Multithreading 在节点模块中使用集群

Multithreading 在节点模块中使用集群,multithreading,node.js,cluster-computing,Multithreading,Node.js,Cluster Computing,更新:根据评论,即使这个特定场景不现实,我仍然对如何编写一个模块来利用集群而不必每次重新运行父进程感兴趣 我正在尝试编写一个名为mass request的Node.js模块,它通过将大量HTTP请求分发到子进程来加速这些请求 我的希望是,在外部,它是这样工作的 var mr = require("mass-request"), scraper = mr(); for (var i = 0; i < my_urls_to_visit.length; i += 1) { s


mass request


var mr = require("mass-request"),
    scraper = mr();

for (var i = 0; i < my_urls_to_visit.length; i += 1) {
    scraper.add(my_urls_to_visit[i], function(resp) {
        // do something with response
我希望看到“HellofromMassRequest!”被记录了四次(实际上是这样)。令我惊讶的是,我还四次看到“hello from test.js”。显然,我不明白





mass request.js

var cluster = require('cluster');
var zmq = require('zmq');

module.exports = {
    _childId : null,
    _urls : [],
    _threadCount : 1,
    _readyThreads : 0,
    _callbacks : {},
    zmqReceive : null, //the socket we receive on for this thread
    zmqMaster : null, //the socket to the master
    zmqChildren : {}, //an object storing the sockets for the children
    setThreads : function( threadCount ) {
        this._threadCount = threadCount;
    add : function( url , cb ) {
        this._urls.push( {url: url, cb : cb } );
    run : function() {

        if( cluster.isMaster ) {


        } else {



    _masterThread : function() {

        console.log( 'Master Process Starting Up' );

        this.zmqReceive = zmq.socket('pull').bindSync( 'ipc://master.ipc' );

        //bind handler for messages coming into this process using closure to allow us to access the massrequest object inside the callback
        ( function( massRequest ) {
            this.zmqReceive.on( 'message' , function( msg ) {

                msg = JSON.parse(msg);

                //was this an online notification?
                if( msg && msg.status == 'Online' ) {
                    return; //we're done
                if( msg && msg.html ) {
                    //this was a response from a child, call the callback for it
                    massRequest._callbacks[ msg.sender ].call( massRequest , msg.html );
                    //send the child another URL
                    massRequest._sendUrlToChild( msg.sender );

            } );
        }).call( this , this );

        //fork 4 child processes and set up the sending sockets for them
        for( var i=0; i < this._threadCount; ++i ) {
            //set up the sending socket
            this.zmqChildren[i] = zmq.socket('push').connect( 'ipc://child_' + i + '.ipc' );
            //fork the process and pass it an id
            cluster.fork( {
            } );

    _sendUrlToChild : function( child ) {
        //if there's no urls left, return (this would also be a good place to send a message to the child to exit gracefully)
        if( !this._urls.length ) return;
        //grab a url to process
        var item = this._urls.pop();
        //set the callback for the child
        this._callbacks[child] = item.cb;
        this.zmqChildren[child].send( JSON.stringify( { url:item.url } ) );
    _processUrls : function() {
        for( var i=0; i < this._threadCount; ++i ) {
            this._sendUrlToChild( i );
    _threadReady : function() {
        if( ++this._readyThreads >= this._threadCount ) {
            //all threads are ready, send out urls to start the mayhem
            console.log( 'All threads online, starting URL processing' );
    _childProcessUrl : function( url ) {
        console.log( 'Child Process ' + this.childId + ' Handling URL: ' + url );
        //do something here to scrape your content however you see fit
        var html = 'HTML';
        this.zmqMaster.send( JSON.stringify( { sender:this.childId, html:html } ) );
    _childThread : function() {

        //get the child id that was passed from cluster
        this.childId = process.env._childId;

        console.log( 'Child Process ' + this.childId + ' Starting Up' );

        //bind the pull socket to receive messages to this process
        this.zmqReceive = zmq.socket('pull').bindSync( 'ipc://child_' + this.childId + '.ipc' );

