
Python正则表达式-在文件中查找一个字符串,该字符串出现在另一个字符串之前?,python,regex,Python,Regex,我的编程知识是非常有限的,我将非常感谢任何帮助这个可能明显的问题 假设我有一个文本文件,其中某处包含文本:“我拥有两辆自行车(中间的一些文本…) 例如,我如何将二改为三?这意味着我需要一个函数来找到字符串“bicycles”,然后向左看,直到它在某个地方找到字符串“two”并改变它。您可以使用正则表达式来实现这一点: >>> import re >>> s = 'I own two (Some text in between...) bicycles and





>>> import re
>>> s = 'I own two (Some text in between...) bicycles and two dogs.'
>>> re.sub('two(.*bicycles)', 'three\\1', s)
'I own three (Some text in between...) bicycles and two dogs.'
import re

line = '-------------------------------------------------------------\n'

ss = ('I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: '
      'two spankings, two nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, '
      'yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, '
      'two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, '
      'two dollars too, but never two dogs')
print ss,'\n\n'

print line + '1) Replacing the more at right before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('two(?=(?:.(?!two))*?BICYCLES)(.+)')
print reg.sub('@@@@\\1',ss)

print line + '2) Replacing the more at right before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('two(?=(?:.(?!two))*?BICYCLES(?!.*?BICYCLES))')
print reg.sub('@@@@',ss)

print line + '3) Replacing all before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('(two)|BICYCLES.+')
print reg.sub(lambda mat: '@@@@' if else,ss)

print line + '4) Replacing all before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('(two)|BICYCLES(?!.*?BICYCLES).+')
print reg.sub(lambda mat: '@@@@' if else,ss)
line = '-------------------------------------------------------------\n'

ss = ('I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: '
      'two spankings, two nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, '
      'yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, '
      'two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, '
      'two dollars too, but never two dogs')
print ss,'\n\n'

print line + '1) Replacing the more at right before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.find('BICYCLES')
print '@@@@'.join(ss[0:fb].rsplit('two',1)) + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss

print line + '2) Replacing the more at right before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.rfind('BICYCLES')
print '@@@@'.join(ss[0:fb].rsplit('two',1)) + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss

print line + '3) Replacing all before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.find('BICYCLES')
print ss[0:fb].replace('two','@@@@') + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss

print line + '4) Replacing all before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.rfind('BICYCLES')
print ss[0:fb].replace('two','@@@@') + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss

>>> try:
...   p = s.rindex('two', 0, s.index('bicycles'))
...   s[:p] + 'three' + s[p+len('two'):]
... except ValueError:
...   pass # No bicycles or no two
'I own three (Some text in between...) bicycles and two dogs.'


>>> import re
>>> s = 'I own two (Some text in between...) bicycles and two dogs.'
>>> re.sub('two(.*bicycles)', 'three\\1', s)
'I own three (Some text in between...) bicycles and two dogs.'
import re

line = '-------------------------------------------------------------\n'

ss = ('I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: '
      'two spankings, two nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, '
      'yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, '
      'two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, '
      'two dollars too, but never two dogs')
print ss,'\n\n'

print line + '1) Replacing the more at right before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('two(?=(?:.(?!two))*?BICYCLES)(.+)')
print reg.sub('@@@@\\1',ss)

print line + '2) Replacing the more at right before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('two(?=(?:.(?!two))*?BICYCLES(?!.*?BICYCLES))')
print reg.sub('@@@@',ss)

print line + '3) Replacing all before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('(two)|BICYCLES.+')
print reg.sub(lambda mat: '@@@@' if else,ss)

print line + '4) Replacing all before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('(two)|BICYCLES(?!.*?BICYCLES).+')
print reg.sub(lambda mat: '@@@@' if else,ss)
line = '-------------------------------------------------------------\n'

ss = ('I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: '
      'two spankings, two nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, '
      'yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, '
      'two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, '
      'two dollars too, but never two dogs')
print ss,'\n\n'

print line + '1) Replacing the more at right before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.find('BICYCLES')
print '@@@@'.join(ss[0:fb].rsplit('two',1)) + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss

print line + '2) Replacing the more at right before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.rfind('BICYCLES')
print '@@@@'.join(ss[0:fb].rsplit('two',1)) + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss

print line + '3) Replacing all before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.find('BICYCLES')
print ss[0:fb].replace('two','@@@@') + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss

print line + '4) Replacing all before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.rfind('BICYCLES')
print ss[0:fb].replace('two','@@@@') + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss

>>> try:
...   p = s.rindex('two', 0, s.index('bicycles'))
...   s[:p] + 'three' + s[p+len('two'):]
... except ValueError:
...   pass # No bicycles or no two
'I own three (Some text in between...) bicycles and two dogs.'


