
Paypal空指针异常nvp.get(“ACK”)Java,java,servlets,paypal,nullpointerexception,paypal-sandbox,Java,Servlets,Paypal,Nullpointerexception,Paypal Sandbox,我一整天都在为这种看似简单的整合而挣扎。我真的希望你能帮助我 我需要在我的Java webapp中使用PayPal express签出。我只需要下一个订单,然后将客户端重定向到PayPal页面 主页工作得很好,但当我试图去检查时,我得到一个NullPointerException。NullPointerException在我的Checkout类的第36行抛出。当我试图得到确认时,它被调用 我一整天都在努力解决这个问题 不确定这是否相关: 我做了第二个项目,tapestry5项目,并使用了REST


我需要在我的Java webapp中使用PayPal express签出。我只需要下一个订单,然后将客户端重定向到PayPal页面



不确定这是否相关: 我做了第二个项目,tapestry5项目,并使用了RESTSDK,但当我尝试调用setExpressCheckoutResponse.getAck()时,仍然出现异常。我发现该项目中引发异常的行是service.setExpressCheckout(setExpressCheckoutReq)

如果你知道我如何解决这个问题,任何关于paypal hello world和servlet的教程,或者任何我可以查看的资源,请帮助我


My web.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>

<web-app xmlns=""

    <display-name>Integration Wizard</display-name>









public class PaypalFunctions {
    private String gv_APIUserName;
    private String gv_APIPassword;
    private String gv_APISignature;

    private String gv_APIEndpoint;
    private String gv_BNCode;

    private String gv_Version;
    private String gv_nvpHeader;
    private String gv_ProxyServer;
    private String gv_ProxyServerPort;
    private int gv_Proxy;
    private boolean gv_UseProxy;
    private String PAYPAL_URL;

    public PaypalFunctions() {

        gv_APIUserName = "";
        gv_APIPassword = "1405890612";
        gv_APISignature = "AexbutlMdUCD618gs-q4m-DJpUxEAoU-uNDtNNLAb47Su-QoOlNbIjeo";

        boolean bSandbox = true;

        String PAYPAL_DG_URL = null;
        if (bSandbox == true) {
            gv_APIEndpoint = "";
            PAYPAL_URL = "";
            PAYPAL_DG_URL = "";
        } else {
            gv_APIEndpoint = "";
            PAYPAL_URL = "";
            PAYPAL_DG_URL = "";

        boolean USE_PROXY = false;

        gv_Version = "84";

        // WinObjHttp Request proxy settings.
        gv_Proxy = 2; // 'setting for proxy activation
        gv_UseProxy = USE_PROXY;


     * SetExpressCheckout: Function to perform the SetExpressCheckout API call
     * Inputs: paymentAmount: Total value of the purchase currencyCodeType:
     * Currency code value the PayPal API paymentType: 'Sale' for Digital Goods
     * returnURL: the page where buyers return to after they are done with the
     * payment review on PayPal cancelURL: the page where buyers return to when
     * they cancel the payment review on PayPal
     * Output: Returns a HashMap object containing the response from the server.
    public HashMap setExpressCheckout(String paymentAmount, String returnURL,
            String cancelURL, Map item) {

         * '------------------------------------ ' The currencyCodeType and
         * paymentType ' are set to the selections made on the Integration
         * Assistant '------------------------------------

        String currencyCodeType = "USD";
        String paymentType = "Sale";

         * Construct the parameter string that describes the PayPal payment the
         * varialbes were set in the web form, and the resulting string is
         * stored in $nvpstr
        String nvpstr = "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT=" + paymentAmount
                + "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION=" + paymentType
                + "&RETURNURL=" + URLEncoder.encode(returnURL) + "&CANCELURL="
                + URLEncoder.encode(cancelURL)
                + "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE=" + currencyCodeType
                + "&REQCONFIRMSHIPPING=0" + "&NOSHIPPING=1"
                + "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0=" + item.get("name")
                + "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT0=" + item.get("amt")
                + "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY0=" + item.get("qty")
                + "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMCATEGORY0=Digital";

         * Make the call to PayPal to get the Express Checkout token If the API
         * call succeded, then redirect the buyer to PayPal to begin to
         * authorize payment. If an error occured, show the resulting errors

        HashMap nvp = httpcall("SetExpressCheckout", nvpstr);

        String strAck = nvp.get("ACK").toString();
        if (strAck != null && strAck.equalsIgnoreCase("Success")) {

            return nvp;

        return null;