        //bind the push socket to send to the master
        this.zmqMaster = zmq.socket('push').connect('ipc://master.ipc');

        //bind handler for messages coming into this process
        ( function( massRequest ) {
            this.zmqReceive.on( 'message' , function( msg ) {

                msg = JSON.parse(msg);

                console.log( 'Child ' + this.childId + ': ' + msg );

                //handle the url
                if( msg && msg.url ) massRequest._childProcessUrl( msg.url );

            } );
        }).call( this , this );

        //let the master know we're done setting up
        this.zmqMaster.send( JSON.stringify({sender:this.childId,status:'Online'}) );

var mr = require( './mass-request.js' );
mr.setThreads( 4 );
mr.add( '' , function( resp ) {
    console.log( ' is done' );
} );
mr.add( '' , function( resp ) {
    console.log( ' is done' );
} );
mr.add( '' , function( resp ) {
    console.log( ' is done' );
} );
mr.add( '' , function( resp ) {
    console.log( ' is done' );
} );
mr.add( '' , function( resp ) {
    console.log( ' is done' );
} );
mr.add( '' , function( resp ) {
    console.log( ' is done' );
} );
mr.add( '' , function( resp ) {
    console.log( ' is done' );
} );;
var cluster = require("cluster"),
  path = require("path"),
  numCPUs = require("os").cpus().length;

console.log("hello from mass-request!");
if (cluster.isMaster) {
    exec: path.join(__dirname, 'worker.js')

  for (var i = 0; i < numCPUs; i += 1) {
    var worker = cluster.fork();

  return {
    add: function (url, cb) {
} else {
  console.log("worker " + + " is born!");
console.log("worker " + + " is born!");
node demo.js








  • 设置对象
    • 工作文件的exec字符串文件路径。(默认值=process.argv[1])
    • args数组字符串参数传递给worker。(默认值=process.argv.slice(2))
    • 无提示布尔值是否将输出发送到父级的stdio。(默认值=false)





var cluster = require('cluster');
var zmq = require('zmq');

module.exports = {
    _childId : null,
    _urls : [],
    _threadCount : 1,
    _readyThreads : 0,
    _callbacks : {},
    zmqReceive : null, //the socket we receive on for this thread
    zmqMaster : null, //the socket to the master
    zmqChildren : {}, //an object storing the sockets for the children
    setThreads : function( threadCount ) {
        this._threadCount = threadCount;
    add : function( url , cb ) {
        this._urls.push( {url: url, cb : cb } );
    run : function() {

        if( cluster.isMaster ) {


        } else {



    _masterThread : function() {

        console.log( 'Master Process Starting Up' );

        this.zmqReceive = zmq.socket('pull').bindSync( 'ipc://master.ipc' );

        //bind handler for messages coming into this process using closure to allow us to access the massrequest object inside the callback
        ( function( massRequest ) {
            this.zmqReceive.on( 'message' , function( msg ) {

                msg = JSON.parse(msg);

                //was this an online notification?
                if( msg && msg.status == 'Online' ) {
                    return; //we're done
                if( msg && msg.html ) {
                    //this was a response from a child, call the callback for it
                    massRequest._callbacks[ msg.sender ].call( massRequest , msg.html );
                    //send the child another URL
                    massRequest._sendUrlToChild( msg.sender );

            } );
        }).call( this , this );

        //fork 4 child processes and set up the sending sockets for them
        for( var i=0; i < this._threadCount; ++i ) {
            //set up the sending socket
            this.zmqChildren[i] = zmq.socket('push').connect( 'ipc://child_' + i + '.ipc' );
            //fork the process and pass it an id
            cluster.fork( {
            } );

