
使用jsonschema和robotframework验证json,json,robotframework,jsonschema,python-jsonschema,Json,Robotframework,Jsonschema,Python Jsonschema,有人能帮助我开始学习如何使用RobotFramework通过json模式验证json响应吗 理想情况下,json模式通过http请求进行外部引用:示例 迄今取得的进展: pip install robotframework pip install robotframework-jsonvalidator pip install robotframework-jsonschemalibrary robot .\mytest.robot 我在子目录schemas中有一个名为service.json




pip install robotframework pip install robotframework-jsonvalidator pip install robotframework-jsonschemalibrary robot .\mytest.robot 我在子目录


$ robot .\mytest.robot ============================================================================== Mytest ============================================================================== My Test Case: | FAIL | No keyword with name 'Validate Json' found. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mytest | FAIL | 1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed 1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed ============================================================================== Output: E:\GitLab\customer-api\test\output.xml Log: E:\GitLab\customer-api\test\log.html Report: E:\GitLab\customer-api\test\report.html 现在。。。如何使用外部引用的架构文件?任务还在继续




第一条路 在virtualenv中,运行
pip install jsonschema


*** Settings ***
# For the "Get Binary File" task
Library     OperatingSystem
# For the "validate" task
Library    jsonschema

*** Test Cases ***
Load json schema from file, and validate json
    # Load the file as a string, usually sufficent for most methods, but not validate() below
    ${schema}    Get Binary File    ./mySchema.json
    # Load the string as a binary object, you could then use this like ${schema}[someProperty] if you wanted to
    ${schema}    evaluate    json.loads('''${schema}''')    json
    # Do a simple validation, using the schema, and your json data. Remember ${instance} needs to be a json object, not just some string
    ${instance}    evaluate    json.loads('''{"someField":[1,2,3]}''')    json
    validate    instance=${instance}    schema=${schema}
*** Settings ***
# For the "Get Binary File" task
Library     OperatingSystem
# For the "validate" task
Library    jsonschema

*** Test Cases ***
Load json schema from file, and validate
    # Create a schema
    ${schema}    concat
    ... {
    ...   "type": "object",
    ...   "properties": {"$ref": "file:/absolute/path/to/mySchema.json"}
    ... }
    ${schema}    evaluate    json.loads('''${schema}''')    json
    # Do a simple validation, using the schema, and your json data. Remember ${instance} needs to be a json object, not just some string
    ${instance}    evaluate    json.loads('''{"someField":[1,2,3]}''')    json
    validate    instance=${instance}    schema=${schema}
第二条路 在virtualenv中,运行
pip install jsonschema


*** Settings ***
# For the "Get Binary File" task
Library     OperatingSystem
# For the "validate" task
Library    jsonschema

*** Test Cases ***
Load json schema from file, and validate json
    # Load the file as a string, usually sufficent for most methods, but not validate() below
    ${schema}    Get Binary File    ./mySchema.json
    # Load the string as a binary object, you could then use this like ${schema}[someProperty] if you wanted to
    ${schema}    evaluate    json.loads('''${schema}''')    json
    # Do a simple validation, using the schema, and your json data. Remember ${instance} needs to be a json object, not just some string
    ${instance}    evaluate    json.loads('''{"someField":[1,2,3]}''')    json
    validate    instance=${instance}    schema=${schema}
*** Settings ***
# For the "Get Binary File" task
Library     OperatingSystem
# For the "validate" task
Library    jsonschema

*** Test Cases ***
Load json schema from file, and validate
    # Create a schema
    ${schema}    concat
    ... {
    ...   "type": "object",
    ...   "properties": {"$ref": "file:/absolute/path/to/mySchema.json"}
    ... }
    ${schema}    evaluate    json.loads('''${schema}''')    json
    # Do a simple validation, using the schema, and your json data. Remember ${instance} needs to be a json object, not just some string
    ${instance}    evaluate    json.loads('''{"someField":[1,2,3]}''')    json
    validate    instance=${instance}    schema=${schema}

*** Settings ***
Library     RequestsLibrary

*** Test Cases ***
Test case
    Create Session    yourSession    http://localhost
    ${file}    Get Request    yourSession    /filename

\u validate\u json
validate\u json