagecost);
                      System.out.println("What you have typed in is incorrect. Your response must be yes or no.");

                  System.out.println("Do you want to order one pizza? Type yes or no" +
                          "(all lower case), then press the ENTER key.");
                  response = input.next();


只有在用户购买supreme small pizza时,才会执行打印订单的代码。检查打印行的位置,它位于if-else结构中。你应该把它移低一点(就在最后一个之前)。检查下面的代码,我移动了以下行:

System.out.println(custlastname + pizzacost + smallpizzas + mediumpizzas + largepizzas + averagecost);

import java.util.Scanner;
public class PizzaOrders
  public static void main(String[] args)
    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
    int smallpizzas = 0, mediumpizzas = 0, largepizzas = 0, numberoforders = 0;
    double totalordercost = 0.0, pizzacost = 0.0, averagecost = 0.0;
    String custlastname = "", pizzasize = "", pizzatype ="", response = "";

    /*The loop will prompt the user to see if the customer would like to order a pizza. 
      If yes, it will prompt the user for their last name, choice of pizza type, and 
      their choice of pizza size. The two possible responses are yes and no. The dummy 
      value for the loop is no. */

      System.out.print("Do you want to order one pizza?" +
             "Type yes or no (all lower case), then press the ENTER key.");
             response = input.next();
             while (!(response.equals("no")))
                /*Validate the user's response. If it is valid, prompt for the required 
                  values, perform the calculation, and output the result. If invalid, 
                  output an error message. */

                if (response.equals("yes"))
                  System.out.println("Please type in your last name (it can only be one word) and then press the ENTER key.");
                  custlastname = input.next();
                  System.out.println("Please type in your choice of pizza in all lower case letters. What you type into the keyboard must be" +
                                     " pepperoni, veggie, cheese, or supreme.");
                  pizzatype = input.next();
                  System.out.println("Please type in your choice of pizza size in all lower case letters. What you type into the keyboard must" +
                                     " be small, medium, or large.");

                  pizzasize = input.next();

                  /* Validate the entries for the calculation. The sizes must be small, medium, or large. The types of
                     pizza must be pepperoni, veggie, cheese, or supreme. For division, we must make sure the denominator
                     is not zero. If invalid, output an error message. */

                  if (pizzatype.equals("pepperoni") || pizzatype.equals("veggie") || pizzatype.equals("cheese") ||
                      pizzatype.equals("supreme") && pizzasize.equals("small") || pizzasize.equals("medium") ||
                      pizzasize.equals("large") && numberoforders !=0.0) 
                       if (pizzatype.equals ("pepperoni"))
                           if (pizzasize.equals ("small"))
                             smallpizzas = smallpizzas + 1;
                             pizzacost = 8.50;
                             totalordercost = totalordercost + 8.50;
                             numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
                           else if (pizzasize.equals ("medium"))
                             mediumpizzas = mediumpizzas + 1;
                             pizzacost = 9.50;
                             totalordercost = totalordercost + 9.50;
                             numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
                            else if(pizzasize.equals ("large"))
                             largepizzas = largepizzas + 1;
                             pizzacost = 10.50;
                             totalordercost = totalordercost + 10.50;
                             numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
                        else if (pizzatype.equals ("veggie"))
                          if (pizzasize.equals ("small"))
                            smallpizzas = smallpizzas + 1;
                            pizzacost = 10.00;
                            totalordercost = totalordercost + 10.00;
                            numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
                           else if (pizzasize.equals ("medium"))
                             mediumpizzas = mediumpizzas + 1;
                             pizzacost = 12.25;
                             totalordercost = totalordercost + 12.25;
                             numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
                            else if (pizzasize.equals ("large"))
                             largepizzas = largepizzas + 1;
                             pizzacost = 14.50;
                             totalordercost = totalordercost + 14.50;
                             numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;   
                        else if (pizzatype.equals ("cheese"))
                          if (pizzasize.equals ("small"))
                            smallpizzas = smallpizzas + 1;
                            pizzacost = 7.00;
                            totalordercost = totalordercost + 7.00;
                            numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
                            else if (pizzasize.equals ("medium"))
                             mediumpizzas = mediumpizzas + 1;
                             pizzacost = 8.00;
                             totalordercost = totalordercost + 8.00;
                             numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
                            else if (pizzasize.equals ("large"))
                             largepizzas = largepizzas + 1;
                             pizzacost = 9.00;
                             totalordercost = totalordercost + 9.00;
                             numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
                        else if (pizzatype.equals ("supreme"))
                          if (pizzasize.equals ("small"))
                            smallpizzas = smallpizzas + 1;
                            pizzacost = 11.00;
                            totalordercost = totalordercost + 11.00;
                            numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
                           else if (pizzasize.equals ("medium"))
                             mediumpizzas = mediumpizzas + 1;
                             pizzacost = 14.00;
                             totalordercost = totalordercost + 14.00;
                             numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
                            else if (pizzasize.equals ("large"))
                             largepizzas = largepizzas + 1;
                             pizzacost = 16.00;
                             totalordercost = totalordercost + 16.00;
                             numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
                          averagecost = totalordercost/(double)numberoforders;
                    System.out.println(custlastname + pizzacost + smallpizzas + mediumpizzas + largepizzas + averagecost);
                      System.out.println("What you have typed in is incorrect. Your response must be yes or no.");