     * GetShippingDetails: Function to perform the GetExpressCheckoutDetails API
     * call
     * Inputs: None
     * Output: Returns a HashMap object containing the response from the server.
    public HashMap getPaymentDetails(String token) {
         * Build a second API request to PayPal, using the token as the ID to
         * get the details on the payment authorization

        String nvpstr = "&TOKEN=" + token;

         * Make the API call and store the results in an array. If the call was
         * a success, show the authorization details, and provide an action to
         * complete the payment. If failed, show the error

        HashMap nvp = httpcall("GetExpressCheckoutDetails", nvpstr);
        String strAck = nvp.get("ACK").toString();

        if (strAck != null
                && (strAck.equalsIgnoreCase("Success") || strAck
                        .equalsIgnoreCase("SuccessWithWarning"))) {

            return nvp;
        return null;

     * ConfirmPayment: Function to perform the DoExpressCheckoutPayment API call
     * Inputs: None
     * Output: Returns a HashMap object containing the response from the server.
    public HashMap confirmPayment(String token, String payerID,
            String finalPaymentAmount, String serverName, Map item) {

         * '------------------------------------ ' The currencyCodeType and
         * paymentType ' are set to the selections made on the Integration
         * Assistant '------------------------------------
        String currencyCodeType = "USD";
        String paymentType = "Sale";

         * '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
         * '---- Use the values stored in the session from the previous SetEC
         * call
         * '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        String nvpstr = "&TOKEN=" + token + "&PAYERID=" + payerID
                + "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION=" + paymentType + "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT="
                + finalPaymentAmount;

        nvpstr = nvpstr + "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE=" + currencyCodeType + "&IPADDRESS="
                + serverName;

        nvpstr = nvpstr + "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0=" + item.get("name")
                + "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT0=" + item.get("amt")
                + "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY0=" + item.get("qty")
                + "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMCATEGORY0=Digital";

         * Make the call to PayPal to finalize payment If an error occured, show
         * the resulting errors
        HashMap nvp = httpcall("DoExpressCheckoutPayment", nvpstr);
        String strAck = nvp.get("ACK").toString();
        if (strAck != null
                && (strAck.equalsIgnoreCase("Success") || strAck
                        .equalsIgnoreCase("SuccessWithWarning"))) {
            return nvp;
        return null;


     * httpcall: Function to perform the API call to PayPal using API signature @
     * methodName is name of API method. @ nvpStr is nvp string. returns a NVP
     * string containing the response from the server.
    public HashMap httpcall(String methodName, String nvpStr) {

        String version = "2.3";
        String agent = "Mozilla/4.0";
        String respText = "";
        HashMap nvp = null; // lhuynh not used?

        // deformatNVP( nvpStr );
        String encodedData = "METHOD=" + methodName + "&VERSION=" + gv_Version
                + "&PWD=" + gv_APIPassword + "&USER=" + gv_APIUserName
                + "&SIGNATURE=" + gv_APISignature + nvpStr;

        try {
            URL postURL = new URL(gv_APIEndpoint);
            HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) postURL

            // Set connection parameters. We need to perform input and output,
            // so set both as true.

            // Set the content type we are POSTing. We impersonate it as
            // encoded form data
            conn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", agent);

            // conn.setRequestProperty( "Content-Type", type );

            // get the output stream to POST to.
            DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(

            // Read input from the input stream.
            DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(conn.getInputStream());
            int rc = conn.getResponseCode();
            if (rc != -1) {
                BufferedReader is = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
                String _line = null;
                while (((_line = is.readLine()) != null)) {
                    respText = respText + _line;
                nvp = deformatNVP(respText);
            return nvp;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // handle the error here
            return null;

     * deformatNVP: Function to break the NVP string into a HashMap pPayLoad is
     * the NVP string. returns a HashMap object containing all the name value
     * pairs of the string.
    public HashMap deformatNVP(String pPayload) {
        HashMap nvp = new HashMap();
        StringTokenizer stTok = new StringTokenizer(pPayload, "&");
        while (stTok.hasMoreTokens()) {
            StringTokenizer stInternalTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(
                    stTok.nextToken(), "=");
            if (stInternalTokenizer.countTokens() == 2) {
                String key = URLDecoder.decode(stInternalTokenizer.nextToken());
                String value = URLDecoder.decode(stInternalTokenizer
                nvp.put(key.toUpperCase(), value);
        return nvp;

     * RedirectURL: Function to redirect the user to the PayPal site token is
     * the parameter that was returned by PayPal returns a HashMap object
     * containing all the name value pairs of the string.
    public void RedirectURL(HttpServletResponse response, String token) {
        String payPalURL = PAYPAL_URL + token;

