
Matlab求第一个负数的级数,matlab,vectorization,Matlab,Vectorization,使用Matlab中的数字矩阵,如何找到一系列正数之后的第一个负数 到目前为止,我能想到的唯一答案是写一个循环来检查第一个负数,然后记录它,然后查找第一个正数,在那里截断数组,然后重新开始。有没有矢量化的方法可以做到这一点 e、 例如,我有x=[-1-5-2 3 4 8-2-3 1 9],我希望这个函数或脚本给我一个y=[1 7]的数组。这是一个相当自制的解决方案,请查看它 x = [ -1 -5 -2 3 4 8 -2 -3 1 9] neg_idx = find(x < 0)



e、 例如,我有x=[-1-5-2 3 4 8-2-3 1 9],我希望这个函数或脚本给我一个y=[1 7]的数组。


x = [ -1 -5 -2 3 4 8 -2 -3 1 9]

neg_idx = find(x < 0)     % // negative values
z = [0 diff(neg_idx)]     % // increments among indices of successive values;
                          % // consecutive indices return a difference of 1 whereas
                          % // non consecutive return a value greater than 1.
                          % // because the first element must be distinguished 
                          % // we put the zero in front
id = find(z ~= 1)         % // Every time there is a jump, a non consecutive neg.
                          % // value appears 

% // thus the solution is in                     
y = neg_idx(id)           

 ans =

 1     7



x = [ -1 -5 -2 3 4 8 -2 -3 1 9]

neg_idx = find(x < 0)     % // negative values
z = [0 diff(neg_idx)]     % // increments among indices of successive values;
                          % // consecutive indices return a difference of 1 whereas
                          % // non consecutive return a value greater than 1.
                          % // because the first element must be distinguished 
                          % // we put the zero in front
id = find(z ~= 1)         % // Every time there is a jump, a non consecutive neg.
                          % // value appears 

% // thus the solution is in                     
y = neg_idx(id)           

 ans =

 1     7

find(diff(sign([1 x]))<0)

find(diff(sign([1 x]))<0)