>>> import re
>>> s = 'I own two (Some text in between...) bicycles and two dogs.'
>>> re.sub('two(.*bicycles)', 'three\\1', s)
'I own three (Some text in between...) bicycles and two dogs.'
import re

line = '-------------------------------------------------------------\n'

ss = ('I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: '
      'two spankings, two nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, '
      'yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, '
      'two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, '
      'two dollars too, but never two dogs')
print ss,'\n\n'

print line + '1) Replacing the more at right before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('two(?=(?:.(?!two))*?BICYCLES)(.+)')
print reg.sub('@@@@\\1',ss)

print line + '2) Replacing the more at right before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('two(?=(?:.(?!two))*?BICYCLES(?!.*?BICYCLES))')
print reg.sub('@@@@',ss)

print line + '3) Replacing all before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('(two)|BICYCLES.+')
print reg.sub(lambda mat: '@@@@' if else,ss)

print line + '4) Replacing all before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('(two)|BICYCLES(?!.*?BICYCLES).+')
print reg.sub(lambda mat: '@@@@' if else,ss)
line = '-------------------------------------------------------------\n'

ss = ('I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: '
      'two spankings, two nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, '
      'yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, '
      'two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, '
      'two dollars too, but never two dogs')
print ss,'\n\n'

print line + '1) Replacing the more at right before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.find('BICYCLES')
print '@@@@'.join(ss[0:fb].rsplit('two',1)) + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss

print line + '2) Replacing the more at right before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.rfind('BICYCLES')
print '@@@@'.join(ss[0:fb].rsplit('two',1)) + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss

print line + '3) Replacing all before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.find('BICYCLES')
print ss[0:fb].replace('two','@@@@') + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss

print line + '4) Replacing all before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.rfind('BICYCLES')
print ss[0:fb].replace('two','@@@@') + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss

I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: two spankings, two nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, two dollars too, but never two dogs 

1) Replacing the more at right before the first "BICYCLES":

I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: two spankings, @@@@ nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, two dollars too, but never two dogs
2) Replacing the more at right before the last "BICYCLES":

I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: two spankings, two nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving @@@@ BICYCLES !, two dollars too, but never two dogs
3) Replacing all before the first "BICYCLES":

I gave @@@@ similar things to my @@@@ twin sons: @@@@ spankings, @@@@ nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, two dollars too, but never two dogs
4) Replacing all before the last "BICYCLES":

I gave @@@@ similar things to my @@@@ twin sons: @@@@ spankings, @@@@ nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, yes 600 dollars for @@@@ horridly nice BICYCLES, @@@@ times 300 dollars for @@@@ sons receiving @@@@ BICYCLES !, two dollars too, but never two dogs
Mr Dotwo bought two gifts for his two sons, two hours ago: two BICYCLES because his two sons wanted only two BICYCLES 

Replacing all strings "two" before the first "BICYCLES":

Mr Dotwo bought @@@@ gifts for his @@@@ sons, @@@@ hours ago: @@@@ BICYCLES because his two sons wanted only two BICYCLES


>>> import re
>>> s = 'I own two (Some text in between...) bicycles and two dogs.'
>>> re.sub('two(.*bicycles)', 'three\\1', s)
'I own three (Some text in between...) bicycles and two dogs.'
import re

line = '-------------------------------------------------------------\n'

ss = ('I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: '
      'two spankings, two nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, '
      'yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, '
      'two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, '
      'two dollars too, but never two dogs')
print ss,'\n\n'

print line + '1) Replacing the more at right before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('two(?=(?:.(?!two))*?BICYCLES)(.+)')
print reg.sub('@@@@\\1',ss)

print line + '2) Replacing the more at right before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('two(?=(?:.(?!two))*?BICYCLES(?!.*?BICYCLES))')
print reg.sub('@@@@',ss)

print line + '3) Replacing all before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('(two)|BICYCLES.+')
print reg.sub(lambda mat: '@@@@' if else,ss)

print line + '4) Replacing all before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('(two)|BICYCLES(?!.*?BICYCLES).+')
print reg.sub(lambda mat: '@@@@' if else,ss)
line = '-------------------------------------------------------------\n'

ss = ('I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: '
      'two spankings, two nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, '
      'yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, '
      'two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, '
      'two dollars too, but never two dogs')
print ss,'\n\n'