    _sendUrlToChild : function( child ) {
        //if there's no urls left, return (this would also be a good place to send a message to the child to exit gracefully)
        if( !this._urls.length ) return;
        //grab a url to process
        var item = this._urls.pop();
        //set the callback for the child
        this._callbacks[child] = item.cb;
        this.zmqChildren[child].send( JSON.stringify( { url:item.url } ) );
    _processUrls : function() {
        for( var i=0; i < this._threadCount; ++i ) {
            this._sendUrlToChild( i );
    _threadReady : function() {
        if( ++this._readyThreads >= this._threadCount ) {
            //all threads are ready, send out urls to start the mayhem
            console.log( 'All threads online, starting URL processing' );
    _childProcessUrl : function( url ) {
        console.log( 'Child Process ' + this.childId + ' Handling URL: ' + url );
        //do something here to scrape your content however you see fit
        var html = 'HTML';
        this.zmqMaster.send( JSON.stringify( { sender:this.childId, html:html } ) );
    _childThread : function() {

        //get the child id that was passed from cluster
        this.childId = process.env._childId;

        console.log( 'Child Process ' + this.childId + ' Starting Up' );

        //bind the pull socket to receive messages to this process
        this.zmqReceive = zmq.socket('pull').bindSync( 'ipc://child_' + this.childId + '.ipc' );

        //bind the push socket to send to the master
        this.zmqMaster = zmq.socket('push').connect('ipc://master.ipc');

        //bind handler for messages coming into this process
        ( function( massRequest ) {
            this.zmqReceive.on( 'message' , function( msg ) {

                msg = JSON.parse(msg);

                console.log( 'Child ' + this.childId + ': ' + msg );

                //handle the url
                if( msg && msg.url ) massRequest._childProcessUrl( msg.url );

            } );
        }).call( this , this );

        //let the master know we're done setting up
        this.zmqMaster.send( JSON.stringify({sender:this.childId,status:'Online'}) );

var mr = require( './mass-request.js' );
mr.setThreads( 4 );
mr.add( '' , function( resp ) {
    console.log( ' is done' );
} );
mr.add( '' , function( resp ) {
    console.log( ' is done' );
} );
mr.add( '' , function( resp ) {
    console.log( ' is done' );
} );
mr.add( '' , function( resp ) {
    console.log( ' is done' );
} );
mr.add( '' , function( resp ) {
    console.log( ' is done' );
} );
mr.add( '' , function( resp ) {
    console.log( ' is done' );
} );
mr.add( '' , function( resp ) {
    console.log( ' is done' );
} );;
var cluster = require("cluster"),
  path = require("path"),
  numCPUs = require("os").cpus().length;

console.log("hello from mass-request!");
if (cluster.isMaster) {
    exec: path.join(__dirname, 'worker.js')

  for (var i = 0; i < numCPUs; i += 1) {
    var worker = cluster.fork();

  return {
    add: function (url, cb) {
} else {
  console.log("worker " + + " is born!");
console.log("worker " + + " is born!");

node index.js 
hello from mass-request!
worker 38821 is born!
worker 38820 is born!
worker 38822 is born!
worker 38819 is born!

在子进程js线程中运行请求会有什么帮助?Http请求已经存在于js线程之外。请参阅有趣的内容。因此,让两个或多个进程分担许多URL调用的工作不会加快进程?一个线程进行所有调用,另一个线程处理响应如何?使用多个URL调用的唯一原因是如果js线程是瓶颈,那么js线程就是瓶颈。考虑到node.js的异步性质,当io也出现在图片中时,很少会出现这种情况。因此,只有在进行加密等cpu密集型工作时,将处理分给子线程才有意义。Mozilla persona就是一个很好的例子。请注意,传统上,fork()创建整个进程的副本。它不会“重新运行”整个进程,但会复制内存,并从返回fork()开始在两个进程中继续执行@generalhenry您提供的链接并不支持您最初的说法,即http stuff运行在一个独立的线程上,而不是在主线程上,您对此有更多的信息吗?谢谢!这是群集的一个很好的例子。不过,这不是我真正的问题。问题在于如何在一个模块中执行这类操作,而该模块需要使用不同的脚本,例如父脚本不必担心检查它是否是主脚本。请参阅origin post中的代码示例。干杯!@Ch