        // response.sendRedirect( payPalURL );
        response.setHeader("Location", payPalURL);
        response.setHeader("Connection", "close");

    // end class






String returnURL = "localhost:8080/1/HelloWorld";
String cancelURL = "localhost:8080/1/HelloWorld";


类中的第72行吗?是这一行吗:String strAck=nvp.get(“ACK”).toString();-如果是,则nvp为null或在映射中找不到“ACK”键的值。你能调试看看吗?非常抱歉,它在第36行String strAck=nvp.get(“ACK”).toString();我已检查,nvp为空。我曾经考虑过我没有正确设置测试PayPal的可能性,我不知道我在哪里会犯错误,但这可能是导致这种奇怪错误行为的原因吗?
public class PaypalFunctions {
    private String gv_APIUserName;
    private String gv_APIPassword;
    private String gv_APISignature;

    private String gv_APIEndpoint;
    private String gv_BNCode;

    private String gv_Version;
    private String gv_nvpHeader;
    private String gv_ProxyServer;
    private String gv_ProxyServerPort;
    private int gv_Proxy;
    private boolean gv_UseProxy;
    private String PAYPAL_URL;

    public PaypalFunctions() {

        gv_APIUserName = "";
        gv_APIPassword = "1405890612";
        gv_APISignature = "AexbutlMdUCD618gs-q4m-DJpUxEAoU-uNDtNNLAb47Su-QoOlNbIjeo";

        boolean bSandbox = true;

        String PAYPAL_DG_URL = null;
        if (bSandbox == true) {
            gv_APIEndpoint = "";
            PAYPAL_URL = "";
            PAYPAL_DG_URL = "";
        } else {
            gv_APIEndpoint = "";
            PAYPAL_URL = "";
            PAYPAL_DG_URL = "";

        boolean USE_PROXY = false;

        gv_Version = "84";

        // WinObjHttp Request proxy settings.
        gv_Proxy = 2; // 'setting for proxy activation
        gv_UseProxy = USE_PROXY;


     * SetExpressCheckout: Function to perform the SetExpressCheckout API call
     * Inputs: paymentAmount: Total value of the purchase currencyCodeType:
     * Currency code value the PayPal API paymentType: 'Sale' for Digital Goods
     * returnURL: the page where buyers return to after they are done with the
     * payment review on PayPal cancelURL: the page where buyers return to when
     * they cancel the payment review on PayPal
     * Output: Returns a HashMap object containing the response from the server.
    public HashMap setExpressCheckout(String paymentAmount, String returnURL,
            String cancelURL, Map item) {

         * '------------------------------------ ' The currencyCodeType and
         * paymentType ' are set to the selections made on the Integration
         * Assistant '------------------------------------

        String currencyCodeType = "USD";
        String paymentType = "Sale";

         * Construct the parameter string that describes the PayPal payment the
         * varialbes were set in the web form, and the resulting string is
         * stored in $nvpstr
        String nvpstr = "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT=" + paymentAmount
                + "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION=" + paymentType
                + "&RETURNURL=" + URLEncoder.encode(returnURL) + "&CANCELURL="
                + URLEncoder.encode(cancelURL)
                + "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE=" + currencyCodeType
                + "&REQCONFIRMSHIPPING=0" + "&NOSHIPPING=1"
                + "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0=" + item.get("name")
                + "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT0=" + item.get("amt")
                + "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY0=" + item.get("qty")
                + "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMCATEGORY0=Digital";

         * Make the call to PayPal to get the Express Checkout token If the API
         * call succeded, then redirect the buyer to PayPal to begin to
         * authorize payment. If an error occured, show the resulting errors

        HashMap nvp = httpcall("SetExpressCheckout", nvpstr);

        String strAck = nvp.get("ACK").toString();
        if (strAck != null && strAck.equalsIgnoreCase("Success")) {

            return nvp;

        return null;

     * GetShippingDetails: Function to perform the GetExpressCheckoutDetails API
     * call
     * Inputs: None
     * Output: Returns a HashMap object containing the response from the server.
    public HashMap getPaymentDetails(String token) {
         * Build a second API request to PayPal, using the token as the ID to
         * get the details on the payment authorization

        String nvpstr = "&TOKEN=" + token;

         * Make the API call and store the results in an array. If the call was
         * a success, show the authorization details, and provide an action to
         * complete the payment. If failed, show the error

