
python中的行操作,python,csv,pandas,gephi,Python,Csv,Pandas,Gephi,我正在尝试将csv转换为.gexf格式的文件,用于动态gephi图形。其思想是在属性数据中包含所有平行边(源和目标相同但发布日期不同的边)。在本例中,属性中的所有日期都对应于John在在线课程讨论论坛中回答Jan问题的发布日期 如何获得如下所示的csv: Jan John 2012-04-07 2012-06-06 Jan Jason 2012-05-07 2012-06-06 Jan John 2012-03-02 2012-06-07 Jan Jason 2012-



Jan John    2012-04-07  2012-06-06
Jan Jason   2012-05-07  2012-06-06
Jan John    2012-03-02  2012-06-07
Jan Jason   2012-03-20  2012-06-08
Jan Jack    2012-03-26  2012-06-09
Jan Janet   2012-05-01  2012-06-10
Jan Jack    2012-05-04  2012-06-11
Jan Jason   2012-05-07  2012-06-12
Jan Jack    2012-05-09  2012-06-13
Jan John    2012-05-15  2012-06-14
Jan Janet   2012-05-15  2012-06-15
Jan Jason   2012-05-20  2012-06-16
Jan Jack    2012-05-23  2012-06-17
Jan Josh    2012-05-25  2012-06-18
Jan Jack    2012-05-28  2012-06-19
Jan Josh    2012-06-01  2012-06-20
<edge source="Jan" target="John" start="2012-02-20" end="2012-06-06" weight="1" id="133">
          <attvalue for="0" value="1" start="2012-04-07" end="2012-06-06"/>
          <attvalue for="0" value="2" start="2012-06-06" end="2012-06-06"/>
          <attvalue for="0" value="3" start="2012-06-06" end="2012-06-06"/>
<next edge...
</next edge>

Jan John    2012-04-07  2012-06-06
Jan Jason   2012-05-07  2012-06-06
Jan John    2012-03-02  2012-06-07
Jan Jason   2012-03-20  2012-06-08
Jan Jack    2012-03-26  2012-06-09
Jan Janet   2012-05-01  2012-06-10
Jan Jack    2012-05-04  2012-06-11
Jan Jason   2012-05-07  2012-06-12
Jan Jack    2012-05-09  2012-06-13
Jan John    2012-05-15  2012-06-14
Jan Janet   2012-05-15  2012-06-15
Jan Jason   2012-05-20  2012-06-16
Jan Jack    2012-05-23  2012-06-17
Jan Josh    2012-05-25  2012-06-18
Jan Jack    2012-05-28  2012-06-19
Jan Josh    2012-06-01  2012-06-20
<edge source="Jan" target="John" start="2012-02-20" end="2012-06-06" weight="1" id="133">
          <attvalue for="0" value="1" start="2012-04-07" end="2012-06-06"/>
          <attvalue for="0" value="2" start="2012-06-06" end="2012-06-06"/>
          <attvalue for="0" value="3" start="2012-06-06" end="2012-06-06"/>
<next edge...
</next edge>



# Load your CSV as a pandas 'DataFrame'.
In [13]: df = pd.read_csv('your file', names=['source', 'target', 'start', 'end'])

# Look at the first few rows. It worked.
In [14]: df.head()
  source target       start         end
0    Jan  Jason  2012-05-07  2012-06-06
1    Jan   John  2012-03-02  2012-06-07
2    Jan  Jason  2012-03-20  2012-06-08
3    Jan   Jack  2012-03-26  2012-06-09
4    Jan  Janet  2012-05-01  2012-06-10

# Group the rows by the the name columns. Each unique pair gets its own group.
In [15]: edges = df.groupby(['source', 'target'])

In [16]: for (source, target), edge in edges: # consider each unique name pair an edge
    print source, target
    for _, row in edge.iterrows(): # loop through all the rows belonging to these names
        print row['start'], row['end']
Jan Jack
2012-03-26 2012-06-09
2012-05-04 2012-06-11
2012-05-09 2012-06-13
2012-05-23 2012-06-17
2012-05-28 2012-06-19
Jan Janet
2012-05-01 2012-06-10
2012-05-15 2012-06-15
Jan Jason
2012-05-07 2012-06-06
2012-03-20 2012-06-08
2012-05-07 2012-06-12
2012-05-20 2012-06-16
Jan John
2012-03-02 2012-06-07
2012-05-15 2012-06-14
Jan Josh
2012-05-25 2012-06-18
2012-06-01 2012-06-20


,没有更具体的错误,我不知道如何帮助您。我在几台Mac电脑上安装并使用了它。如果pip不起作用,在StackOverflow上搜索“install pandas Mac”会发现许多讨论替代方案的线程。我相信网上某处有一个二进制文件,就像Windows一样,但我也找不到@杰夫?@goldisfine在安装熊猫之前,你需要安装numpy和cython