                  System.out.println("Do you want to order one pizza? Type yes or no" +
                          "(all lower case), then press the ENTER key.");
                  response = input.next();



averagecost = totalordercost/(double)numberoforders;
    //Remove this line====> System.out.println(custlastname + pizzacost + smallpizzas + mediumpizzas + largepizzas + averagecost); <=== remove this
/*Add it here */ System.out.println(custlastname + pizzacost + smallpizzas + mediumpizzas + largepizzas + averagecost); //<== Add it here
                  System.out.println("What you have typed in is incorrect. Your response must be yes or no.");

//删除此行==>System.out.println(custrastname+pizzacost+smallpizzas+mediumpizzas+largepizzas+averagecost) 对于输入验证,您需要以下内容:

boolean type = false;
 while (!type) {
                  System.out.println("Please type in your choice of pizza in all lower case letters. What you type into the keyboard must be" +
                          " pepperoni, veggie, cheese, or supreme.");
                  pizzatype = input.next();
                  if (pizzatype.equals("pepperoni") || pizzatype.equals("veggie") || pizzatype.equals("cheese") ||
                      type = true;
                      System.out.println("What you have typed in is incorrect. Your response must be pepperoni, veggie, cheese, or supreme.");
                      type = false;
type = false;



    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
    int smallpizzas = 0, mediumpizzas = 0, largepizzas = 0, numberoforders = 0;
    double totalordercost = 0.0, pizzacost = 0.0, averagecost = 0.0;
    String custlastname = "", pizzasize = "", pizzatype = "", response = "";
    boolean type = false;
    boolean size = false;
     * The loop will prompt the user to see if the customer would like to
     * order a pizza. If yes, it will prompt the user for their last name,
     * choice of pizza type, and their choice of pizza size. The two
     * possible responses are yes and no. The dummy value for the loop is
     * no.

    System.out.print("Do you want to order one pizza?"
            + "Type yes or no (all lower case), then press the ENTER key.");
    response = input.next();
    while (!(response.equals("no"))) {
         * Validate the user's response. If it is valid, prompt for the
         * required values, perform the calculation, and output the result.
         * If invalid, output an error message.