print line + '1) Replacing the more at right before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.find('BICYCLES')
print '@@@@'.join(ss[0:fb].rsplit('two',1)) + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss

print line + '2) Replacing the more at right before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.rfind('BICYCLES')
print '@@@@'.join(ss[0:fb].rsplit('two',1)) + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss

print line + '3) Replacing all before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.find('BICYCLES')
print ss[0:fb].replace('two','@@@@') + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss

print line + '4) Replacing all before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.rfind('BICYCLES')
print ss[0:fb].replace('two','@@@@') + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss


import re

ss = ('Mr Dotwo bought two gifts for his two sons, two hours ago: two BICYCLES '
      'because his two sons wanted only two BICYCLES')
print ss,'\n\n'

print 'Replacing all "two" before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('(\\btwo\\b)|BICYCLES.+')
print reg.sub(lambda mat: '@@@@' if else,ss)

I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: two spankings, two nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, two dollars too, but never two dogs 

1) Replacing the more at right before the first "BICYCLES":

I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: two spankings, @@@@ nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, two dollars too, but never two dogs
2) Replacing the more at right before the last "BICYCLES":

I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: two spankings, two nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving @@@@ BICYCLES !, two dollars too, but never two dogs
3) Replacing all before the first "BICYCLES":

I gave @@@@ similar things to my @@@@ twin sons: @@@@ spankings, @@@@ nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, two dollars too, but never two dogs
4) Replacing all before the last "BICYCLES":

I gave @@@@ similar things to my @@@@ twin sons: @@@@ spankings, @@@@ nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, yes 600 dollars for @@@@ horridly nice BICYCLES, @@@@ times 300 dollars for @@@@ sons receiving @@@@ BICYCLES !, two dollars too, but never two dogs
Mr Dotwo bought two gifts for his two sons, two hours ago: two BICYCLES because his two sons wanted only two BICYCLES 

Replacing all strings "two" before the first "BICYCLES":

Mr Dotwo bought @@@@ gifts for his @@@@ sons, @@@@ hours ago: @@@@ BICYCLES because his two sons wanted only two BICYCLES


>>> import re
>>> s = 'I own two (Some text in between...) bicycles and two dogs.'
>>> re.sub('two(.*bicycles)', 'three\\1', s)
'I own three (Some text in between...) bicycles and two dogs.'
import re

line = '-------------------------------------------------------------\n'

ss = ('I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: '
      'two spankings, two nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, '
      'yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, '
      'two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, '
      'two dollars too, but never two dogs')
print ss,'\n\n'

print line + '1) Replacing the more at right before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('two(?=(?:.(?!two))*?BICYCLES)(.+)')
print reg.sub('@@@@\\1',ss)

print line + '2) Replacing the more at right before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('two(?=(?:.(?!two))*?BICYCLES(?!.*?BICYCLES))')
print reg.sub('@@@@',ss)

print line + '3) Replacing all before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('(two)|BICYCLES.+')
print reg.sub(lambda mat: '@@@@' if else,ss)

print line + '4) Replacing all before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('(two)|BICYCLES(?!.*?BICYCLES).+')
print reg.sub(lambda mat: '@@@@' if else,ss)
line = '-------------------------------------------------------------\n'

ss = ('I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: '
      'two spankings, two nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, '
      'yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, '
      'two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, '
      'two dollars too, but never two dogs')
print ss,'\n\n'

print line + '1) Replacing the more at right before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.find('BICYCLES')
print '@@@@'.join(ss[0:fb].rsplit('two',1)) + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss

print line + '2) Replacing the more at right before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.rfind('BICYCLES')
print '@@@@'.join(ss[0:fb].rsplit('two',1)) + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss

print line + '3) Replacing all before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.find('BICYCLES')
print ss[0:fb].replace('two','@@@@') + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss

print line + '4) Replacing all before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.rfind('BICYCLES')
print ss[0:fb].replace('two','@@@@') + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss

I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: two spankings, two nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, two dollars too, but never two dogs 

1) Replacing the more at right before the first "BICYCLES":

I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: two spankings, @@@@ nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, two dollars too, but never two dogs
2) Replacing the more at right before the last "BICYCLES":

I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: two spankings, two nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving @@@@ BICYCLES !, two dollars too, but never two dogs
3) Replacing all before the first "BICYCLES":

I gave @@@@ similar things to my @@@@ twin sons: @@@@ spankings, @@@@ nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, two dollars too, but never two dogs
4) Replacing all before the last "BICYCLES":

