Javascript 如何创建排列以达到目标编号,但重用提供的编号?

Javascript 如何创建排列以达到目标编号,但重用提供的编号?,javascript,math,recursion,integer,Javascript,Math,Recursion,Integer,编辑: var Combos = [1, 2, 4], Target = 4; for(var i = 0; i < Combos.length; i++){ var Available = []; for(var j = -1; j < i; j++) Available.push(Combos[j+1]); for(var k = 0; k < Available.length; k++){


var Combos = [1, 2, 4],
    Target = 4;

    for(var i = 0; i < Combos.length; i++){
        var Available = [];

        for(var j = -1; j < i; j++) Available.push(Combos[j+1]);
        for(var k = 0; k < Available.length; k++){
            var C = 0;
            var Att = 0;

            while(C < Target){ C += Available[k]; Att++; }
            if(C === Target) console.log(new Int8Array(Att).fill(Available[k]));
[1, 1, 1, 1]
[1, 1, 1, 1]
[2, 2]
[1, 1, 1, 1]
[2, 2]





13:20   Robinlemon  So I have the numbers [1, 2] and I'm trying to make 4 so I want a function that will return [[1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1 ,2], [2, 2], [4]] -> all the possible combinations to make the target, by reusing the numbers supplied
13:21   kakashiAL   how does your function api looks like?
13:21   Robinlemon  What do you mean?
13:21   Robinlemon  I've scrapped everything
13:21   kakashiAL   foo(myArray, combination=
13:21   Robinlemon  Because I can't ever work out the logic to do this
13:21   Robinlemon  Well I suppose i'd have
13:22   Robinlemon  Permutate(Price) => SubPermutate()
13:22   Robinlemon  Then return
13:22   Robinlemon  and tierate through each sub function
13:22   kakashiAL   so you have [1, 2] and you want to make 4, which means you want to have this:
13:22   kakashiAL   1, 1, 1, 1
13:22   kakashiAL   2, 2, 2, 2
13:23   kakashiAL   1, 2, 2, 2
13:23   kakashiAL   1, 1, 2, 2
13:23   kakashiAL   and so on
13:23   kakashiAL   right?
13:26   Robinlemon  yep
13:26   Robinlemon  well no
13:26   Robinlemon  The numbers need to add to 4
13:26   Robinlemon  so it wouldnt be 1, 1, 2, 2
13:26   Robinlemon  it would be 1 1 2
13:26   Robinlemon  get it
13:26   kakashiAL   you have the numbers 1, 2 and 4, correct?
13:28   Robinlemon  yes
13:28   Robinlemon  For example sake
13:29   Robinlemon  It should work with anything tho
13:29   Robinlemon  The target will always be reachable with the numbers
13:29   kakashiAL   okay, now you want to get this, with 1, 2 and 4:
13:29   kakashiAL   1, 1, 1
13:29   kakashiAL   2, 2, 2
13:29   kakashiAL   4, 4, 4
13:29   kakashiAL   1, 2, 4
13:29   kakashiAL   1, 1, 2
13:29   Robinlemon  No
13:29   Robinlemon  1, 1, 1, 1
13:29   Robinlemon  2, 2
13:29   Robinlemon  4
13:30   Robinlemon  The numbers need to add to 4
13:30   Robinlemon  I wnat the combinations that add to 4
13:30   kakashiAL   ahh if you have 6 you would have this:
13:30   kakashiAL   1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
13:30   kakashiAL   2, 2, 2
13:30   Robinlemon  Yes





函数getCombinations(数组、和){ 功能叉(i,t){ var s=t.reduce(函数(a,b){返回a+b;},0); 如果(总和=s){ 结果:推(t); 返回; } if(s>sum | | i==array.length){ 返回; } fork(i,t.concat([array[i]]); 叉(i+1,t); } var结果=[]; fork(0,[]); 返回结果; } log(getcompositions([1,2,4],4)); log(getcompositions([0.11,0.33,1],26.66)); log(getcompositions([0.11,0.33,1],23.33))
.as console wrapper{max height:100%!important;top:0;}

函数getCombos(a,t){ var h={}, len=a.长度, n=0; 对于(变量i=0;is.concat(n)); } } 返回h[t]| |[]; } var结果=[]; 控制台时间(“从[1,2,4]到总和4的dp”); 结果=getCombos([1,2,4],4); 控制台.TIMEND(“1,2,4]的dp总计4”); log(JSON.stringify(result)); 控制台时间(“1,5,9]的dp总计500”); 结果=getCombos([1,5,9],500); 控制台时间结束(“1,5,9]的dp总计500”);