Python 使用pandas read_csv时仅返回一列

Python 使用pandas read_csv时仅返回一列,python,pandas,visual-studio-code,Python,Pandas,Visual Studio Code,这是我的csv文件 Country 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Albania 5.5 19.1 6.9 15.4 8 Algeria 18.2 6 8.1 20 9.5 American Samoa 14.1 13.8 3 14.7 2.3 Andorra 16 3


Country         2010    2011    2012    2013    2014 
Albania         5.5     19.1    6.9     15.4    8
Algeria         18.2    6       8.1     20      9.5
American Samoa  14.1    13.8    3       14.7    2.3
Andorra         16      3       13.6    12.4    8.3
Angola          17.8    9.8     8.8     6.5     5.5

import pandas as pd

test = pd.read_csv('C:\\Users\\Wing\\Desktop\\TEST.csv',sep='\t')


the print test.shape command will output (14,1)
the print test.columns command will output(Index(['Country,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014'], dtype='object')



In [ ]: from io import StringIO
   ...: import pandas as pd
   ...: TESTDATA = StringIO("""Country         2010    2011    2012    2013    2014 
   ...: Albania         5.5     19.1    6.9     15.4    8
   ...: Algeria         18.2    6       8.1     20      9.5
   ...: American Samoa  14.1    13.8    3       14.7    2.3
   ...: Andorra         16      3       13.6    12.4    8.3
   ...: Angola          17.8    9.8     8.8     6.5     5.5""")
   ...: test = pd.read_csv(TESTDATA,sep='\t')
   ...: print(test)
  Country         2010    2011    2012    2013    2014 
0  Albania         5.5     19.1    6.9     15.4    8   
1  Algeria         18.2    6       8.1     20    ...   
2  American Samoa  14.1    13.8    3       14.7  ...   
3  Andorra         16      3       13.6    12.4  ...   
4  Angola          17.8    9.8     8.8     6.5   ...

它对我来说工作得非常好,但是如果我使用print(test.shape)它显示(6,1)它意味着6行1列,因此我不能使用print(test['2010'])命令,它将输出keyrerror:'2010',似乎列名变为(Country 2010 2011 2013 2014)而不是指定为6列(Country,2010,2011…等等)