Javascript 是否可以在节点模块的编译发行版中输出简化的Typescript类型

Javascript 是否可以在节点模块的编译发行版中输出简化的Typescript类型,javascript,typescript,babeljs,relay,rollupjs,Javascript,Typescript,Babeljs,Relay,Rollupjs,我试图在*.d.tstypescript文件中创建更简化的输出,这些文件包含在模块代码的捆绑版本中。这些文件是通过涉及typescript编译器、babel和rollup的链生成的。我也在使用relay和graphql,但我认为这不会对问题产生太大影响 例如,在.tsx源代码中,我有如下内容: import { graphql } from 'babel-plugin-relay/macro' // produces some generated code graphql`fragment



import { graphql } from 'babel-plugin-relay/macro'

// produces some generated code 
graphql`fragment task_model on Task { id message createdAt deadline modifiers { hard medium easy } }`

// There is a generated type for this fragment, but it is a little ugly
import { task_model } from './__generated__/task.graphql'

// We can "correct" the type information and export it with a nicer name
export type Task = Readonly<Omit<task_model & { deadline: string, createdAt: string }, ' $refType'>>


type Task = {
    readonly id: string;
    readonly message: string;
    readonly createdAt: string;
    readonly deadline: string;
    readonly modifiers: {
        readonly hard: number;
        readonly medium: number;
        readonly easy: number;

type Task = {
    readonly id: string;
    readonly message: string;
    readonly createdAt: string;
    readonly deadline: string;
    readonly modifiers: {
        readonly hard: number;
        readonly medium: number;
        readonly easy: number;