Multithreading Java线程-同步don

Multithreading Java线程-同步don,multithreading,locking,synchronized,Multithreading,Locking,Synchronized,所以我对代码的问题是,为什么“synchronized”不阻止这些线程之间的竞争? 当线程1从shared获取/设置值时,应该锁定线程2,但结果仍然是“线程2看到1” 像这样更改代码。我添加了一个额外的日志语句,只是为了证明它正在运行。现在让我解释一下这个问题。您刚刚将修改共享状态的方法声明为 public class SetGetFail implements Runnable { // Every thread is assigned a number and has a reference



public class SetGetFail implements Runnable {
// Every thread is assigned a number and has a reference to a SharedObject.
// In main(), a single SharedObject is passed to all threads.
int number;
SharedObject shared;

public SetGetFail(int no, SharedObject so) {
number = no;
shared = so;

public static void main(String[] args) {
SharedObject shared = new SharedObject(0);
    new Thread(new SetGetFail(1, shared)).start();
    new Thread(new SetGetFail(2, shared)).start();

synchronized public void run() {

synchronized void setGet() {
// Repeatedly assign this thread's own number to the shared
// object and race to read that number again.
// Exit, if some other thread modified the number in between.
while(true) {
    int no = shared.getNo();
    if (no != number) {
    System.out.println("Thread " + number + " sees " + no);

synchronized void setGet() {
    // ...

private static final Object lock = new Object();

synchronized (lock) {
    // ...

public class SetGetFail implements Runnable {
    // Every thread is assigned a number and has a reference to a SharedObject.
    // In main(), a single SharedObject is passed to all threads.
    int number;
    SharedObject shared;

    private static Object lock = new Object();

    public SetGetFail(int no, SharedObject so) {
        number = no;
        shared = so;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        SharedObject shared = new SharedObject(0);
        new Thread(new SetGetFail(1, shared), "One").start();

        new Thread(new SetGetFail(2, shared), "Two").start();


    synchronized public void run() {

     void setGet() {
        // Repeatedly assign this thread's own number to the shared
        // object and race to read that number again.
        // Exit, if some other thread modified the number in between.
        while (true) {
            synchronized (lock) {
                int no = shared.getNo();
                if (no != number) {
                    System.out.println("Thread " + number + " sees " + no);
                System.out.println("Thread " + number + " sees " + no);

