Php 通过管理员在wordpress中编辑页脚内容

Php 通过管理员在wordpress中编辑页脚内容,php,wordpress,wordpress-theming,footer,Php,Wordpress,Wordpress Theming,Footer,我试图在wordpress主题中更改页脚的内容。内容似乎不是来自footer.php文件。我需要更改页脚中的联系人信息。有没有人知道如何使用wp admin来实现这一点?以下是我当前主题中my footer.php的外观: <?php /** * Your Inspiration Themes * * In this files there is a collection of a functions useful for the core * of the framework

我试图在wordpress主题中更改页脚的内容。内容似乎不是来自footer.php文件。我需要更改页脚中的联系人信息。有没有人知道如何使用wp admin来实现这一点?以下是我当前主题中my footer.php的外观:

 * Your Inspiration Themes
 * In this files there is a collection of a functions useful for the core
 * of the framework.   
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage Your Inspiration Themes
 * @author Your Inspiration Themes Team <>
 * This source file is subject to the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (GPL 3.0)
 * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
 * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:

             * @see yit_footer
            do_action( 'yit_footer') ?>

        <!-- END WRAPPER -->
        <?php do_action( 'yit_after_wrapper' ) ?>        

    <!-- END BG SHADOW -->

    <?php wp_footer() ?> 

<!-- END BODY -->