Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/9/three.js/2.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Math 将向量转换为与3J互补的向量_Math_Three.js_Game Engine_Game Physics - Fatal编程技术网

Math 将向量转换为与3J互补的向量

Math 将向量转换为与3J互补的向量,math,three.js,game-engine,game-physics,Math,Three.js,Game Engine,Game Physics,我在尝试用threeJS创建游戏引擎时遇到了一个麻烦的问题。 这是一个数学问题,也是一个编程问题 我已经为玩家的化身实现了一个基于速度的移动系统——我在这个例子中使用了一辆坦克 目前,当玩家撞到墙上时,无论角度如何,坦克都会死掉 然而,我希望它是这样的情况,坦克的速度变化,被强迫跟随墙壁的角度,并且也减少了与该角度相关的大小 例如,在图A中,当坦克撞到墙壁时,它会继续尝试向前移动,但它的速度会改变,所以它现在会以降低的速度向前移动,并向侧面移动 在图B中,坦克撞在墙上,其总速度达到0 在图C中,

我在尝试用threeJS创建游戏引擎时遇到了一个麻烦的问题。 这是一个数学问题,也是一个编程问题












编辑: 出于好奇,我在电话里问了一位理论物理学家关于你的问题

您需要解决两个不同的问题: 1.P1撞击墙壁时的速度v'是多少? 2.P2车辆的新角度是多少


P1在物理学中,我们讨论的是减小的力,而不是速度,但是给力F1一个恒定的限制(例如你的发动机),导致恒定的最大速度, 在给定的力作用下,墙对车辆F2

v = F1
v' = F1'
F1' = F1 - F2


Vector3 wallNormal = new Vector3(-0.5, 0.0, 0.5);
Vector3 incomingVelocity = new Vector3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);

double magnitudeProduct = wallNormal.Length() * incomingVelocity.Length();
double angleBetweenVelocityAndWall = ((-incomingVelocity).Dot(wallNormal)) / (magnitudeProduct);

double newVelocityMagnitude = incomingVelocity.Length() * Math.Sin(angleBetweenVelocityAndWall);

Vector3 upVector =incomingVelocity.Cross(wallNormal);
Vector3 newDirection = wallNormal.Cross(upVector);
Vector3 newVelocity = newDirection.Normalise() * newVelocityMagnitude;





  • 玩家不能穿墙
  • 球员不能从地板上摔下来


class Planeclamp {
    constructor({ floors /*Mesh[]*/, walls /*Mesh[]*/ })
    getSafePosition(startingPositionIn /*Vector3*/, intendedPositionIn /*Vector3*/) // Returns safePosition, which is a Vector3



const planeclamp = new Planeclamp({
    floors: [someFloorMesh, someOtherMesh],
    walls: [houseMesh, perimeterMesh, truckMesh],

const player = new Player();
console.log(player.cage); // Object3D

let playerPreviousPosition = player.cage.position; // Vector3

function gameLoop(delta) {
    const playerIntendedPosition = new Three.Vector3(
        playerPreviousPosition.y + (10 * delta), // i.e. Gravity
        playerPreviousPosition.z + (1 * delta), // i.e. Walking forwards
    let {
        safePosition, // Vector3
        grounded, // Boolean
        groundMaterial, // String
    } = planeclamp.getSafePosition(playerPreviousPosition, playerIntendedPosition);
    playerPreviousPosition = player.cage.position; // Vector3


// Before we do anything, create a variable called "gated".
// This will contain the safe new position that we will return at the end of
// the function. When creating it, we let it default to the
// intended position. If collisions are detected throughout the lifecycle
// of this function, these values will be overwritten.
let gated = {
    x: intendedPosition.x,
    y: intendedPosition.y,
    z: intendedPosition.z,

// Define the point in 3D space where we will shoot a ray from.
// For those who haven't used raycasters before, a ray is just a line with a direction.
// We use the player's intended position as the origin of the ray, but we
// augment this by moving the origin up a little bit (backStepVert) to prevent tunneling.
const start = intendedPosition.clone().sub(new Three.Vector3(
    (backStepVert * -1) - (heightOffset / 2),

// Now, define the direction of the ray, in the form of a vector.
// By giving the vector X and Z values of 0, and a Y value of -1,
// the ray shoots directly downwards.
const direction = new Three.Vector3(0, -1, 0).normalize();

// We now set the origin and direction of a raycaster that we instantiated
// in the class constructor method.
this.raycasters.vert.set(start, direction);

