Python 3.x 尝试返回路由具有多个值的最短路由

Python 3.x 尝试返回路由具有多个值的最短路由,python-3.x,graph,Python 3.x,Graph,所以我可以返回一条路线,但它不是最短的。看起来代码似乎是在获取它所获得的第一个权重,而不是运行它们并反转以查看某些路由具有2个权重 我尝试过改变循环,但不断遇到错误,导致更多的问题,任何指导将是非常宝贵的 示例路线 a>b=800 b>e(有两个砝码,取更重的一个)=600500 最短总数-1300 然而,我得到1400,因为它需要更重的重量为b>E # Dictionaries are a convenient way to store data for later retrieval b



示例路线 a>b=800 b>e(有两个砝码,取更重的一个)=600500 最短总数-1300


# Dictionaries are a convenient way to store data for later retrieval by name (key)

class Graph:
    def __init__(self):
        self.edges is a dict of all possible next nodes
        e.g. {'X': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'E'], ...}
        self.weights has all the weights between two nodes,
        with the two nodes as a tuple as the key
        e.g. {('X', 'A'): 7, ('X', 'B'): 2, ...}
        self.edges = defaultdict(list)
        self.weights = {}

    def add_edge(self, from_node, to_node, weight):
        # This should assume that the edges are bidirectional
        self.weights[(from_node, to_node)] = weight
        self.weights[(to_node, from_node)] = weight

graph = Graph()

edges = [
    ('A', 'B', 800),
    ('B', 'C', 900),
    ('C', 'D', 400),
    ('D', 'E', 400),
    ('B', 'F', 400),
    ('C', 'E', 300),
    ('D', 'E', 300),
    ('E', 'B', 600),
    ('C', 'E', 200),
    ('D', 'C', 700),
    ('E', 'B', 500),
    ('F', 'D', 200),

for edge in edges:

    def dijsktra(graph, initial, end):
        # shortest paths is a dict of nodes
        # whose value is a tuple of (previous node, weight)
        shortest_paths = {initial: (None, 0)}
        current_node = initial
        visited = set()
        # if not initial or not end:
        # return print('No flight path provided')

        while current_node != end:
            destinations = graph.edges[current_node]
            weight_to_current_node = shortest_paths[current_node][1]

            for next_node in destinations:
                weight = graph.weights[(current_node, next_node)] + weight_to_current_node
                if next_node not in shortest_paths:
                    shortest_paths[next_node] = (current_node, weight)
                    current_shortest_weight = shortest_paths[next_node][1]
                    if current_shortest_weight > weight:
                        shortest_paths[next_node] = (current_node, weight)

            next_destinations = {node: shortest_paths[node] for node in shortest_paths if node not in visited}
            if not next_destinations:
                return "Route Not Possible"
            # next node is the destination with the lowest weight
            current_node = min(next_destinations, key=lambda k: next_destinations[k][1])

        # Work back through destinations in shortest path
        path = []
        while current_node is not None:
            next_node = shortest_paths[current_node][0]
            current_node = next_node
        # Reverse path
        path = path[::-1]
        return path