
有多个参数,或者有没有办法强制使用setter(Java)?,java,android,sqlite,oop,setter,Java,Android,Sqlite,Oop,Setter,我有一个名为Transactions的java类,有几个方法。特别是,在Sqlite数据库中插入表示新事务的所有值,如下所示: package de.jeanma.stackOverflow; import java.lang.Integer; import java.lang.String; public class Transactions{ private String date, time, category, value, tags, description; pr


package de.jeanma.stackOverflow;

import java.lang.Integer;
import java.lang.String;

public class Transactions{
    private String date, time, category, value, tags, description;
    private int payee, payer;

    public Transactions(){
    //Add everything here, needed for the constructor
    public Transactions(String date, String time, String category, int payee, //I recommend creating an constructor that sets the values as well, beacause you
        int payer, String value, String tags, String Description){ // might want to create the object and call the save() directly withoud calling every setter one by one          
        this.date = date;
        this.time = time;
        this.category = category;
        this.value = value;
        this.tags = tags;
        this.description = description;
        this.payee = payee;
        this.payer = payer;
        //Add everything here, needed for the constructor as well

    //Here you can place all your other methods

    public void save(){
        if(!(isInitialized(date) && isInitialized(time) && isInitialized(category) && isInitialized(value) //here all values are checked if they are initialized. 
            && isInitialized(tags) && isInitialized(description) && isInitialized(Integer.valueOf(payee)) //The primitive int's are made to complex Integer's because 
            && isInitialized(Integer.valueOf(payer)))){                                                 // the method isInitialized() expects an object 
        //here you could throw an exception or do something like: System.exit(-1);
    private boolean isInitialized(Object Obj){ // this is the method that's checking if the value is initialized
        if(Obj.equals(null)) return false;
        else return true;

    //Add all the setters here (I'm too lazy to do that now)



new Transactions().saveNewTransaction(String date, String time, String category, Int Payee, Int Payer, String value, String tags, String Description (...)



谢谢 当开发人员试图将null传递给带有@NonNull注释的setter时,发出编译器警告



  • 使用定义功能的单个方法创建接口
  • 创建一个包含saveNewTransactions()方法逻辑的实现。唯一的区别是这个方法应该只接受一个参数,即“输入bean”,FXTransactionInputBean
  • 创建您的输入bean(一个带有私有字段和公共getter&setter的简单类)
  • 为输入bean创建一个生成器

  • 您可以不初始化所有这些变量,或者将它们设置为设置程序不应该出现的值(例如-1)




    package de.jeanma.stackOverflow;
    import java.lang.Integer;
    import java.lang.String;
    public class Transactions{
        private String date, time, category, value, tags, description;
        private int payee, payer;
        public Transactions(){
        //Add everything here, needed for the constructor
        public Transactions(String date, String time, String category, int payee, //I recommend creating an constructor that sets the values as well, beacause you
            int payer, String value, String tags, String Description){ // might want to create the object and call the save() directly withoud calling every setter one by one          
            this.date = date;
            this.time = time;
            this.category = category;
            this.value = value;
            this.tags = tags;
            this.description = description;
            this.payee = payee;
            this.payer = payer;
            //Add everything here, needed for the constructor as well
        //Here you can place all your other methods
        public void save(){
            if(!(isInitialized(date) && isInitialized(time) && isInitialized(category) && isInitialized(value) //here all values are checked if they are initialized. 
                && isInitialized(tags) && isInitialized(description) && isInitialized(Integer.valueOf(payee)) //The primitive int's are made to complex Integer's because 
                && isInitialized(Integer.valueOf(payer)))){                                                 // the method isInitialized() expects an object 
            //here you could throw an exception or do something like: System.exit(-1);
        private boolean isInitialized(Object Obj){ // this is the method that's checking if the value is initialized
            if(Obj.equals(null)) return false;
            else return true;
        //Add all the setters here (I'm too lazy to do that now)

