Pandas 如何在jupyter笔记本中并排呈现两个pd.DataFrames?

Pandas 如何在jupyter笔记本中并排呈现两个pd.DataFrames?,pandas,ipython,dataframe,jupyter,Pandas,Ipython,Dataframe,Jupyter,有没有一种简单的方法可以快速查看Jupyter笔记本中并排显示的两个pd.DataFrames的内容 df1 = pd.DataFrame([(1,2),(3,4)], columns=['a', 'b']) df2 = pd.DataFrame([(1.1,2.1),(3.1,4.1)], columns=['a', 'b']) df1, df2 最接近您想要的可能是: > df1.merge(df2, right_index=1, left_index=1, suffixes=("_


df1 = pd.DataFrame([(1,2),(3,4)], columns=['a', 'b'])
df2 = pd.DataFrame([(1.1,2.1),(3.1,4.1)], columns=['a', 'b'])
df1, df2


> df1.merge(df2, right_index=1, left_index=1, suffixes=("_1", "_2"))
   a_1  b_1  a_2  b_2
0    1    2  1.1  2.1
1    3    4  3.1  4.1



def cmp(df1, df2, topn=10):
    n = topn
    a = df1.reset_index().head(n=n)
    b = df2.reset_index().head(n=n)

    span = pd.DataFrame(data=[('-',) for _ in range(n)], columns=['sep'])

    a = a.merge(span, right_index=1, left_index=1)
    return a.merge(b, right_index=1, left_index=1, suffixes=['_L', '_R'])


def side_by_side(*objs, **kwds):
    ''' Une fonction print objects side by side '''
    from import adjoin
    space = kwds.get('space', 4)
    reprs = [repr(obj).split('\n') for obj in objs]
    print(adjoin(space, *reprs))

# building a test case of two DataFrame
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

n, p = (10, 3)  # dfs' shape

# dfs indexes and columns labels
index_rowA = [t[0]+str(t[1]) for t in zip(['rA']*n, range(n))]
index_colA = [t[0]+str(t[1]) for t in zip(['cA']*p, range(p))]

index_rowB = [t[0]+str(t[1]) for t in zip(['rB']*n, range(n))]
index_colB = [t[0]+str(t[1]) for t in zip(['cB']*p, range(p))]

# buliding the df A and B
dfA = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(n,p), index=index_rowA, columns=index_colA)
dfB = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(n,p), index=index_rowB, columns=index_colB)

          cA0       cA1       cA2              cB0       cB1       cB2
rA0  0.708763  0.665374  0.718613    rB0  0.320085  0.677422  0.722697
rA1  0.120551  0.277301  0.646337    rB1  0.682488  0.273689  0.871989
rA2  0.372386  0.953481  0.934957    rB2  0.015203  0.525465  0.223897
rA3  0.456871  0.170596  0.501412    rB3  0.941295  0.901428  0.329489
rA4  0.049491  0.486030  0.365886    rB4  0.597779  0.201423  0.010794
rA5  0.277720  0.436428  0.533683    rB5  0.701220  0.261684  0.502301
rA6  0.391705  0.982510  0.561823    rB6  0.182609  0.140215  0.389426
rA7  0.827597  0.105354  0.180547    rB7  0.041009  0.936011  0.613592
rA8  0.224394  0.975854  0.089130    rB8  0.697824  0.887613  0.972838
rA9  0.433850  0.489714  0.339129    rB9  0.263112  0.355122  0.447154
