Javascript 如何序列化此JSON对象?

Javascript 如何序列化此JSON对象?,javascript,,ajax,web-services,jquery,Javascript,,Ajax,Web Services,Jquery,我有一个web服务,它接收一个JSON字符串作为参数。只有当我的web方法的参数是泛型类型“object”时,我才能成功发送此消息 我可以将此泛型对象序列化为字符串或自定义对象吗?是否需要修改此方法的参数类型?任何帮助都会很棒 以下是web方法: [WebMethod] [ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)] public string StoreDataOut(object json) { //serialization




[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public string StoreDataOut(object json)
   //serialization magic
    "application":"Application Name",
    "clienttoken":"Test Client",
    "datetime":"1/1/2011 12:00 AM",
            "question":"ronunciations in pre-classical times or in non-Attic dialects. For det",
            "answer":"nunciations "
        "question":"official documents such as laws an",
        "answer":"or modif"
            "question":" maintained or modified slightly to fit Greek phonology; thus, ?",
            "answer":"iation of Attic"
            "question":"econstructed pronunciation of Attic in the late 5th an",
            "answer":"unciation of "
            "question":"erent stylistic variants, with the descending tail either going straight down o",
            "answer":"Whole bunch"
            "question":"rough breathing when it begins a word. Another diacritic use",
            "answer":"other dia"

[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public string StoreDataOut(object json)
   //serialization magic
    "application":"Application Name",
    "clienttoken":"Test Client",
    "datetime":"1/1/2011 12:00 AM",
            "question":"ronunciations in pre-classical times or in non-Attic dialects. For det",
            "answer":"nunciations "
        "question":"official documents such as laws an",
        "answer":"or modif"
            "question":" maintained or modified slightly to fit Greek phonology; thus, ?",
            "answer":"iation of Attic"
            "question":"econstructed pronunciation of Attic in the late 5th an",
            "answer":"unciation of "
            "question":"erent stylistic variants, with the descending tail either going straight down o",
            "answer":"Whole bunch"
            "question":"rough breathing when it begins a word. Another diacritic use",
            "answer":"other dia"


class JsonDTO

  public JsonDTO()
    data = new List<data>();
  public string uid {get; set;}
  public string application {get;set}
  public string eventName {get; set;}
  public string clienttoken {get;set}
  public string version {get;set;}
  public string @datetime {get; set;}
  public List<data> data {get; set;}


public class data
    public string id {get; set;}
    public string question {get; set;}
    public string answer {get; set;}


class JsonDTO

  public JsonDTO()
    data = new List<data>();
  public string uid {get; set;}
  public string application {get;set}
  public string eventName {get; set;}
  public string clienttoken {get;set}
  public string version {get;set;}
  public string @datetime {get; set;}
  public List<data> data {get; set;}


public class data
    public string id {get; set;}
    public string question {get; set;}
    public string answer {get; set;}
您应该能够让.Net framework正确序列化大多数对象,以便web方法签名如下所示:

[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public string StoreDataOut(MyClass input);


[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public string StoreDataOut(string input)
    var serialiser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
    MyClass deserialisedInput = serialiser.Deserialize<MyClass>(input);
    return (StoreDataOutImpl deserialisedInput);

private string StoreDataOutImpl(MyClass input);
您应该能够让.Net framework正确序列化大多数对象,以便web方法签名如下所示:

[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public string StoreDataOut(MyClass input);


[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public string StoreDataOut(string input)
    var serialiser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
    MyClass deserialisedInput = serialiser.Deserialize<MyClass>(input);
    return (StoreDataOutImpl deserialisedInput);

private string StoreDataOutImpl(MyClass input);
