Python 将圆柱体拟合到散乱的三维XYZ点数据

Python 将圆柱体拟合到散乱的三维XYZ点数据,python,geometry,surface,point-clouds,Python,Geometry,Surface,Point Clouds,正如在标题中一样,我想用Python将圆柱体拟合到一组3D点上。这是一个好主意。我们如何使用Python实现这一点 David Ebery网站上有一篇文章描述了数学基础知识并展示了伪代码 也可以参考同一站点中几何工具引擎中的C++代码。我认为可以在NymPy中实现一些辅助数学函数,如矩阵求逆等。使用scipy.optimize.leastsq,我们可以创建一个误差函数,其中观察到的圆柱体半径和建模半径之间的差异最小化。以下是安装垂直圆柱体的示例 import numpy as np from s


David Ebery网站上有一篇文章描述了数学基础知识并展示了伪代码



import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import leastsq

def cylinderFitting(xyz,p,th):

    This is a fitting for a vertical cylinder fitting

    xyz is a matrix contain at least 5 rows, and each row stores x y z of a cylindrical surface
    p is initial values of the parameter;
    p[0] = Xc, x coordinate of the cylinder centre
    P[1] = Yc, y coordinate of the cylinder centre
    P[2] = alpha, rotation angle (radian) about the x-axis
    P[3] = beta, rotation angle (radian) about the y-axis
    P[4] = r, radius of the cylinder

    th, threshold for the convergence of the least squares

    x = xyz[:,0]
    y = xyz[:,1]
    z = xyz[:,2]

    fitfunc = lambda p, x, y, z: (- np.cos(p[3])*(p[0] - x) - z*np.cos(p[2])*np.sin(p[3]) - np.sin(p[2])*np.sin(p[3])*(p[1] - y))**2 + (z*np.sin(p[2]) - np.cos(p[2])*(p[1] - y))**2 #fit function
    errfunc = lambda p, x, y, z: fitfunc(p, x, y, z) - p[4]**2 #error function 

    est_p , success = leastsq(errfunc, p, args=(x, y, z), maxfev=1000)

    return est_p

if __name__=="__main__":

    xyz = np.loadtxt('')
    #print xyz
    print "Initial Parameters: "
    p = np.array([-13.79,-8.45,0,0,0.3])
    print p
    print " "

    print "Performing Cylinder Fitting ... "
    est_p =  cylinderFitting(xyz,p,0.00001)
    print "Fitting Done!"
    print " "

    print "Estimated Parameters: "
    print est_p
