
JSON数组PHP中的三个mysql表,php,mysql,arrays,json,Php,Mysql,Arrays,Json,我试图从三个相关的MySQL表构建json输出。我有一张桌子 术语表中的每一项都有几个相对的关系 “term_关系”表中由“term_分类法\u id”引用的项。每个对象_id都是一个 posts表中的主键为ID 术语 +---------+------------+-----------+-------------+ | term_id | name | slug | term_group | +---------+------------+-----------+--

我试图从三个相关的MySQL表构建json输出。我有一张桌子 术语表中的每一项都有几个相对的关系 “term_关系”表中由“term_分类法\u id”引用的项。每个对象_id都是一个 posts表中的主键为ID


| term_id |    name    |   slug    | term_group  |
|   12    | jewellery  | jewellery |     0       |
|   13    | water      |  water    |     0       |
| object_id | term_taxonomy_id | term_order|
|    59     |       12         |    0      |
|    57     |       12         |    0      |
|    61     |       12         |    0      |
|    62     |       13         |    0      |
|    63     |       13         |    0      |
| ID      |  post_author |        post_date      |        post_title      |
|   59    |       8      | 2015.11.30  9.33.05   | Strerding silver       |
|   57    |       8      | 2015.11.30  9.34.45   | London Blue            |
|   61    |       8      | 2015.11.30  9.39.34   | Strerding silver Ame   |
|   62    |       9      | 2015.11.30  9.50.15   | Clean water            |
|   63    |       9      | 2015.11.30  9.55.55   | 5 Liter water          |

| term_id |    name    |   slug    | term_group  |
|   12    | jewellery  | jewellery |     0       |
|   13    | water      |  water    |     0       |
| object_id | term_taxonomy_id | term_order|
|    59     |       12         |    0      |
|    57     |       12         |    0      |
|    61     |       12         |    0      |
|    62     |       13         |    0      |
|    63     |       13         |    0      |
| ID      |  post_author |        post_date      |        post_title      |
|   59    |       8      | 2015.11.30  9.33.05   | Strerding silver       |
|   57    |       8      | 2015.11.30  9.34.45   | London Blue            |
|   61    |       8      | 2015.11.30  9.39.34   | Strerding silver Ame   |
|   62    |       9      | 2015.11.30  9.50.15   | Clean water            |
|   63    |       9      | 2015.11.30  9.55.55   | 5 Liter water          |

| term_id |    name    |   slug    | term_group  |
|   12    | jewellery  | jewellery |     0       |
|   13    | water      |  water    |     0       |
| object_id | term_taxonomy_id | term_order|
|    59     |       12         |    0      |
|    57     |       12         |    0      |
|    61     |       12         |    0      |
|    62     |       13         |    0      |
|    63     |       13         |    0      |
| ID      |  post_author |        post_date      |        post_title      |
|   59    |       8      | 2015.11.30  9.33.05   | Strerding silver       |
|   57    |       8      | 2015.11.30  9.34.45   | London Blue            |
|   61    |       8      | 2015.11.30  9.39.34   | Strerding silver Ame   |
|   62    |       9      | 2015.11.30  9.50.15   | Clean water            |
|   63    |       9      | 2015.11.30  9.55.55   | 5 Liter water          |

    "category": [{
        "term_id": "12",
        "name": "jewellery",
        "slug": "jewellery",
        "products": [{
            "ID": "59",
            "post_title": "Strerding silver",
            "post_date": "2015.11.30  9.33.05",
            "post_author": "8"
        }, {
            "ID": "57",
            "post_title": "London Blue",
            "post_date": "2015.11.30  9.34.45",
            "post_author": "8"
    }, {

        "term_id": "13",
        "name": "water",
        "slug": "water",
        "products": [{
            "ID": "62",
            "post_title": "Clean water",
            "post_date": "2015.11.30  9.50.15",
            "post_author": "9"
        }, {
            "ID": "63",
            "post_title": "5 Liter water",
            "post_date": "2015.11.30  9.55.55",
            "post_author": "9"

    $username = "root";
    $password = "";
    $hostname = "localhost";

    $response = array();

    $dbhandle = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password)
            or die("Unable to connect to MySQL");

    $selected = mysql_select_db("look4com_lk", $dbhandle)
            or die("Could not select look4com_lk");

    //execute the SQL query and return records
    $result = mysql_query("select *
        from l4wlk_terms
        INNER JOIN l4wlk_term_relationships
        ON l4wlk_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = l4wlk_terms.term_id
        INNER JOIN l4wlk_posts
        ON l4wlk_term_relationships.object_id = l4wlk_posts.ID
        ORDER BY l4wlk_terms.name");

    //$response["infos"] = array();
    $info["categorylist"] = array();

    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $arr = array();
        $arr["name"] = $row["name"];
        $arr["term_id"] = $row["term_id"];
        $arr["post_date"] = $row["post_date"];
        $arr["post_title"] = $row["post_title"];
        $info[] = $arr;
    echo json_encode($info);
    //close the connection

echo json\u encode($info)

    $values = array();
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        // if term_id info not saved in the array, save it.
        if (!isset($values[$row["term_id"]])) {
            $values[$row["term_id"]] = array(
                'term_id' => $row["term_id"], 
                'name' => $row["name"], 
                'slug' => $row["slug"]);
        // save products under term_id.
        $values[$row["term_id"]]['products'][] = 
            array('ID' => $row["ID"], 'post_title' => $row["post_title"], 
                'post_date' => $row["post_date"], 'post_author' => $row["post_author"]);
    // removing term_ids and adding all values to a array called 'category'
    $return_array['category'] = array_values($values);

    echo json_encode($return_array);


    /* Building PreResult Set, form here we build the required result set */
    $info["categorylist"] = array();
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $info["categorylist"][$row["term_id"]]["name"] = $row["name"];
        $info["categorylist"][$row["term_id"]]["term_id"] = $row["term_id"];
        $info["categorylist"][$row["term_id"]]["slug"] = $row["slug"];
        $post = array();
        $post["id"] = $row["id"];
        $post["post_date"] = $row["post_date"];
        $post["post_title"] = $row["post_title"];
        $post["post_author"] = $row["post_author"];
        $info["categorylist"][$row["term_id"]]["products"][] = $post;
    /* Building Actual Result Set from PreResult Set, This step required to remove all associative key is used before in PreSet to remove redundant data*/
    $json_data = array();
    foreach($info["categorylist"] as $key => $value){
        $products_array = array();
        foreach($value["products"] as $product_keys => $products){
            $products_array[] = $products;
        $category = array();
        $category["name"] = $value["name"];
        $category["term_id"] = $row["term_id"];
        $category["slug"] = $row["slug"];
        $category["products"] = $products;
        $json_data["categorylist"][] = $category;
    echo '<pre>'.print_r($json_data,1).'</pre>';
    echo '<pre>'.json_encode($json_data).'</pre>';
while($row=mysql\u fetch\u assoc($result)){
foreach($value[“products”]作为$product\u key=>$products){