I gave @@@@ similar things to my @@@@ twin sons: @@@@ spankings, @@@@ nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, yes 600 dollars for @@@@ horridly nice BICYCLES, @@@@ times 300 dollars for @@@@ sons receiving @@@@ BICYCLES !, two dollars too, but never two dogs
Mr Dotwo bought two gifts for his two sons, two hours ago: two BICYCLES because his two sons wanted only two BICYCLES 

Replacing all strings "two" before the first "BICYCLES":

Mr Dotwo bought @@@@ gifts for his @@@@ sons, @@@@ hours ago: @@@@ BICYCLES because his two sons wanted only two BICYCLES


>>> import re
>>> s = 'I own two (Some text in between...) bicycles and two dogs.'
>>> re.sub('two(.*bicycles)', 'three\\1', s)
'I own three (Some text in between...) bicycles and two dogs.'
import re

line = '-------------------------------------------------------------\n'

ss = ('I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: '
      'two spankings, two nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, '
      'yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, '
      'two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, '
      'two dollars too, but never two dogs')
print ss,'\n\n'

print line + '1) Replacing the more at right before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('two(?=(?:.(?!two))*?BICYCLES)(.+)')
print reg.sub('@@@@\\1',ss)

print line + '2) Replacing the more at right before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('two(?=(?:.(?!two))*?BICYCLES(?!.*?BICYCLES))')
print reg.sub('@@@@',ss)

print line + '3) Replacing all before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('(two)|BICYCLES.+')
print reg.sub(lambda mat: '@@@@' if else,ss)

print line + '4) Replacing all before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('(two)|BICYCLES(?!.*?BICYCLES).+')
print reg.sub(lambda mat: '@@@@' if else,ss)
line = '-------------------------------------------------------------\n'

ss = ('I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: '
      'two spankings, two nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, '
      'yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, '
      'two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, '
      'two dollars too, but never two dogs')
print ss,'\n\n'

print line + '1) Replacing the more at right before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.find('BICYCLES')
print '@@@@'.join(ss[0:fb].rsplit('two',1)) + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss

print line + '2) Replacing the more at right before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.rfind('BICYCLES')
print '@@@@'.join(ss[0:fb].rsplit('two',1)) + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss

print line + '3) Replacing all before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.find('BICYCLES')
print ss[0:fb].replace('two','@@@@') + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss

print line + '4) Replacing all before the last "BICYCLES":\n'
fb = ss.rfind('BICYCLES')
print ss[0:fb].replace('two','@@@@') + ss[fb:] if fb+1 else ss


import re

ss = ('Mr Dotwo bought two gifts for his two sons, two hours ago: two BICYCLES '
      'because his two sons wanted only two BICYCLES')
print ss,'\n\n'

print 'Replacing all "two" before the first "BICYCLES":\n'
reg = re.compile('(\\btwo\\b)|BICYCLES.+')
print reg.sub(lambda mat: '@@@@' if else,ss)

I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: two spankings, two nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, two dollars too, but never two dogs 

1) Replacing the more at right before the first "BICYCLES":

I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: two spankings, @@@@ nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, two dollars too, but never two dogs
2) Replacing the more at right before the last "BICYCLES":

I gave two similar things to my two twin sons: two spankings, two nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving @@@@ BICYCLES !, two dollars too, but never two dogs
3) Replacing all before the first "BICYCLES":

I gave @@@@ similar things to my @@@@ twin sons: @@@@ spankings, @@@@ nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, yes 600 dollars for two horridly nice BICYCLES, two times 300 dollars for two sons receiving two BICYCLES !, two dollars too, but never two dogs
4) Replacing all before the last "BICYCLES":

I gave @@@@ similar things to my @@@@ twin sons: @@@@ spankings, @@@@ nice BICYCLES of 300 dollars each, yes 600 dollars for @@@@ horridly nice BICYCLES, @@@@ times 300 dollars for @@@@ sons receiving @@@@ BICYCLES !, two dollars too, but never two dogs
Mr Dotwo bought two gifts for his two sons, two hours ago: two BICYCLES because his two sons wanted only two BICYCLES 

Replacing all strings "two" before the first "BICYCLES":

Mr Dotwo bought @@@@ gifts for his @@@@ sons, @@@@ hours ago: @@@@ BICYCLES because his two sons wanted only two BICYCLES

@Dor Good point。添加了一个使用普通字符串函数的替代方法,该方法没有此问题。我担心即使使用lookarounds,正则表达式也会非常复杂。
@Dor Good point的匹配结果。添加了一个使用普通字符串函数的替代方法,该方法没有此问题。恐怕即使使用lookarounds,正则表达式也会非常复杂。