Objective c 对于包含字典数组的plist,如何添加和写出新的字典元素

Objective c 对于包含字典数组的plist,如何添加和写出新的字典元素,objective-c,ios,plist,Objective C,Ios,Plist,我创建了一个plist,它被初始化为字典数组的数组。plist存储动态数据。因此,当应用程序终止时,可能需要添加新的字典元素。或者可能需要添加字典元素的新数组。以后,可能会有更少的字典元素,因此不再需要以前的元素。虽然有很多关于向plist添加元素的讨论,但似乎没有一个能够解决我的问题。以下是plist的初始描述: Key Type Value Root Dictionary (2 items) Hourl


Key                  Type         Value
Root                 Dictionary   (2 items)
  Hourly Data        Array        (1 item)
     Item 0          Array        (1 item)      <--how do I add more of these
        Item 0       Dictionary   (3 items)     <--how do I add more of these
           Name      String       Joe
           Rank      String       private
           serialNo  String       123456
  NonHourly Data     Array        (1 item)
     Item 0          Array        (1 item)
        Item 0       Dictionary   (3 items)
           Name      String       Jeff
           Rank      String       private
           serialNo  String       654321



// Create an array of arrays of content encoded as dictionary objects for hourly data
armyPerson *aPerson;
NSArray *level1Element;
NSMutableArray *level2Array;    
NSMutableArray *level1Array = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:nil] autorelease];
for (int i=0; i<[allHourlyPersons count]; i++) {
    level1Element = [allHourlyPersons objectAtIndex:i]; // grab the next level1 array element. 

    // Each level1 array element will have zero or more level2Arrays. The info for each level2 dictionary needs to be collected into
    // an level2Array element as individual dictionary objects
    level2Array = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:nil] autorelease];   // initialize the level2Array
    for (int j=0; j<[level1Element count]; j++) {
        aPerson = [level1Element objectAtIndex:j];  // grab the next armyPerson

        // For each episode, create a dictionary object
        NSDictionary *level2Element = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:aPerson.name, @"Name", 
                                                                                    aPerson.rank, @"Rank",
                                                                                    aPerson.serialNo, @"serialNo", nil];
        [level2Array addObject:level2Element];  // save the info for this episode

    // Now that we have all the episodes for this level1Element collected into an array of dictionary objects,
    // we need to add this array to the level1 array
    [level1Array addObject:level2Array];

// Finally, we need to create the key-value pair for the hourly source array
[data setObject:level1Array forKey:@"Hourly Data"];

Do the same for the Non-Hourly Data prior to:

[data writeToFile: configPlist atomically:Yes];
NSMutableArray*level1Array=[[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects:nil]autorelease];
对于(int i=0;i
// Create an array of arrays of content encoded as dictionary objects for hourly data
armyPerson *aPerson;
NSArray *level1Element;
NSMutableArray *level2Array;    
NSMutableArray *level1Array = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:nil] autorelease];
for (int i=0; i<[allHourlyPersons count]; i++) {
    level1Element = [allHourlyPersons objectAtIndex:i]; // grab the next level1 array element. 

    // Each level1 array element will have zero or more level2Arrays. The info for each level2 dictionary needs to be collected into
    // an level2Array element as individual dictionary objects
    level2Array = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:nil] autorelease];   // initialize the level2Array
    for (int j=0; j<[level1Element count]; j++) {
        aPerson = [level1Element objectAtIndex:j];  // grab the next armyPerson

        // For each episode, create a dictionary object
        NSDictionary *level2Element = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:aPerson.name, @"Name", 
                                                                                    aPerson.rank, @"Rank",
                                                                                    aPerson.serialNo, @"serialNo", nil];
        [level2Array addObject:level2Element];  // save the info for this episode

    // Now that we have all the episodes for this level1Element collected into an array of dictionary objects,
    // we need to add this array to the level1 array
    [level1Array addObject:level2Array];

// Finally, we need to create the key-value pair for the hourly source array
[data setObject:level1Array forKey:@"Hourly Data"];

Do the same for the Non-Hourly Data prior to:

[data writeToFile: configPlist atomically:Yes];