Java Servlet找不到文件

Java Servlet找不到文件,java,xml,Java,Xml,我有一个ServiceHandler类,我想本质上读入一个文件。在my init()函数中: private String languageDataSet = null; // This variable is shared by all HTTP requests for the servlet private static long jobNumber = 0; // The number of the task in the async queue private

我有一个ServiceHandler类,我想本质上读入一个文件。在my init()函数中:

    private String languageDataSet = null; // This variable is shared by all HTTP requests for the servlet
    private static long jobNumber = 0; // The number of the task in the async queue

    private File f;

    public void init() throws ServletException {
        ServletContext ctx = getServletContext(); // Get a handle on the application context
        languageDataSet = ctx.getInitParameter("LANGUAGE_DATA_SET"); // Reads the value from the <context-param> in web.xml

        // You can start to build the subject database at this point. The init() method is only ever called once during the life cycle of a servlet
        f = new File(languageDataSet);


public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
   out.print("Language Dataset is located at " + languageDataSet + " and is <b><u>" + f.length() + "</u></b> bytes in size");
Language Dataset is located at wili-2018-Edited.txt and is 0 bytes in size