Javascript 在Meteor中,如何将find查询的处理结果发布为游标?

Javascript 在Meteor中,如何将find查询的处理结果发布为游标?,javascript,meteor,underscore.js,meteor-publications,Javascript,Meteor,Underscore.js,Meteor Publications,我正在用Meteor构建一个简单的消息应用程序。我在未读邮件中挣扎的部分。我想返回一个列表,显示用户名(我不关心这一点,请不要关注这一方面,围绕反应性连接/复合等),并且该用户的最新消息因此,在下面的发布功能中,我需要返回的是最新的未读消息,但是显然每个唯一的用户id只有一个 为此,我试图在我的发布方法中操纵find查询的结果,但我不清楚如何在不破坏反应性的情况下操纵文档集,正如我目前在下面的代码中所示,这是我目前得到的: Meteor.publish('unreadmessages', fun



Meteor.publish('unreadmessages', function() {

    if (!this.userId) {
        throw new Meteor.Error('denied', 'not-authorized');

    var messageQuery, messages, userGroupQuery, userGroups;

    var self        = this;
    var user        = Meteor.users.findOne(self.userId);
    var userIdArr   = [self.userId]; // for use where queries require an array
    var contacts    = user.contacts;

    // get groups
    userGroupQuery  = Groups.find({
        $or : [
            { owner   : self.userId },
            { members : self.userId }
    }, { // Projection to only return the _id field
            fields : { _id:1 }

    userGroups = _.pluck(userGroupQuery.fetch(), '_id'); // create an array of id's

    messages = Messages.find({
        $or : [
                $and : [
                    { participant : self.userId },
                    { userId : { $in : contacts } },
                    { readBy : { $nin : userIdArr } }
                $and : [
                    { groupId : { $in : userGroups } },
                    { readBy  : { $nin : userIdArr } }

     // TODO : also handle groups here
    uniqueMessages = _.uniq(messages.fetch(), function(msg) {
        return msg.userId;

    return uniqueMessages; // obviously an array and not a cursor - meteor errors out.






Meteor.publish('unreads', function() {
    if (!this.userId) {
        throw new Meteor.Error('denied', 'not-authorized');

    // setup some vars
    var messageQuery, messages, userGroupQuery, userGroups, uniqeMsgIds;
    var self        = this;
    var user        = Meteor.users.findOne(self.userId);
    var userIdArr   = [self.userId]; // for use where queries require an array
    var contacts    = user.contacts;

    // get groups
    userGroupQuery  = Groups.find({
        $or : [
            { owner   : self.userId },
            { members : self.userId }
    }, { // Projection to only return the _id field
            fields : { _id:1 }

    // create an array of group id's that belong to the user.
    userGroups = _.pluck(userGroupQuery.fetch(), '_id');

    messages = Messages.find({
        $or : [
            {  // unread direct messages
                $and : [
                    { participant : self.userId },
                    { userId      : { $in : contacts } },
                    { readBy      : { $nin : userIdArr } }
            {  // unread group messages
                $and : [
                    { groupId : { $in : userGroups } },
                    { readBy  : { $nin : userIdArr } }
    }, { sort : { // put newest messages first
            time : -1

     // returns an array of unique documents based on userId or groupId
    uniqueMessages = _.uniq(messages.fetch(), function(msg) {
        if (msg.groupId) {
            return msg.groupId;
        return msg.userId;

    // Get the id's of all the latest unread messages (one per user or group)
    uniqeMsgIds = _.pluck(uniqueMessages, '_id');

    // finally publish a reactive cursor containing one unread message(latest) for each user/group
    return Messages.find({
        _id : { $in : uniqeMsgIds };



Meteor.publish('unreads', function() {
    if (!this.userId) {
        throw new Meteor.Error('denied', 'not-authorized');

    // setup some vars
    var messageQuery,
    var self        = this;
    var user        = Meteor.users.findOne(self.userId);
    var userIdArr   = [self.userId]; // for use where queries require an array
    var contacts    = user.contacts;

    // get groups
    userGroupQuery  = Groups.find({
        $or : [
            { owner : self.userId },
            { members : self.userId }
    }, { // Projection to only return the _id field
            fields : { _id:1 }

    // create an array of group id's that belong to the user.
    userGroups = _.pluck(userGroupQuery.fetch(), '_id');

    messages = Messages.find({
        $or : [
            {  // unread direct messages
                $and : [
                    { participant : self.userId },
                    { userId : { $in : contacts } },
                    { readBy : { $nin : userIdArr } }
            {  // unread group messages
                $and : [
                    { groupId : { $in : userGroups } },
                    { readBy : { $nin : userIdArr } }
    }, { sort : { // put newest messages first
            time : -1

     // returns an array of unique documents based on userId or groupId
    uniqueMessages = _.uniq(messages.fetch(), function(msg) {
        if (msg.groupId) {
            return msg.groupId;
        return msg.userId;

    /*  Get the id's of all the latest unread messages
    (one per user or group) */
    uniqeMsgIds = _.pluck(uniqueMessages, '_id');

    /*  finally publish a reactive cursor containing
    one unread message(latest) for each user/group */
    return Messages.find({
        _id : { $in : uniqeMsgIds }


?在查看了observeChanges和Meteor publish composite之后,我不确定您是否理解我提出的问题,或者我不明白您的意思你的回答是,我不想发表一篇文章,我只是在上面添加了对预期结果集的描述。找到这个讨论后,我觉得这是正确的方法。