// Now, we use the `intersectObjects` method of the ray.
// This will return to us an array, filled with information about each
// thing that the ray collided with.
const dirCollisions = this.raycasters.vert.intersectObjects(this.floors, false);

// Initialise a distanceToGround, a grounded variable, and a groundMaterial variable.
let distanceToGround = null;
let grounded = false;
let groundMaterial = null;

// If the dirCollisions array has at least one item in it, the
// ray passed through one of our floor meshes.
if (dirCollisions.length) {

    // ThreeJS returns the nearest intersection first in the collision
    // results array. As we are only interested in the nearest collision,
    // we pluck it out, and ignore the rest.
    const collision = dirCollisions[0];

    // Now, we work out the distance between where the players feet
    // would be if the players intended position became the players
    // actual position, and the collided object.
    distanceToGround = collision.distance - backStepVert - heightOffset;

    // If the distance is less than 0, then the player will pass through
    // the groud if their intended position is allowed to become
    // their actual position.
    if (distanceToGround < 0) {

        // We dont want that to hapen, so lets set the safe gated.y coordinate
        // to the y coordinate of the point in space at which the collision
        // happened. In other words, exactly where the ground is.
        gated.y = intendedPosition.y - distanceToGround;

        // Make a note that the player is now grounded.
        // We return this at the end of the function, along with
        // the safe position.
        grounded = true;

        // If the collided object also has a groundMaterial set inside
        // its userData (the place that threeJS lets us attach arbitrary
        // info to our objects), also set the groundMaterial. This is
        // also returned at the end of the function alongside the grounded
        // variable.
        if (collision.object.userData.groundMaterial) {
            groundMaterial = collision.object.userData.groundMaterial;
const start=intendeposition.clone().sub(新的3.Vector3(
import * as Three from '../../../vendor/three/three.module.js';

class Planeclamp {

        floors = [],
        walls = [],
        drawRays = true,
    } = {}) {
        this.drawRays = drawRays;
        this.floors = [];
        this.walls = [];
        this.scene = scene;
        this.objects = [];

        // Init collidable mesh lists

        // Create rays
        this.raycasters = {
            vert: new Three.Raycaster(),
            horzLeft: new Three.Raycaster(),
            horzRight: new Three.Raycaster(),
            correction: new Three.Raycaster(),

    setDrawRays(draw) {
        this.drawRays = draw;

    addFloor(floor) {

    removeFloor(floor) {
        this.floors = this.floors.filter(thisFloor => thisFloor !== floor);

    addFloors(floors) {
        floors.forEach(floor => this.addFloor(floor));

    resetFloors() {
        this.floors = [];

    addWall(wall) {

    removeWall(wall) {
        this.walls = this.walls.filter(thisWall => thisWall !== wall);

    addWalls(walls) {
        walls.forEach(wall => this.addWall(wall));

    resetWalls() {
        this.walls = [];

    getSafePosition(startingPositionIn, intendedPositionIn, {
        collisionPadding = .5,
        heightOffset = 0,
    } = {}) {

        // ------------------ Setup -------------------

        // Parse args
        const startingPosition = startingPositionIn.clone();
        const intendedPosition = intendedPositionIn.clone();
        let grounded = false;
        let groundMaterial = null;

        // Augmenters
        const backStepVert = 50;
        const backStepHorz = 5;
        const backStepCorrection = 5;

        // Prepare output
        let gated = {
            x: intendedPosition.x,
            y: intendedPosition.y,
            z: intendedPosition.z,

        // Clean up previous debug visuals
        this.objects.map(object => this.scene.remove(object));
        this.objects = [];

        // ------------------ Vertical position gating -------------------

        // Adjust vertical position in gated.y.
        // Store grounded status in grounded.
        const start = intendedPosition.clone().sub(new Three.Vector3(
            (backStepVert * -1) - (heightOffset / 2),
        const direction = new Three.Vector3(0, -1, 0).normalize();
        this.raycasters.vert.set(start, direction);
        const dirCollisions = this.raycasters.vert.intersectObjects(this.floors, false);
        if (this.drawRays) {
            const arrowColour = dirCollisions.length ? 0xff0000 : 0x0000ff;
            const arrow = new Three.ArrowHelper(this.raycasters.vert.ray.direction, this.raycasters.vert.ray.origin, 300, arrowColour);
        let distanceToGround = null;
        if (dirCollisions.length) {
            const collision = dirCollisions[0];
            distanceToGround = collision.distance - backStepVert - heightOffset;
            if (distanceToGround < 0) {
                gated.y = intendedPosition.y - distanceToGround;
                grounded = true;
                if (collision.object.userData.groundMaterial) {
                    groundMaterial = collision.object.userData.groundMaterial;