        if (response.equals("yes")) {
            if (custlastname.isEmpty()) {
                        .println("Please type in your last name (it can only be one word) and then press the ENTER key.");
                custlastname = input.next();
            while (!type) {
                        .println("Please type in your choice of pizza in all lower case letters. What you type into the keyboard must be"
                                + " pepperoni, veggie, cheese, or supreme.");
                pizzatype = input.next();
                if (pizzatype.equals("pepperoni")
                        || pizzatype.equals("veggie")
                        || pizzatype.equals("cheese")
                        || pizzatype.equals("supreme")) {
                    type = true;
                } else {
                            .println("What you have typed in is incorrect. Your response must be pepperoni, veggie, cheese, or supreme.");
                    type = false;
            type = false;
            while (!size) {
                        .println("Please type in your choice of pizza size in all lower case letters. What you type into the keyboard must"
                                + " be small, medium, or large.");

                pizzasize = input.next();
                if (pizzasize.equals("small") || pizzasize.equals("medium")
                        || pizzasize.equals("large")) {
                    size = true;
                } else {
                            .println("What you have typed in is incorrect. Your response must be small, medium, or large.");
                    size = false;
            size = false;

             * Validate the entries for the calculation. The sizes must be
             * small, medium, or large. The types of pizza must be
             * pepperoni, veggie, cheese, or supreme. For division, we must
             * make sure the denominator is not zero. If invalid, output an
             * error message.

            if (pizzatype.equals("pepperoni")) {
                if (pizzasize.equals("small")) {
                    smallpizzas = smallpizzas + 1;
                    pizzacost = 8.50;
                    totalordercost = totalordercost + 8.50;
                } else if (pizzasize.equals("medium")) {
                    mediumpizzas = mediumpizzas + 1;
                    pizzacost = 9.50;
                    totalordercost = totalordercost + 9.50;
                } else if (pizzasize.equals("large")) {
                    largepizzas = largepizzas + 1;
                    pizzacost = 10.50;
                    totalordercost = totalordercost + 10.50;
                numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
            } else if (pizzatype.equals("veggie")) {
                if (pizzasize.equals("small")) {
                    smallpizzas = smallpizzas + 1;
                    pizzacost = 10.00;
                    totalordercost = totalordercost + 10.00;
                } else if (pizzasize.equals("medium")) {
                    mediumpizzas = mediumpizzas + 1;
                    pizzacost = 12.25;
                    totalordercost = totalordercost + 12.25;
                } else if (pizzasize.equals("large")) {
                    largepizzas = largepizzas + 1;
                    pizzacost = 14.50;
                    totalordercost = totalordercost + 14.50;
                numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
            } else if (pizzatype.equals("cheese")) {
                if (pizzasize.equals("small")) {
                    smallpizzas = smallpizzas + 1;
                    pizzacost = 7.00;
                    totalordercost = totalordercost + 7.00;
                } else if (pizzasize.equals("medium")) {
                    mediumpizzas = mediumpizzas + 1;
                    pizzacost = 8.00;
                    totalordercost = totalordercost + 8.00;
                } else if (pizzasize.equals("large")) {
                    largepizzas = largepizzas + 1;
                    pizzacost = 9.00;
                    totalordercost = totalordercost + 9.00;
                numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
            } else if (pizzatype.equals("supreme")) {
                if (pizzasize.equals("small")) {
                    smallpizzas = smallpizzas + 1;
                    pizzacost = 11.00;
                    totalordercost = totalordercost + 11.00;
                } else if (pizzasize.equals("medium")) {
                    mediumpizzas = mediumpizzas + 1;
                    pizzacost = 14.00;
                    totalordercost = totalordercost + 14.00;
                } else if (pizzasize.equals("large")) {
                    largepizzas = largepizzas + 1;
                    pizzacost = 16.00;
                    totalordercost = totalordercost + 16.00;
                numberoforders = numberoforders + 1;
            averagecost = totalordercost / (double) numberoforders;
            System.out.println(custlastname + " " + pizzacost + " "
                    + smallpizzas + " " + mediumpizzas + " " + largepizzas
                    + " " + averagecost + " " + totalordercost);
        } else
                    .println("What you have typed in is incorrect. Your response must be yes or no.");

        System.out.println("Do you want to order one pizza? Type yes or no"
                + "(all lower case), then press the ENTER key.");
        response = input.next();



else if(pizzatype.equals(“supreme”)