Python 如何让CherryPy服务于并发请求?

Python 如何让CherryPy服务于并发请求?,python,multithreading,cherrypy,web-frameworks,Python,Multithreading,Cherrypy,Web Frameworks,我读到cherrypy使用自己的线程池。但我看不出这有什么好处 假设我发出一个需要很长时间的请求,然后在另一个选项卡中发出一个需要很短时间的请求。如果它真的使用多线程,那么短请求应该在长请求之前完成。但我看到,首先是长请求完成,然后是短时间,好像所有事情都是按顺序处理的 我已经尝试过与不同的uWSGI框架集成,比如Tornado和twistd,但仍然没有看到任何区别。 这是我的起始代码。有人能帮我吗 cfg = { 'global' : { 'server.socket_host' : U





cfg = {
'global' : {
  'server.socket_host' : Utils.gflags.FLAGS.bind_addr,
  'server.socket_port' : Utils.gflags.FLAGS.bind_port,
  'server.thread_pool' : 10,
  'engine.timeout_monitor.frequency' : gflags.FLAGS.request_time_out_secs,
'/static' : {"tools.sessions.on": False, 'tools.auth.on': False},
'/favicon.ico' : {"tools.sessions.on": False, 'tools.auth.on': False},

# To turn off the cherrypy errors on screen.
cfg['global'].update({'log.screen': False})
cfg['/static'].update({'tools.staticdir.on': True})
cfg['/static'].update({'tools.staticdir.dir': Utils.gflags.FLAGS.static_dir})
cfg['/favicon.ico'].update({'tools.staticfile.on': True})

# Disable the auto reload on code change.

# Start the cherrypy
#Root() is defined somewhere else. Don't worry about that
cherrypy.quickstart(Root(), config = cfg)



"""Show the difference between explicit and implicit locking
on the cherrypy sessions.

To see the effects make sure your client can handle cookies,
for example any conventional web browser or curl with
a cookie jar.

The exposed routes are:


The application mounted on /e/ has the sessions *explicitly* locked and
the applicaiton mounted on /i/ has the sessions *implicitly* locked.

You can make any concurrent request on the /e branch and you
will not have any blocking.

If you do the requests on the following steps:
  1. /i/
  2. /i/block
  3. /i/blocked_hi

The step 3 is going to be blocked because of the step 2, you can wait a minute
and when the request on step 2 ends it will inmediatly complete the step 3.
Also any request that you do to /i/unblocked_hi will respond immediately regardless
of any blocking.

In general if you call:

 1. /i/ or /e/ and then
 2. /i/block
 3. Any request to:
    are going to be blocked in until /i/block finish.
import time

import cherrypy as cp

class _App:

    def block(self, m=1):
        """Sleep for `m` minutes and return."""
        time.sleep(float(m) * 60)
        return "I have blocked this request {}".format(m)

    def blocked_hi(self):
        """It can be blocked if the blocked method is executing,
        the session have content and is locked.
        return """Hi, I could have been blocked by a session.
        Session content: {}\n""".format(dict(cp.session))

    def unblocked_hi(self):
        return "Hi, I'm not blocked!"

class ImplicitlyLockedApp(_App):

    def index(self):
        cp.session['foo'] =  'bar'
        return "I've just set the session content to {}".format(dict(cp.session))

class ExplicitlyLockedApp(_App):

    def index(self):
        # This method can be blocked by /i/block because of the
        # acquire_lock/release_lock calls.
        cp.session['foo'] =  'bar'
        return "I've just set the session content to {}".format(dict(cp.session))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cp.tree.mount(ImplicitlyLockedApp(), '/i', config={
        '/': {
            'tools.sessions.on': True
        '/unblocked_hi': { # Disable the session tool to avoid any locking
            'tools.sessions.on': False
    cp.tree.mount(ExplicitlyLockedApp(), '/e', config={
        '/': {
            'tools.sessions.on': True,
            'tools.sessions.locking': 'explicit' # This is the magic bit.
        '/unblocked_hi': { # Rather irrelevant on this case
            'tools.sessions.on': False



"""Show the difference between explicit and implicit locking
on the cherrypy sessions.

To see the effects make sure your client can handle cookies,
for example any conventional web browser or curl with
a cookie jar.

The exposed routes are:


The application mounted on /e/ has the sessions *explicitly* locked and
the applicaiton mounted on /i/ has the sessions *implicitly* locked.

You can make any concurrent request on the /e branch and you
will not have any blocking.

If you do the requests on the following steps:
  1. /i/
  2. /i/block
  3. /i/blocked_hi

The step 3 is going to be blocked because of the step 2, you can wait a minute
and when the request on step 2 ends it will inmediatly complete the step 3.
Also any request that you do to /i/unblocked_hi will respond immediately regardless
of any blocking.

In general if you call:

 1. /i/ or /e/ and then
 2. /i/block
 3. Any request to:
    are going to be blocked in until /i/block finish.
import time

import cherrypy as cp

class _App:

    def block(self, m=1):
        """Sleep for `m` minutes and return."""
        time.sleep(float(m) * 60)
        return "I have blocked this request {}".format(m)

    def blocked_hi(self):
        """It can be blocked if the blocked method is executing,
        the session have content and is locked.
        return """Hi, I could have been blocked by a session.
        Session content: {}\n""".format(dict(cp.session))

    def unblocked_hi(self):
        return "Hi, I'm not blocked!"

class ImplicitlyLockedApp(_App):

    def index(self):
        cp.session['foo'] =  'bar'
        return "I've just set the session content to {}".format(dict(cp.session))

class ExplicitlyLockedApp(_App):

    def index(self):
        # This method can be blocked by /i/block because of the
        # acquire_lock/release_lock calls.
        cp.session['foo'] =  'bar'
        return "I've just set the session content to {}".format(dict(cp.session))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cp.tree.mount(ImplicitlyLockedApp(), '/i', config={
        '/': {
            'tools.sessions.on': True
        '/unblocked_hi': { # Disable the session tool to avoid any locking
            'tools.sessions.on': False
    cp.tree.mount(ExplicitlyLockedApp(), '/e', config={
        '/': {
            'tools.sessions.on': True,
            'tools.sessions.locking': 'explicit' # This is the magic bit.
        '/unblocked_hi': { # Rather irrelevant on this case
            'tools.sessions.on': False






