Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/2/image-processing/2.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
图像处理Opencv_Opencv_Image Processing - Fatal编程技术网


图像处理Opencv,opencv,image-processing,Opencv,Image Processing,我对opencv有疑问。我正在尝试实现SURF算法。当我试图构建代码,但我得到以下错误 *****error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _cvExtractSURF referenced in function _main 1>SAMPLE.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _cvSURFParams referenced in function _main***** 我已经在这个


*****error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _cvExtractSURF referenced in function _main
1>SAMPLE.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _cvSURFParams referenced in function _main*****


#include <stdio.h>
#include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc_c.h>
#include <opencv2\objdetect\objdetect.hpp>
#include <opencv2\calib3d\calib3d.hpp>
#include <opencv2\core\core.hpp>
#include <opencv2\legacy\legacy.hpp>
#include <opencv2\legacy\compat.hpp>
#include <opencv2/nonfree/nonfree.hpp>
#include <opencv\opensurf\surf.h>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
cvNamedWindow("Image", 1);
int key = 0;
static CvScalar red_color[] ={0,0,255};
IplImage* capture= cvLoadImage( "testface.jpg");

CvMat* prevgray = 0, *image = 0, *gray =0;
while( key != 'q' )
int firstFrame = gray == 0;
IplImage* frame =capture;
image = cvCreateMat(frame->height, frame->width, CV_8UC1);

//Convert the RGB image obtained from camera into Grayscale
cvCvtColor(frame, image, CV_BGR2GRAY);

//Define sequence for storing surf keypoints and descriptors
CvSeq *imageKeypoints = 0, *imageDescriptors = 0;

int i;

//Extract SURF points by initializing parameters
CvSURFParams params = cvSURFParams(500,1);
cvExtractSURF( image, 0, &imageKeypoints, &imageDescriptors, storage, params );
printf("Image Descriptors: %d\n", imageDescriptors->total);

//draw the keypoints on the captured frame
for( i = 0; i < imageKeypoints->total; i++ )
CvSURFPoint* r = (CvSURFPoint*)cvGetSeqElem( imageKeypoints, i );
CvPoint center;
int radius;
center.x = cvRound(r->pt.x);
center.y = cvRound(r->pt.y);
radius = cvRound(r->size*1.2/9.*2);
cvCircle( frame, center, radius, red_color[0], 1, 8, 0 );
cvShowImage( "Image", frame );

return 0
Sreelakshmi Priya,请使用C++ API代替。我试图实现SURF算法-不。你想用ITI来猜测包含SURF的LIB丢失或损坏…检查是否链接到所有openCV库。