
Javascript验证错误,javascript,Javascript,请想象一下web表单的这一部分。两个同名的复选框=myCheckbox和两个文本输入。如果选中第一个复选框,则第一个文本输入不得为空。如果选中第二个复选框,则第二个文本输入不得为空。为了验证这一点,我使用以下脚本: // huge validation code above }else if (!document.myForm.myCheckbox[0].checked && !document.myForm.myCheckbox[1].checked){ jA


// huge validation code above   

}else if (!document.myForm.myCheckbox[0].checked && !document.myForm.myCheckbox[1].checked){ 
    jAlert ('Please select one of the two checkboxes!',function(){$(myForm.myCheckbox).focus();}); 
    return false;   

}else if (myForm.myCheckbox[0].checked && myForm.myFirstTextInput.value=="") {
    jAlert ('You have selected the first checkbox. Please make sure that the first text input is not empty!',function(){$(myForm.myFirstTextInput).focus();});
    return false;

}else if (myForm.myCheckbox[1].checked && myForm.mySecondTextInput.value=="") {
    jAlert ('You have selected the second checkbox. Please make sure that the second text input is not empty!',function(){$(myForm.mySecondTextInput).focus();});
    return false;

// huge validation code below   

// huge validation code above   

}else if (!document.myForm.myCheckbox[0].checked && !document.myForm.myCheckbox[1].checked){ 
    jAlert ('Please select one of the two checkboxes!',function(){$(myForm.myCheckbox).focus();}); 
    return false;   

}else if (myForm.myCheckbox[0].checked && myForm.myFirstTextInput.value=="") {
    jAlert ('You have selected the first checkbox. Please make sure that the    first text input is not empty!',function(){$(myForm.myFirstTextInput).focus();});
    return false;

}else if (myForm.myCheckbox[0].checked && myForm.myFirstTextInput.value!=="")
var x = document.getElementById("myFirstTextInput");
var y = x.value;
var totalNrOfDigits = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < y.length; i++){
if(totalNrOfDigits < 10) {
jAlert ('Please make sure that the first text input contains at least 10 digits!',function(){$(myForm.myFirstTextInput).focus();});
return false;   

}else if (myForm.myCheckbox[1].checked && myForm.mySecondTextInput.value=="") {
    jAlert ('You have selected the second checkbox. Please make sure that the second text input is not empty!',function(){$(myForm.mySecondTextInput).focus();});
    return false;

// huge validation code below   


在第二个代码示例中,您忘记了第11行的左括号,因此只计算else if条件后面的第一条语句

}else if (myForm.myCheckbox[0].checked && myForm.myFirstTextInput.value!=="")
