Java 输出给出了相同的结果

Java 输出给出了相同的结果,java,algorithm,encryption,cypher,Java,Algorithm,Encryption,Cypher,我正在尝试运行此代码,但它给出了相同的输出: 我想做的是要求用户输入要加密的文本。然后输入他想要用来加密128、192或256的密钥。但当我测试它时,无论何时输入任何内容,它都会给出相同的输出: 这就是我试图调用的方法 package test; public class MARS { public static byte[] encrypt(byte[] in,byte[] key){ K = expandKey(key); int lenght=0;

我正在尝试运行此代码,但它给出了相同的输出: 我想做的是要求用户输入要加密的文本。然后输入他想要用来加密128、192或256的密钥。但当我测试它时,无论何时输入任何内容,它都会给出相同的输出: 这就是我试图调用的方法

package test;

public class MARS {
    public static byte[] encrypt(byte[] in,byte[] key){
        K = expandKey(key);
        int lenght=0;
        byte[] padding = new byte[1];
        int i;
        lenght = 16 - in.length % 16;
        padding = new byte[lenght];
        padding[0] = (byte) 0x80;

        for (i = 1; i < lenght; i++)
            padding[i] = 0;

        byte[] tmp = new byte[in.length + lenght];
        byte[] bloc = new byte[16];

        int count = 0;

        for (i = 0; i < in.length + lenght; i++) {
            if (i > 0 && i % 16 == 0) {
                bloc = encryptBloc(bloc);
                System.arraycopy(bloc, 0, tmp, i - 16, bloc.length);
            if (i < in.length)
                bloc[i % 16] = in[i];
                bloc[i % 16] = padding[count % 16];
        if(bloc.length == 16){
            bloc = encryptBloc(bloc);
            System.arraycopy(bloc, 0, tmp, i - 16, bloc.length);

        return tmp;



// Create input reader
BufferedReader userInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

// Prompt, then wait and get user input for the plaintext 
System.out.println("Enter Text that you want to encrypt:");
String plainText = userInput.readLine();

// Prompt, then wait and get user input for the key
System.out.println("Enter the key:");
String key = userInput.readLine();

// Actually encrypt it
byte[] encrypted = MARS.encrypt(plainText.getBytes(), key.getBytes());

// Print encrypted and unencrypted
System.out.println("Plain text: " + plainText);
System.out.println("Encrypted Text: " + new String(encrypted));

// Create input reader
BufferedReader userInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

// Prompt, then wait and get user input for the plaintext 
System.out.println("Enter Text that you want to encrypt:");
String plainText = userInput.readLine();

// Prompt, then wait and get user input for the key
System.out.println("Enter the key:");
String key = userInput.readLine();

// Actually encrypt it
byte[] encrypted = MARS.encrypt(plainText.getBytes(), key.getBytes());

// Print encrypted and unencrypted
System.out.println("Plain text: " + plainText);
System.out.println("Encrypted Text: " + new String(encrypted));