
Php单元测试,带模拟的受保护方法,php,oop,unit-testing,mocking,tdd,Php,Oop,Unit Testing,Mocking,Tdd,我是TDD的新手。我被一些单元测试卡住了。。。请看一下我的代码。。。先谢谢你 class Parser{ protected function _checkCurlExistence() { // Unable to to mock function_exists, thats why fallback with this method return function_exists('curl_version'); } pu


class Parser{

    protected function _checkCurlExistence()
        // Unable to to mock function_exists, thats why fallback with this method

        return function_exists('curl_version');

    public function checkCurlExtension()

        // I want to test 2 situations from this method...
        // 1. if curl extension exists
        // 2. or when curl extension does not exists...throw error

        if($this->_checkCurlExistence() === false){

                throw new CurlException(); //Some curl error handler exception class
            }catch(CurlException $error){


        return true;
要测试: 我的问题/要求: 你能填一下这些试卷吗。我像永远被困在这上面…无法继续我的TDD之旅

一些步骤(您可以跳过这些行): 我已经尽了最大的努力来解决这个问题,但我自己却无能为力。有些步骤是

我尝试了phpunit的本地mocky,padraic/mocky(git),codeception/aspect mock(git)来模拟两种情况下的checkcurlevision()方法。。。我不确定我是否做得对…这就是为什么,不张贴这些代码

我尝试了反射Api,通过魔术方法\u call()用方法重写类扩展。。。要将受保护方法动态转换为公共方法以帮助模拟




namespace 'myNameSpace';

class Parser{

    public function checkCurlExtension()
        // I want to test 2 situations from this method...
        // 1. if curl extension exists
        // 2. or when curl extension does not exists...throw error

        if(function_exists('curl_version') === false){
            throw new CurlException(); //Some curl error handler exception class

        return true;


class ParserTest{

    private $parser;

    * @expectedException CurlException
    public function testCheckCurlExtensionDoesNotExists()
        $funcMocker = \PHPUnit_Extension_FunctionMocker::start($this, 'myNameSpace')




    public function testCheckCurlExtensionExists()
       //we can do same here...please remember DRY...


namespace 'myNameSpace';

class Parser{

    public function checkCurlExtension()
        // I want to test 2 situations from this method...
        // 1. if curl extension exists
        // 2. or when curl extension does not exists...throw error

        if(function_exists('curl_version') === false){
            throw new CurlException(); //Some curl error handler exception class

        return true;


class ParserTest{

    private $parser;

    * @expectedException CurlException
    public function testCheckCurlExtensionDoesNotExists()
        $funcMocker = \PHPUnit_Extension_FunctionMocker::start($this, 'myNameSpace')




    public function testCheckCurlExtensionExists()
       //we can do same here...please remember DRY...