        // ------------------ Horizontal position gating -------------------

        const horizontalOutputPosition = (() => {

            // Init output position
            const outputPosition = new Three.Vector3(intendedPosition.x, 0, intendedPosition.z);

            // Store normalised input vector
            const startingPos = startingPosition.clone();
            const intendedPos = intendedPosition.clone();
            startingPos.y = startingPositionIn.y + .5;
            intendedPos.y = startingPositionIn.y + .5;
            let inputVector = intendedPos.clone().sub(startingPos).normalize();

            // Work out distances
            const startingIntendedDist = startingPos.distanceTo(intendedPos);
            const inputSpeed = startingIntendedDist;

            // Define function for moving ray left and right
            function adj(position, offset) {
                const rayAdjuster = inputVector
                    .applyAxisAngle(new Three.Vector3(0, 1, 0), Math.PI / 2)
                return position.clone().add(rayAdjuster);

            // Work out intersections and collision
            let collisions = {
                left: {
                    collision: null
                right: {
                    collision: null
            Object.keys(collisions).forEach(side => {
                const rayOffset = side === 'left' ? -1 : 1;

                const rayStart = adj(startingPos.clone().sub(inputVector.clone().multiplyScalar(2)), rayOffset);
                const startingPosSide = adj(startingPos, rayOffset);
                const intendedPosSide = adj(intendedPos, rayOffset);
                const startingIntendedDistSide = startingPosSide.distanceTo(intendedPosSide);

                const rayKey = 'horz' + _.startCase(side);
                this.raycasters[rayKey].set(rayStart, inputVector);
                const intersections = this.raycasters[rayKey].intersectObjects(this.walls, true);
                for (let i = 0; i < intersections.length; i++) {
                    if (collisions[side].collision) break;
                    const thisIntersection = intersections[i];
                    const startingCollisionDist = startingPosSide.distanceTo(thisIntersection.point);
                    if (startingCollisionDist - collisionPadding <= startingIntendedDistSide) {
                        collisions[side].collision = thisIntersection;
                        collisions[side].offset = rayOffset;

                if (inputSpeed && this.drawRays) {
                    this.objects.push(new Three.ArrowHelper(this.raycasters[rayKey].ray.direction, this.raycasters[rayKey].ray.origin, 300, 0x0000ff));

            const [ leftCollision, rightCollision ] = [ collisions.left.collision, collisions.right.collision ];
            const collisionData = (leftCollision?.distance || Infinity) < (rightCollision?.distance || Infinity) ? collisions.left : collisions.right;

            if (collisionData.collision) {

                // Var shorthands
                const collision = collisionData.collision;
                const normalVector = collision.face.normal.clone();

                // Give output a baseline position that is the same as the collision position
                let paddedCollision = collision.point.clone().sub(inputVector.clone().multiplyScalar(collisionPadding));
                paddedCollision = adj(paddedCollision, collisionData.offset * -1);
                outputPosition.x = paddedCollision.x;
                outputPosition.z = paddedCollision.z;

                if (leftCollision && rightCollision && leftCollision.face !== rightCollision.face) {
                    return startingPos;

                // Work out difference between input vector and output / normal vector
                const iCAngleCross = inputVector.clone().cross(normalVector).y; // -1 to 1

                // Work out output vector
                const outputVector = (() => {
                    const ivn = inputVector.clone().add(normalVector);
                    const xMultiplier = ivn.x > 0 ? 1 : -1;
                    const zMultiplier = ivn.z > 0 ? 1 : -1;
                    return new Three.Vector3(
                        Math.abs(normalVector.z) * xMultiplier,
                        Math.abs(normalVector.x) * zMultiplier,

                if (inputSpeed && this.drawRays) {
                    this.objects.push(new Three.ArrowHelper(normalVector, startingPos, 300, 0xff0000));

                // Work out output speed
                const outputSpeed = inputSpeed * Math.abs(iCAngleCross) * 0.8;

                // Increment output position with output vector X output speed


            // ------------------ Done -------------------

            return outputPosition;

        gated.x = horizontalOutputPosition.x;
        gated.z = horizontalOutputPosition.z;

        // ------------------ Culmination -------------------

        // Add debug visuals
        this.objects.map(object => this.scene.add(object));

        // Return gated position
        const safePosition = new Three.Vector3(gated.x, gated.y, gated.z);
        return { safePosition, grounded, groundMaterial };

export default Planeclamp;