
警告:mysql_fetch_array()要求参数1为资源,中给出的为null,mysql,Mysql,我得到以下错误: Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /home/pantyho1/public_html/affiliates/classes/XpDb.php on line 185 这是我的密码: class XpDatabase { var $mDbhost; var $mDbuser; var $mDbpwd; var $mDbname; /** * Conne


Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /home/pantyho1/public_html/affiliates/classes/XpDb.php on line 185

class XpDatabase
var $mDbhost;
var $mDbuser;
var $mDbpwd;
var $mDbname;

* Connects to database
function connect()
    $link = mysql_connect($this->mDbhost, $this->mDbuser, $this->mDbpwd);
    if (!$link)
        $error = 'Could not connect: '.mysql_error();
        die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

    if (!mysql_select_db($this->mDbname))
        $error = 'Can\'t use database : ' . mysql_error();
        die ('Can\'t use database : ' . mysql_error());

* Close connection to database
* @param $aConnection connection
* return bool
function close($aConnection)
    return mysql_close($aConnection);

* Executes sql query
* @param str $aSql sql query
* @return bool
function query($aSql)
    return mysql_query($aSql);

* Returns row of elements
* @param str $aSql sql query
* @return arr
function getRow($aSql)
    $res = $this->query($aSql);
    $out = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);

    return $out;

* Returns array of rows
* @param str $aSql sql query
* @return arr
function getAll($aSql)
    $out = Array();

    $res = $this->query($aSql);
    while($temp = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
        $out[] = $temp;

    return $out;

* Returns recordset as associative array where the key is the first field
* @param str $aSql sql query
* @return arr
function &getAssoc($aSql)
    $out = Array ();
    $res =& $this->query($aSql);

    while ($temp = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
        $key = array_shift($temp);
        $out[$key][] = $temp;
    return $out;

* Returns one element
* @param str $aSql sql query
* @return int
function getOne($aSql)
    $res = $this->query($aSql);
    $row = mysql_fetch_row($res);

    $out = ($row ) ? $row[0] : '';

    return $out;

* Returns array of tables
* @return arr
function getTables()
    $out = Array();

    $sql = "SHOW TABLES FROM {$this->mDbname}";
    $res = $this->query($sql);

    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res))
        $out[] = $row[0];

    return $out;

* Prints out block with error
function printError($aError)
    echo $aError; 

* Returns recordset as associative array where the key is the first field
* @param str $aSql sql query
* @return arr
function getKeyValue($aSql)
    $out = Array ();
    $res = $this->query($aSql);

line 185    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
        $out[$temp[0]] = $temp[1];
    return $out;



  • 变量名不匹配:


    $res = $this->query($aSql);

  • 删除字符串
    “line 185”

  • 这也是一个好主意: 如果您想使用由

  • . 它们不再得到维护。看到了吗?相反,学习,并使用or-将帮助您决定哪一个。如果您选择PDO。(你很幸运使用了包装器,所以切换应该很容易!)不是同一个问题。可能是类似的错误消息,但原因不同。这里的问题是变量名输入错误。“复制”中的问题是一个失败的查询。现在我得到以下错误:解析错误:语法错误,意外的“return”(T_return),预期为“;”或者“对不起,第185行代码如下,$temp=mysql\u fetch\u row($res))
    $result = $this->query($aSql);
    return $link;