        HashMap nvp = httpcall("GetExpressCheckoutDetails", nvpstr);
        String strAck = nvp.get("ACK").toString();

        if (strAck != null
                && (strAck.equalsIgnoreCase("Success") || strAck
                        .equalsIgnoreCase("SuccessWithWarning"))) {

            return nvp;
        return null;

     * ConfirmPayment: Function to perform the DoExpressCheckoutPayment API call
     * Inputs: None
     * Output: Returns a HashMap object containing the response from the server.
    public HashMap confirmPayment(String token, String payerID,
            String finalPaymentAmount, String serverName, Map item) {

         * '------------------------------------ ' The currencyCodeType and
         * paymentType ' are set to the selections made on the Integration
         * Assistant '------------------------------------
        String currencyCodeType = "USD";
        String paymentType = "Sale";

         * '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
         * '---- Use the values stored in the session from the previous SetEC
         * call
         * '----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        String nvpstr = "&TOKEN=" + token + "&PAYERID=" + payerID
                + "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION=" + paymentType + "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT="
                + finalPaymentAmount;

        nvpstr = nvpstr + "&PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE=" + currencyCodeType + "&IPADDRESS="
                + serverName;

        nvpstr = nvpstr + "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME0=" + item.get("name")
                + "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT0=" + item.get("amt")
                + "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY0=" + item.get("qty")
                + "&L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_ITEMCATEGORY0=Digital";

         * Make the call to PayPal to finalize payment If an error occured, show
         * the resulting errors
        HashMap nvp = httpcall("DoExpressCheckoutPayment", nvpstr);
        String strAck = nvp.get("ACK").toString();
        if (strAck != null
                && (strAck.equalsIgnoreCase("Success") || strAck
                        .equalsIgnoreCase("SuccessWithWarning"))) {
            return nvp;
        return null;


     * httpcall: Function to perform the API call to PayPal using API signature @
     * methodName is name of API method. @ nvpStr is nvp string. returns a NVP
     * string containing the response from the server.
    public HashMap httpcall(String methodName, String nvpStr) {

        String version = "2.3";
        String agent = "Mozilla/4.0";
        String respText = "";
        HashMap nvp = null; // lhuynh not used?

        // deformatNVP( nvpStr );
        String encodedData = "METHOD=" + methodName + "&VERSION=" + gv_Version
                + "&PWD=" + gv_APIPassword + "&USER=" + gv_APIUserName
                + "&SIGNATURE=" + gv_APISignature + nvpStr;

        try {
            URL postURL = new URL(gv_APIEndpoint);
            HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) postURL

            // Set connection parameters. We need to perform input and output,
            // so set both as true.

            // Set the content type we are POSTing. We impersonate it as
            // encoded form data
            conn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", agent);

            // conn.setRequestProperty( "Content-Type", type );

            // get the output stream to POST to.
            DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(

            // Read input from the input stream.
            DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(conn.getInputStream());
            int rc = conn.getResponseCode();
            if (rc != -1) {
                BufferedReader is = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
                String _line = null;
                while (((_line = is.readLine()) != null)) {
                    respText = respText + _line;
                nvp = deformatNVP(respText);
            return nvp;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // handle the error here
            return null;

     * deformatNVP: Function to break the NVP string into a HashMap pPayLoad is
     * the NVP string. returns a HashMap object containing all the name value
     * pairs of the string.
    public HashMap deformatNVP(String pPayload) {
        HashMap nvp = new HashMap();
        StringTokenizer stTok = new StringTokenizer(pPayload, "&");
        while (stTok.hasMoreTokens()) {
            StringTokenizer stInternalTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(
                    stTok.nextToken(), "=");
            if (stInternalTokenizer.countTokens() == 2) {
                String key = URLDecoder.decode(stInternalTokenizer.nextToken());
                String value = URLDecoder.decode(stInternalTokenizer
                nvp.put(key.toUpperCase(), value);
        return nvp;

     * RedirectURL: Function to redirect the user to the PayPal site token is
     * the parameter that was returned by PayPal returns a HashMap object
     * containing all the name value pairs of the string.
    public void RedirectURL(HttpServletResponse response, String token) {
        String payPalURL = PAYPAL_URL + token;

        // response.sendRedirect( payPalURL );
        response.setHeader("Location", payPalURL);
        response.setHeader("Connection", "close");

    // end class
String returnURL = "localhost:8080/1/HelloWorld";
String cancelURL = "localhost:8080/1/HelloWorld";
String returnURL = "http://localhost:8080/1/HelloWorld";
String cancelURL = "http://localhost:8080/1/HelloWorld";