Java 正在尝试在控制台中打印佣金和表格

Java 正在尝试在控制台中打印佣金和表格,java,Java,因此,我有一个家庭作业,要求我做以下几点: 该公司最近改变了年度总薪酬政策,以提高销售额 销售人员将继续获得55000.00美元的固定工资。目前每位销售人员的销售目标为100000.00美元。 只有达到80%的销售目标,销售激励才会开始。目前的佣金占总销售额的14%。 如果销售人员超过销售目标,佣金将根据加速系数增加。加速度系数为1.40。 应用程序应要求用户输入年度销售额,并显示年度薪酬总额。 该应用程序还应显示销售人员可能获得的潜在年薪酬表,以高于销售人员年销售额5000.00美元的增量递增


该公司最近改变了年度总薪酬政策,以提高销售额 销售人员将继续获得55000.00美元的固定工资。目前每位销售人员的销售目标为100000.00美元。 只有达到80%的销售目标,销售激励才会开始。目前的佣金占总销售额的14%。 如果销售人员超过销售目标,佣金将根据加速系数增加。加速度系数为1.40。 应用程序应要求用户输入年度销售额,并显示年度薪酬总额。 该应用程序还应显示销售人员可能获得的潜在年薪酬表,以高于销售人员年销售额5000.00美元的增量递增,前提是其达到销售人员年销售额50%以上。 这是我必须创建的表格的一个例子,它假设年销售总额为100000.00美元。所以它看起来像这样:

Total Sales Total Compensation
100,000 <<Program Calculated Value>>
105,000 <<Program Calculated Value>>
110,000 <<Program Calculated Value>>
115,000 <<Program Calculated Value>>
120,000 <<Program Calculated Value>>
125,000 <<Program Calculated Value>>
130,000 <<Program Calculated Value>>
135,000 <<Program Calculated Value>>
140,000 <<Program Calculated Value>>
145,000 <<Program Calculated Value>>
150,000 <<Program Calculated Value>>

'void' type not allowed here
'void' type not allowed here
not a statement
(Alt-Enter shows hint)

while (annualSales <= annualSalesTable) {
    System.out.println(annualSales) + "\t" + calculate.printAnnualCompensation();
    annualSales = annualSales + 5000;

package salesperson;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class SalesPerson {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner in = new Scanner(;

        System.out.println("This is a console based application that calculates the total annual compensation");
        System.out.println("Just follow along with the prompts, and insert the correct data.");


        try {
            System.out.println("Press Enter to exit");
        catch(IOException e) {

    public static void getInput(Scanner in) {
        Calculate calculate = new Calculate();
        double annualSales;

        try {
            System.out.println("Enter salesperson's annual sales");
            if(in.hasNextDouble()) {
                annualSales = in.nextDouble();

                if (annualSales == 0)
                    System.out.println("Please enter a valid annual sales amount.");
                     double tot = calculate.calcCompensation(annualSales);
                     DecimalFormat decFormat = new DecimalFormat(".00");
                     System.out.println("Total annual compensation: " + "$" + decFormat(tot));
                     /* NOTE: I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO GET annualSales to populate this! */

                     System.out.println("Total Sales\tTotal Compensation");

                     double annualSaleTable = annualSales * 1.5;

                     while(annualSales <= annualSaleTable) {
                         System.out.println(annualSales) + "\t" + calculate.printAnnualCompensation(); /* ERROR HERE */
                         annualSales = annualSales + 5000;
        catch(Exception ex)
            System.out.println("ERROR: Please enter a valid sales amount.");

package salesperson;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class Calculate {
    private double annualSales;
    private double comissionRate = 0.14;
    private double fixedSalary = 55000.00;
    private double salesTarget = 100000.00;
    private double accelerationFactor = 1.40;

    public double calcCompensation(double annualSales) {
        // Sets the annual salary to multiply by commission rate and then assign the total to currentComm
        double currentComm = annualSales * comissionRate;
        // Adds currentComm variable to the fixSalary variable and assigns that total to the "total" variable
        double total = fixedSalary + currentComm;

        return total;

    public double getCommission() {
        return this.annualSales * this.comissionRate;

    public double annualSales(double anSales) {
        annualSales = anSales;
        return annualSales;

    public void printAnnualCompensation() { /* THIS IS THROWING ERROR ON MAIN CLASS */
        DecimalFormat decFormat = new DecimalFormat(".00");

          * Total sales that is less than 80% of the target = no commission
          * Total sales that is between 80% of the target and the less than the target - 14%
          * Total sales that is equal or exceeds the target sales is 14% * 1.4 or 19.6%

        double total = this.fixedSalary;

        // Getting the percentage of the target achieved
        double percentage = (this.annualSales / this.salesTarget) * 100;

        if (percentage < 80) {
            // Do nothing, don't get commission if the percentage is less than 80% of target
        } else if(percentage > 80 && percentage < 100) {
            // Total = annualSalary + commission
            total += getCommission();
        } else if (percentage >= 100) {
            // total = annualSalary + (commission * accelerationFactor);
            total += (getCommission() * this.accelerationFactor);

        System.out.println("$" + decFormat + format(total));




System.out.println(annualSales) + "\t" + calculate.printAnnualCompensation();
System.out.println(annualSales + "\t" + calculate.printAnnualCompensation());

Total Sales Total Compensation
100,000 <<Program Calculated Value>>
105,000 <<Program Calculated Value>>
110,000 <<Program Calculated Value>>
115,000 <<Program Calculated Value>>
120,000 <<Program Calculated Value>>
125,000 <<Program Calculated Value>>
130,000 <<Program Calculated Value>>
135,000 <<Program Calculated Value>>
140,000 <<Program Calculated Value>>
145,000 <<Program Calculated Value>>
150,000 <<Program Calculated Value>>