Mysql t对应于任何应用程序,并由用户从外部服务的“通用”版本创建或编辑

Mysql t对应于任何应用程序,并由用户从外部服务的“通用”版本创建或编辑,mysql,performance,database-design,Mysql,Performance,Database Design,现在,我必须从表app_ws_user检索所有与应用程序相关的服务,并从表app_ws_common检索所有与应用程序相关的服务,而这些服务在app_ws_user表中没有该特定用户的编辑版本 如何高效地为此编写查询 服务表DDL不清楚。请详细说明您的要求。我已经添加了一些详细信息。。希望这有助于更好地理解……)服务表DDL不清楚。请详细说明您的要求。我已经添加了一些详细信息。。希望这有助于更好地理解……)@Tom感谢您的输入:)该版本用于服务。因此,我可以创建一个“ServiceVersion



select ser.*,app.applicationname
from services ser
left join applications app
on ser.userid = app.userid and ser.applicationid = app.applicationid
where (ser.userid = 'user1' OR ser.userid = 'common')
AND (ser.applicationid = 'appid1' OR ser.applicationid IS NULL)
AND (ser.modifieddate < '9999-01-01 00:00:00' OR (ser.modifieddate = '9999-01-01 00:00:00' AND ser.serviceid > ' \n'))
AND ser.version = (select max(ser1.version) 
                     from services ser1
                     where (ser1.userid = 'user1' OR ser1.userid = 'common')
                     AND (ser1.applicationid = 'appid1' OR ser1.applicationid IS NULL)
                     AND ser1.servicename = ser.servicename)
ORDER BY ser.modifieddate,ser.serviceid
LIMIT 0,50
create table user
(id int unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,
userName varchar(50) not null,
unique key userUIdx (userName));

create table application
(id int unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,
applicationName varchar(50) not null,
unique key applicationUIdx1 (applicationName));

create table applicationVersion
(id int unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,
applicationId int unsigned not null,
version decimal(10,2) unsigned not null default 1.0,
userId int unsigned not null,
modifiedDate timestamp,
unique key applicationVersionUIdx1 (applicationId,version),
constraint `fk_applicationVersion_user1` FOREIGN KEY (`userId`) REFERENCES `user` (`id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
constraint `fk_applicationVersion_application1` FOREIGN KEY (`applicationId`) REFERENCES `application` (`id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION

create table service
(id int unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,
serviceName varchar(50) not null,
serviceType varchar(50) not null,
unique key serviceUIdx1 (serviceName));

create table serviceApplicationVersion
(id int unsigned not null primary key auto_increment,
applicationVersionId int unsigned not null,
serviceId int unsigned not null,
modifiedDate timestamp,
unique key serviceApplicationVersionUIdx1 (applicationVersionId,serviceId),
constraint `fk_serviceApplicationVersion_applicationVersion1` FOREIGN KEY (`applicationVersionId`) REFERENCES `applicationVersion` (`id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
constraint `fk_serviceApplicationVersion_service1` FOREIGN KEY (`serviceId`) REFERENCES `service` (`id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION

insert into user (userName) values ('common');
insert into user (userName) values ('User A');
insert into user (userName) values ('User B');

insert into application (applicationName) values ('App 1');
insert into application (applicationName) values ('App 2');

insert into applicationVersion (applicationId,version,userId) values (
(select id from application where applicationName = 'App 1'),
(select id from user where userName = 'common')

insert into applicationVersion (applicationId,version,userId) values (
(select id from application where applicationName = 'App 1'),
(select id from user where userName = 'User A')

insert into service (serviceName, serviceType) values ('Service 1','Service with apps');
insert into service (serviceName, serviceType) values ('Service 2','Service with no apps');

insert into serviceApplicationVersion (applicationVersionId,serviceId) values (
(select from applicationVersion av inner join application a on = av.applicationId where a.applicationName = 'App 1' and av.version = 2.0),
(select id from service where serviceName = 'Service 1')

-- Query to select services,applications and versions in those services and users
select s.serviceName,
from user u
inner join applicationVersion av on av.userId =
inner join serviceApplicationVersion sav on sav.applicationVersionId =
inner join application a on av.applicationId =
inner join service s on = sav.serviceId
where userName = 'User A';
CREATE TABLE `app_ws_common` (                                                                                                     
          `serviceid` varchar(16) NOT NULL,                                                                                             
          `applicationid` varchar(16) default NULL,                                                                                     
          `modifieddate` date default NULL,                                                                                             
          `version` decimal(1,0) default NULL,                                                                                          
          `servicename` varchar(20) default NULL,                                                                                       
          `userid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,                                                                                             
          PRIMARY KEY  (`serviceid`,`userid`),                                                                                        
          KEY `table1_isv_fk` (`applicationid`,`userid`),                                                                             
          CONSTRAINT `table1_isv_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`applicationid`, `userid`) REFERENCES `applications` (`applicationid`, `userid`)  
        ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1

 CREATE TABLE `app_ws_user` (                                                                                                     
           `serviceid` varchar(16) NOT NULL,                                                                                              
           `userid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,                                                                                              
           `applicationid` varchar(16) default NULL,                                                                                      
           `modifieddate` date default NULL,                                                                                              
           `version` decimal(1,0) default NULL,                                                                                           
           `servicename` varchar(20) default NULL,                                                                                        
           PRIMARY KEY  (`serviceid`,`userid`),                                                                                         
           KEY `FK_app_ws_user` (`applicationid`,`userid`),                                                                             

           CONSTRAINT `FK_app_ws_user` FOREIGN KEY (`applicationid`, `userid`) REFERENCES `applications` (`applicationid`, `userid`)  
         ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1

CREATE TABLE `applications` (                  
            `applicationid` varchar(16) NOT NULL,        
            `userid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,            
            `applicationname` varchar(30) default NULL,  
            PRIMARY KEY  (`applicationid`,`userid`)    
          ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1  

 CREATE TABLE `external_ws_common` (           
               `serviceid` varchar(16) NOT NULL,        
               `modifieddate` date default NULL,        
               `version` decimal(1,0) default NULL,     
               `servicename` varchar(20) default NULL,  
               PRIMARY KEY  (`serviceid`)               
             ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1  

CREATE TABLE `external_ws_user` (            
                `serviceid` varchar(16) NOT NULL,          
                `userid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,          
                `applicationid` varchar(16) default NULL,  
                `modifieddate` date default NULL,          
                `version` decimal(1,0) default NULL,       
                `servicename` varchar(20) default NULL,    
                PRIMARY KEY  (`serviceid`,`userid`)      
              ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1